Yeti GOBOX Collection

The Last Dance

Initial thoughts? Man the business aspect and mindset of folks is about a cut throat as you can get in professional sports....... I enjoyed it
Haven't seen that yet. It's jumping around a bit, finished with some of the Pippen stuff.
Good first couple episodes. Surprised the owner of the Bulls let Krause dictate what would happen with the team. Enjoyed the background stuff on Pippen.
It seems like it will be a great show I really enjoyed the first two episodes. I was 10 when the bulls won the sixth title. I remember when he was with the wizards but seeing his style I see why Kobe is compared to him. I always wised la’bron would dunk with style the the other two. They say if your mind was who’s the best basketball player your mind is made up already. I’m leaning toward Jordan at this point. Le’bron for his career is probably a more complete player but as a pure competitor I’d lean Jordan at this point.
Surprised the owner of the Bulls let Krause dictate what would happen with the team.

They interviewed Charles Barkley on local radio earlier this week, he said Krause is painted as the bad guy in the series but that he was more like a willing accomplice and Jerry Reinsdorf was pulling most of the strings. Too bad he's not alive so we can hear his take!
I thought the part about the Pistons being the Bad Boys was pretty interesting. I was about 10 when they were making their little run, but don’t remember the drama. “The Jordan Rules” Great series thus far.
I don't know how I missed this thread. My fathe,r when he was closing in on death, watched the Bulls on tv every game. They had a Chicago station on cable that carried their games. He really enjoyed watching Jordan play. Also, Phil Jackson has a North Dakota connection,, that likely influenced his enjoyment as well.

To be honest, I have enjoyed watching LaBron's career more than MJ's. I prefer his willingness to share the basketball. Both of them are generational players. Very different in many ways.

It is interesting how long Jordan can hold a grudge. He certainly loathes Isiah Thomas,,,, I never liked Isiah much myself. But the guy on the Pistons who was truly a thug was Lambeer.

If we had a time machine,, I'd love to see how the Pistons would have tried to beat up Labron the way they did Jordan. We'll never know.

I've been around long enough to have seen Wilt, Russell, Jabbar, Dr. J, Bird,,, an so on. Wilt doesn't get much attention on the who is best all time,,, but he is one of the few players who prompted rule changes to diminish his dominance.
Commissioner to ref committee: "What do you think the fans want most, walking calls or scoring." -unverified
Looking forward to this documentary. If you were around in the 90s and were even somewhat into sports you couldn't help but have a love for MJ and the Bulls. The guy is in a class that is almost unmatched, names of Ruth, Robinson, Woods, Ali, maybe LeBron would be in this category some of the most influential people in the sports world. Looking forward to it. Something other than national virtual eating competitions and horse.......

haha........I didn't I remember growing up just hating the bulls, largely because my dad did. I was pretty young during their run, did bring back some memories
Love em or hate em but there's no question they were a remarkable organization. Watching this documentary I'm even more of a fan.
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