Caribou Gear Tarp

The Devil's Lettuce

But did they? I "highly" doubt it. This post was only on Instagram. How many people even knew it existed until the thread on Rokslide and subsequently here? A lot of us are fairly indifferent to it so they didn't lose my business...they didn't have it because I don't have $ for expensive fishing gear and frankly I'm too fat to be getting the munchies.

Just like everything else on social media people get all pissy about a post and rant about it but were they ever really customers? Did they gain a sector of prospective customers that fish and partake?

We have a 10 page thread about how to spend the money gained from recreational sale of marijuana. Seems like a lot of indirect support on this forum.
I saw the IG post and read the negative comments.

Mistake. Marketing campaigns shouldn’t involve losing customers.
You mean i wont find any of these troutbunnies? I was planning on wearing waders and nothing else to the lake in preparation.
If you follow that hashtag you'll some interesting stuff. Maybe some OFs
I saw the IG post and read the negative comments.

Mistake. Marketing campaigns shouldn’t involve losing customers.
+28000 likes vs <50 negative comments...many of which have alcohol mentioned in their usernames. Kettle meet Pot

They're all screaming "what about the children?!" clutching their pearls while their kid puffing on their vape or shoving a Zyne in their lip or drinking a beer they got from the neighbor kid's garage fridge.

gotta break some eggs to make an omelet
I believe in liberty. It would be hypocritical of me to pass judgement on people who have or do use it. That said it’s annoying to work in places where workplace culture is everyone is lit. As a consumer it’s annoying to deal with people who are lit in businesses. It seems everyone is lit now days. Speaking from experience and observation it seems that people who are otherwise motivated and hold the potential to be successful are less of those under its influence. That’s not to say you can’t be that to some extent under its influence, it’s just how much more or better you could have been. Like I said though freedom and chit. Makes it easier for those of us that aren’t, don’t have to try as hard.
Successful people snort Coke. Pot is for losers. 😜
Statistically, yes. Almost all domestic violence charges involve alcohol. If marijuana is involved, then so too is alcohol. I've never seen anyone act violently solely under the influence of marijuana. And even though there is such thing as a marijuana DUI, it's far less prevalent than an alcohol one.

Anecdotally, I've also seen more fights break out around a fire if alcohol was involved. Can't say I've ever seen a mellow fellow do the same.
I also understand there isn't something along the lines of a breathalyzer for marijuana. What is the # of people who smoke pot vs drink alcohol?

It's certainly not a discussion about which is worse.

It was a stupid idea in my eyes to put it in an ad...
I have a rather convuluted relationship with weed/THC. When I was in HS and freshman year of college I would fairly regularly smoke. Enjoyed it but wasn't ate up with having to get high. End of freshman year I realized I wanted to be an LEO and quit.

As a prior LEO I will mirror what has been said above. Not ONCE did I ever have a violent encounter with anyone who was high on weed. The number of folks who were drunk? I can't even begin to recall. All of the injuries I incurred while an LEO were the result of dealing with drunks. It was the drunk hillbilly code where I served that they HAD to fight if they were getting locked up. Nearly all of the domestics I was involved with involved alcohol.

In the Army it always rubbed me the wrong way and as INCREDIBLY hypocritical that we had folks all over the place, including very senior leaders, with DUIs (many times multiples) but let Joe piss hot for weed and it was the end of his career and he would be treated like a dirtbag. EVERY ONE of those DUIs could have resulted in death(s) but misplaced moral superiority gave them at least some degree of a pass. I once lost a great soldier because of weed. He came home from a deployment (we were in Italy) to find his wife had left him (with the assistance of the command be because she made up a story of abuse- the fact was she had an internet dude back in the states) and taken EVERYTHING from the house (including all of his stuff). I had picked him up from base to take him home because he couldn't get ahold of her and saw this. His Italian neighbor offered him dinner and a place to stay for the night until we could work on his situation. That night after a bottle of wine the neighbor broke out the puff puff give. The next day his whole unit got drug tested (welcome home). He went to his 1SG BEFORE he even pissed and laid out what happened. He got no quarter, got put out with a General/honorable. At his hearing myself and an MP who were character witnesses both stood up for his character and laid into the command about the DUIs being ingnored all over post, including a BN CDR with THREE!! The hypocrisy made me sick.

Finally, selling guns. We have to have the "weed is still FEDERALLY illegal" discussion with folks regularly. Either because they come in reeking (for the record, smelling of alcohol is also a no go for the sale) or because of how they answer the questions that talk about drugs. Having the mixed up web of shades of legality is good for nobody. Make it nationally legal, regulated it, tax it, keep a 21 yo age limit.
A person can have a beer or two and still be the same guy, but it seems more of a thing that someone is often either stoned or they aren't, without much gradation between the two.
Not trying to pick a fight, but this is one of the most common misconceptions regarding marijuana, typically from those who have never/rarely used.
It is not a black and white line between stone cold sober and smoking and turning into a potato.
Marijuana, like alcohol, can 100% be used in moderation to achieve similar results as having a couple beers/cocktails/glasses of wine.
Not trying to pick a fight, but this is one of the most common misconceptions regarding marijuana, typically from those who have never/rarely used.
It is not a black and white line between stone cold sober and smoking and turning into a potato.
Marijuana, like alcohol, can 100% be used in moderation to achieve similar results as having a couple beers/cocktails/glasses of wine.

I agree with the premise of your last sentence in principle, and it is far more controllable with editables that have specific mgs per dose, but my anecdotal experience, which truly is deep as Lake Baikal, runs against it in the vast majority of use instances.

Again, I really don't care too much, and think the way I might feel about someone smoking weed around my kids is on me, and is a product of culture, more than logic.
While on vacation with the family a few years ago, I got up early to walk the Kihei beach while everybody slept in. Made it further than I planned when I saw a guy casting a fly line off a break. Walked up, made some small talk about living on the island, how I'd paid for part of my college tying bugs, have buddies who went into guiding, etc. Guy offered a few casts, I missed a fish because all I know is a trout set, not a strip set, bla, bla, was a great morning. Guy then gets out his kit an offers me a smoke, "thanks, but i work in pharma and we get random checks." "Huh, I've never met a flyfisherman who didnt smoke dope!" That statement has stuck with me for a few years for some reason.

Like others have said, cracking a few beers around my kids is fine, but don't light that stuff up. It's a double standard I'm completely okay with having.
I've lost count of alcohol related issues I've had to deal with while being in the army. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've had to deal with my guys when it comes to weed though and most times it was getting caught with it before it was legal or getting a DUI after a roadside THC test.

As a volunteer firefighter and medic, I can't remember how many times I've had to deal with idiotic drunks or alcohol related issues. Again, when it comes to weed, it's never been an issue.

When it comes to people bitching about weed, it seems like there are a lot of old drunks yelling at the sky...
I don't like to be around the substance. I don't like the way it smells, and I get irritated with folks who are visibly high.

The issue for me though is that it becomes a lifestyle of escapism. People become less motivated when they frequently partake. They become Hedonistic to the extreme. It is quite disruptive to brain development of adolescent children, who need to develop impulse control at that age. The whole gateway drug story is unfortunately true. Plus you don't know what an unethical dealer is going to lace the product with. I'm also upset at the criminal element that the illegal cultivation has created on public lands and in our community. I feel that blame is equally shared by the prohibition as well as the demand in the economy.

That said, I do have some friends with a variety of anxiety issues who are much better to be around when they partake. I guess I can't say that about other substances. So I'm in a moral and philosophical crossroads. So I just take a libertarian view of "if you don't like it, then don't do it..."

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