Caribou Gear

The Devil's Lettuce

and think the way I might feel about someone smoking weed around my kids is on me, and is a product of culture, more than logic.

I think that's it. WHen you're raised with something being taboo/illegal and have had it drilled into your head to "just say no," or if you didn't have Nancy and Arnold around to tell you that, you had DARE, where it was essentially scared straight, the imprinting is strong.

This is how they get the mules for the cartels.
My opinion and my opinion only-not trying to convince anyone.

I HATE the smell of it. Can't stand being around it or cigarette smoke. If it is around, I will be leaving quickly.

At church, we have a drug and alcohol rehab center come in and give their testimonies. The vast majority of the serious drug addicts used weed as a gateway drug. That has shaped my personal thoughts on the subject. If someone wants to do it in their private residence and it doesn't impact me, then to each his own. I once let a guy use my fish house. It then smelled like weed. He will never use it again.

So do what you want, but please respect those that want nothing to do with it.
Smart college kids can make a killing on the local weed jobs. Flower trimmers making $75-100/hour if they got skills.. that’s good part time scratch.

Saw Ashland MT has at least 3 dispensaries last week when passing through.
Damn. Maybe i should get some clippers and get a new job.

I noticed that at Christmas. Ashland is in the first county with a weed store on 212.
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While on vacation with the family a few years ago, I got up early to walk the Kihei beach while everybody slept in. Made it further than I planned when I saw a guy casting a fly line off a break. Walked up, made some small talk about living on the island, how I'd paid for part of my college tying bugs, have buddies who went into guiding, etc. Guy offered a few casts, I missed a fish because all I know is a trout set, not a strip set, bla, bla, was a great morning. Guy then gets out his kit an offers me a smoke, "thanks, but i work in pharma and we get random checks." "Huh, I've never met a flyfisherman who didnt smoke dope!" That statement has stuck with me for a few years for some reason.

Like others have said, cracking a few beers around my kids is fine, but don't light that stuff up. It's a double standard I'm completely okay with having.
Why are you okay with that though? Double standards are silly.

I'll be honest - in that story - i probably wouldnt even remember the guy offered me something. The fact he was that cool (to let you try to catch a fish) and made small talk would be more memorable to me.
I neither drink alcohol or smoke/edibles but have friends that do. Although, typically no smoking on hunting trips and very little alcohol. Personally, I'm fairly libertarian and feel adults should be responsible for their own actions and bear in mind the consequences including unintended consequences on others.

I've been in Colorado 30 years to include the legalization of medical and recreational marijuana. I've seen more issues with the state (mostly front range) turning deep blue than I have with mmj legalization, i.e. homeless encampments (sorry... unhoused), sanctuary cities, wolves, anti-hunters, gun bans, etc. Some small towns, such as Trinidad, have seen a huge economic impact from mmj legalization. Being a border city, they benefited from selling to non-residents (mostly New Mexico and Texas). Economic impact is diminishing now since New Mexico approved recreational. Trinidad has revitalized their downtown and business areas in what was an economically stagnated town.
I don't like to be around the substance. I don't like the way it smells, and I get irritated with folks who are visibly high.

The issue for me though is that it becomes a lifestyle of escapism. People become less motivated when they frequently partake. They become Hedonistic to the extreme. It is quite disruptive to brain development of adolescent children, who need to develop impulse control at that age. The whole gateway drug story is unfortunately true. Plus you don't know what an unethical dealer is going to lace the product with. I'm also upset at the criminal element that the illegal cultivation has created on public lands and in our community. I feel that blame is equally shared by the prohibition as well as the demand in the economy.

That said, I do have some friends with a variety of anxiety issues who are much better to be around when they partake. I guess I can't say that about other substances. So I'm in a moral and philosophical crossroads. So I just take a libertarian view of "if you don't like it, then don't do it..."
Gateway drug is BS, people with addictive personalities would have just used alcohol as a ‘gateway’ drug. Addicts gonna addict. If people are concerned about messing up adolescents brains, I think they should focus more on the iPads and game boys which have the exact same effect. Trust me, no one is trying to give kids weed lol
There are never any drugs or alcohol on river trips. Ask any of the old river rats.

More than half the folks buying Simms right now are wearing their waders to the bar "after a hard day of stoke" - so maybe the marketing isn't poorly placed.
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