Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

The chickens who voted for Colonel Sanders

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
I hope everyone who voted for Dubya is waking up and feeling like the chicken who voted for the Colonel! :rolleyes:

"A White House official, who previously worked for the American Petroleum Institute, has repeatedly edited government climate reports in a way that downplays links between greenhouse gas emissions and global warming, The New York Times reported on Wednesday.

Philip Cooney, chief of staff for the White House Council on Environmental Quality, made changes to descriptions of climate research that had already been approved by government scientists and their supervisors, the newspaper said, citing internal documents.

The White House declined comment on the report.

The report said the documents were obtained by the newspaper from the Government Accountability Project, a nonprofit group that provides legal help to government whistleblowers.

The group is representing Rick Piltz, who resigned in March from the office that coordinates government research and issued the documents that Cooney edited, the Times said.

The newspaper said Cooney made handwritten notes on drafts of several reports issued in 2002 and 2003, removing or adjusting language on climate research.

White House officials told the newspaper the changes were part of a normal interagency review of all documents related to global environmental change.

"All comments are reviewed, and some are accepted and some are rejected," Robert Hopkins, a spokesman for the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy told the the newspaper.

In a memo sent last week to top officials dealing with climate change at a dozen agencies, Piltz charged that "politicization by the White House" was undermining the credibility and integrity of the science program.";_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl
Ithaca ,
In a further attempt to deceive the American voters Dubya has secretly created a giant snow making machine and blanketed the mountains all around here in order to discredit global warming theories !!!

Anyone who voted for "Dubya" could give a rats ass what the N Y Times prints. No agenda with the Times, just "fair and balanced" journalism, you betcha. You libs are pathetic! Howard Dean, Rosie O'Doughnuts, and Ithaca 37, all on the verge of mental melt down! LMAO!
BHR- Are you arguing the facts or attacking the messenger? Do you feel that this happens (government changing documents to back up their policy)? When I see the White House's rebuttal, I may change my mind.
I voted for GWB and I'm still glad I did even though he has been a disappointment, mainly with respect to his spending.

I still believe he is better than John Kerry would have been. Maybe the next election there will be better choices.............I doubt it.

I too would like to see what response the White House has to the allegations.
I would parrot what Curly says...

and this thing about global warming....

Follow the money train to those getting in on the band wagon, and you will find the same people with the biggest drums to beat... ;)

It's a FACT that I could give two shits for what the liberal Rag N. Y. Times chooses to print. IT asked if I felt like a chicken that voted for the Colonel? No, not at all. Leave it to IT to use an animal rights influenced question like that, however.

How about you Matt? Does it bother you that Schweitzer changed the game commision to gain support for his bison policies? That would seem like a bigger news story to me than this one.
BHR- There's a couple thing I like about schweitzer changing the FWP commission. 1. He was within the law. It was his right to do this. 2. He was up front about the reason and the result he desired. 3. He allowed for a continued discussion of the issue. 4. He put commissioners from the WEST to represent the WEST! See BHR, unlike you, I would rather NOT be lied to, even if I don't like the answer. I don't like reports to be changed and then hidden (altered to benefit my ideals). But then again, that's just the way I think.

It isnt an issue of what the N.Y. times reports...its about a guy blowing the whistle on FRAUD created by an administration.

I'll hold my thoughts pending further investigation.

If the allegations are true...I think some people need an "adjustment" in employment.

If the investigation turns out to be a witchhunt started by a bureaucrat with an ax to grind, do you think the Times will do a story to set the record straight? Wouldn't hold my breath. I'd like to see the alterations and deletions of the report the Times is quibbling about. My money says they are making a mountain out of a mole hill like they usually do, thinking that most of their "flock" will only remember the allegations, and not the auctual outcome. We shall see.


So why didn't Schweitzer disclose his bison plan while campaigning? Why did he wait till after the election to bring it up? Please!!!!!! How about not reporting his "win Bonus" on his campaign finance report? Opps!!! What's next? And Buzz brings false information here all the time in reguards to the dam breaching issue. Where's your outrage for that?
Hey Paul,

You're slipping...

What was any candidates position on the Bison hunt during the months leading up to the November Election? It didnt become an issue until well after the major campaigning was over.

You seem to have no concept of time...
Hey Buzz,

I bet Schweitzer had it on his agenda all along to meddle with the bison hunt if he won. Could have made it public BEFORE the election if he was a straight shooter like Matty thinks he is. FWP has been working on the getting the bison hunt going for years, that's no secret. The fact that he'ld overturn all the years of work by FWP after being elected should have been disclosed prior to the election, but that would have cost him a lot of votes. Didn't lie but not honest either.
I honestly can say that, I don't really know if it's something to do with the Whitehouse or not. There's two sides to every story and I would like to see both before making a decision.

Have you already forgotten that the tags issued for last fall are going to be valid for this hunting season?

I have a case of beer bet with Greenhorn on whether or not the hunt will happen. He doesnt think it will, I do. I'll make the same bet with you...but I'll warn you...I dont drink panther piss beer...

It's a bet, and I don't drink panther piss in a can either. Can you afford to lose a 2 case bet, or should I let you off on the installment plan?

Sounds good...I'll save at least 3 paychecks so I can cover the need for the installment plan.

I'll take your brand.

Schweitzer is enjoying his recent popularity amongst the Blue State Libs. There's even talk of him being President material! I think his future asspirations will get in the way of the bison hunt next year. I can already taste that beer....mmmmmmmmmmmmm! I like Widmer Hefeweitzen with a fresh lemon please.
This thread makes me want to make a trip up to Columbia Falls.... Go to the Dam Town Tavern.. and get drunk..... hey i still have a tee shirt from that place it still there?

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