Texas moves to a cubed loyalty point system

I scored my first year with no points. This year my son drew a hunt with three points. The hunt I went on was exceptional and I would go back in a second if they ever give me a chance.
Thread revival.
Bts....any update on the applicant pools for various hunts the past 2 years?
New location to find data or are we still limited to FOIA? How does a person file a FOIA anyway?

Thread bump.
Anyone draw after the first 2 deadlines?

Nothing so far, struck out on gator with 2 pts(drew 2 yrs ago with 8pts), archery deer with 11pts, archery mule deer 12 pts and pronghorn with 13pts.
I have been fortunate enough to have been drawn recently for Archery Deer, Archery mule deer, and alligator twice, so my points were low in those categories. I expected to not get drawn there. I now have 20 points for pronghorn and even with the cubed system, I still did not draw. Some days chicken, some days feathers.
Are the dates you apply for solely the draw as well? Meaning that if I don’t apply for a particular hunt’s earlier date, but do apply for the later date, could I undesirably be drawn for the earlier date? I only selected the desired dates I could hunt.