
Tent decision

My partner and I got a seek outside 8 person tipi last season. We had a lightweight tent, each had a big Agnes copper spur ul 4. nice enough but you can't stand up in it and no. way to really dry stuff out when wet. And cold. This years elk trip we got to our trail head and were greeted by 18 inches of snow in late September. Luckly we only camped 500 yards from the truck so I had a shovel and cleared off an area to set up. It was down in the single digits at night and was cold. We bought the large or xl stove, not sure but about every 2-3 hours we would add wood to keep it nice inside. You could cook yourself right out of of the tipi. we put liners in both sides, glad we did. lots of condensation without it with, rained and snowed while hunting so really humid out. we are both extremely happy with the flourless tipi
YES YES YES YES YES!! This is so true. I say this all the time when people ask about a stove that burns all night. First of all, it doesn't exist in a portable form. Second of all, the heat is for comfort. Your sleeping bag and clothing need to match the weather. Lots of things can go wrong and you are left without a working stove. Your sleeping bag will keep you sleeping all night if its rated for the temps.

What npaden and Epfd said. Couldn't agree more. If you get a roaring fire going in your little stove, it will be hot in the tent. Within 30 minutes to an hour, it will burn down and start to cool off. And like he said, within 2 hours, it will be cold. I can't sleep like that, going from hot to cold. I'm better off just having it cold in the tent and layer up appropriately in my sleeping bag.

Also, I think unless a guy is going to backpack in with a tipi, I'm not sure a stove is even needed. This year, I brought a small propane heater instead and just turned that on in the evenings and right away in the morning. Plus you can move that around in the tent as needed and not have the stove right in the center. Hell of a lot easier and worked great.

I've got the 6 man Seek Outside tipi and with 2 guys, cots and their gear, that's about all it can handle. If you plan on putting 2 cots in a 4 man tipi, I think it would be damn tight and from what I've been told, you can't stand up in a 4 man. In a 4 man, I'm sure it would be fine for 2 guys without the cots and the 6 man could probably handle 3 guys with no cots and just sleeping pads. I'm always using mine in the late season though and so I don't want to be lying on the ground.

Might want to take a look at the Kifaru Tut. I have a buddy who has one and he loves it.
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I for the most part use a tarp to sleep under when I backpack hunt. I have not had an issue with critters getting into my gear. The Gritty Bowmen have an excellent podcast on this topic and I am considering purchasing a tipi and stove after listening to them.
Redman, I heard that podcast too. Agreed on the good info in it. I’m leaning heavily toward a tipi and stove setup as well.
The thing I really like about the stove in our tipi is the ability to dry things out. When hunting in snow like we were both seasons it was game changing. In 2016 we did not have a stove and it rained for 3 days, while our tents were dry inside most everything else was damp to soaked. Its really nice to hang things around the stove and get them mostly dry by morning. Even my boots get lots of moisture in them just from wearing them. When its cold they just don't let go of the moisture on the inside like they do when warm. We did bring along a small buddy heater last season also, but had a real hard time lighting it, altitude?? we were only at 8000 feet. If it is raining and you have a floor, you drag the wet inside. Floorless it just soaks away. We put down a lightweight tarp on the ground and leave a spot by the door and stove that is bare. Come in take off your boots and can walk around in socks or croks. makes it easier when wet/snowy.
Having a stove sure is nice in the morning and the evening.
Opening day and day 2 of a Utah elk hunt with my cousin this year.

That new Stone Glacier tent has my interest peaked. I know the boys at SG and they all run Hillenbergs before they released this product, needless to say all last season they ran this tent on multiple sheep and high country hunts. A oversized 2P 4 season tent at 4.4 lbs, I don't see how you could wrong with this. Just a suggestion but, i will be adding one to the arsenal for next season myself.
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