Teddy Coming Down

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Teddy used to be a national hero who had his flaws like every human in history with the exception of my Lord and Savior.

The new teaching will be something like this. Teddy was an Indian hating extreme racist who still oppresses people a 120 years later. A very recognizable symbol of white supremacy and systemic racism. Who is still honored by small groups of unwoke white people who just dont get it.

Point of order: If you want to complain about people not knowing their history relative to TR, but you continue to call him Teddy, which he hated, then I'm going to inform antifa of your whereabouts so they can get in their 5g enabled soros-mobile and visit you.

I'm so glad this is happening now there will be world peace and tranquility. We will be as one. No more prejudice and racism of any kind. Every statue needs to come down so that we don't offend no one (that includes the ones in Buffalo Wyoming and the Stevie Ray Vaughan in Austin Texas) , every history book needs to be burned because they're fake history. In fact we should call it ourstory so that we don't piss anyone else off for being sexist. We can gather together holding hands and singing mantras (kinda like the grinch stole christmas). Angie's Smoke weed eat _ _ _ _ _ would be a good one.
Point of order: If you want to complain about people not knowing their history relative to TR, but you continue to call him Teddy, which he hated, then I'm going to inform antifa of your whereabouts so they can get in their 5g enabled soros-mobile and visit you.

His name is long.
It's happening in front of you everyday. No need to over complicate it.
"Who controls the past controls the future"

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. "1984."
Yes, it isn't hard to see. You can look at very recent history that isn't accurate and is a one sided narrative. Reality - thousands riot, loot, police stations are burned, innocent people killed. Headlines (history) - mostly peaceful protests...

I'm tapping back into this thread.

More major things in history are fogotten or omitted from history than that. Most people don't know that WW2 was all but inevitable because of the treaty of Versailles (hell most people have never heard of the treaty). Some people say hitler was simply a good speaker who convinced his citizens to hate.There's an argument that the birth of far right politics in Germany stemmed from the occupation of the Ruhr in 1923. The way the French and Belgians treated german civilians (killed over 100 of them from memory) has erie resemblance to what germans did during the third reich. There's obviously a lot more to it but if you actually read history hitlers rise to power makes perfect sense. But again most people don't know the whole truth because we aren't taught it in school, it's looked upon with shame and thought that if we simply bury it deep enough it won't happen again. History shows we are simply doomed to repeat what we don't learn from. It's very rare that any war has simply a side of virtuous good and one of condemnable evil, yet as time passes if we don't retain knowledge of the past, motivations and key events slip into non-existence and so we no longer see how something that has been born from desperation or genuine reason can manifest into something ugly.
"Who controls the past controls the future"

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. "1984."
So we’ve now digressed into quoting fictional books to support unsupportable positions? 🤷‍♂️
Speaking of fallen icons looks like little Jimmy Kimmel has jumped the shark. Get woke, go broke. Bwaahahahahahaha! :LOL:
I rode with TR in the Medora Musical 2 times a week in 2012. I feel I have earned the right to call him by the other word once in awhile. 🤣
If you never been to the musical I highly recommend hitting up the pitchfork fondue and musical. While there explore the TR national park and if you are a golfer the Bully Pulpit golf course is a must play course.
Big Fin deciding the fate of these threads...
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I think these types of threads are fine as long as people stay civil to one another. Not that I have social media outside this and one other forum, but I think the great thing about this forum is that people can for the most part have discussions and debates where we give each other the opportunity to discuss issues without attacks unlike say facebook. That's a rare thing these days.

There are threads that don't interest me so I don't read them or participate.
I think these types of threads are fine as long as people stay civil to one another. Not that I have social media outside this and one other forum, but I think the great thing about this forum is that people can for the most part have discussions and debates where we give each other the opportunity to discuss issues without attacks unlike say facebook. That's a rare thing these days.

There are threads that don't interest me so I don't read them or participate.
I’m right there with you and not saying it should be locked at all, just a joke to lighten the mood. I think these discussions are great and I like that Fin lets everyone be adults and hash it out.
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