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Teddy Coming Down

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I don't think misrepresenting an undeniably middle eastern man as a white European is sacred. I don't like all the hyperbole of Shawn King's post, but I do think those of us that are followers of Christ should at least be honest about what he looked like. Our boring mostly white suburban protestant church made this change years ago with no protesting.
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I don't think misrepresenting an undeniably middle eastern man as a white European is not sacred. I don't like all the hyperbole of Shawn King's post, but I do think those of us that are followers of Christ should at least be honest about what he looked like. Our boring mostly white suburban protestant church made this change years ago with no protesting.
First of all, Jesus was a Jew, so he looked like a Jew. There are no attempts to describe Jesus in the Bible and I believe that it's because God doesn't want any images of him. The only scriptures that come close to describing his physical appearance is Isaiah 53:2 which basically says he wasn't good looking.
For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant,
And as a root out of dry ground.
He has no form or comeliness;
And when we see Him,
There is no beauty that we should desire Him.
I don't think misrepresenting an undeniably middle eastern man as a white European is not sacred. I don't like all the hyperbole of Shawn King's post, but I do think those of us that are followers of Christ should at least be honest about what he looked like. Our boring mostly white suburban protestant church made this change years ago with no protesting.
Send me a pic of a red headed Jesus.
Books? Movies? Internet? Museums? Articles? Old newspapers? Education?
Interesting comment. Reminds me of this post.

First of all, Jesus was a Jew, so he looked like a Jew. There are no attempts to describe Jesus in the Bible and I believe that it's because God doesn't want any images of him. The only scriptures that come close to describing his physical appearance is Isaiah 53:2 which basically says he wasn't good looking.
For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant,
And as a root out of dry ground.
He has no form or comeliness;
And when we see Him,
There is no beauty that we should desire Him.

Jewish people 2,000 years ago were middle eastern/Mediterranean ethnically. The most common visual references in modern US culture to what "Jews looked like" are of 20th century European Jews who almost certainly do not look like their religious predecessors 2,000-3,000 years ago. There is no real historical doubt that as Christianity move north through Europe it "whitened" its sense of Christ. And it made sense - people were more likely to follow someone who looked like them. But this is not 800s Germany, it is 21st century with a global Christian following - either we (a) stop all imagery of Christ as you suggest (not my read of things), (b) allow each community to "personalize" Christ in their own image (which would also not be my choice) or (c) we depict Christ in his most likely 2000 year old Mediterranean/middle Easter form (which makes sense to me). What makes no sense is clinging to a Nordic Christ for the global Christian church because that's what we are comfortable with from our childhood bible school.
Interesting comment. Reminds me of this post.

The slippery slope is overplayed. The passions of the moment will stop long before book burning and re-education camps. Heck, in MN many voices (including poor black voices) are saying elimination of armed police is a bad solution to a real problem. The whiniest and most passionate 1% always own the flashpoint moment, but cooler heads prevail many more times than not. Frankly, my concern is the opposite, in a few months we get bored with the topic all together and move to a new media cycle without actually addressing some real problems with straight forward solutions.
April, thank you !

I am a young white female and after speaking with other men and women my age both in Alaska, Texas, New Mexico, and Nevada, the following sums up our feelings pretty well, albeit a small group, but a cross section nonetheless --Black, white, Brown, Male, Female. However we are all in our twenties. As stated before when I lived in Texas the majority of my friends were from families with Hispanic heritage. We were in each other's homes a lot.

Another white female in her twenties said this ---but myself and all my aforementioned friends ( male, female, Black, White, Brown ) agree.

If I say All Lives Matter, I am a Racist
If I stand for my flag, I have to apologize for it
I am not allowed to go to church, but I can burn it to the ground
I am not allowed to open my business, but I can loot and burn other people business down
I am not allowed to go to the park with my family but I can destroy a park.
I am not allowed to protect the lockdown of my capitol, but I can destroy and graffiti my capitol
If I wear a badge, a gun, and a blue uniform I am a racist pig, but if I walk around with a bat destroying other peoples property and looting, I am a protester
I am not allowed to have an opinion on racial matters because I am white
But if I have no opinion I am the reason people are oppressed
I can go to a BLM rally but if I go to a Trump rally, the Virus magically shows up

And we ( us in our twenties ) are told we just dont get it-----and your right !
April, thank you !

I am a young white female and after speaking with other men and women my age both in Alaska, Texas, New Mexico, and Nevada, the following sums up our feelings pretty well, albeit a small group, but a cross section nonetheless --Black, white, Brown, Male, Female. However we are all in our twenties. As stated before when I lived in Texas the majority of my friends were from families with Hispanic heritage. We were in each other's homes a lot.

Another white female in her twenties said this ---but myself and all my aforementioned friends ( male, female, Black, White, Brown ) agree.

If I say All Lives Matter, I am a Racist
If I stand for my flag, I have to apologize for it
I am not allowed to go to church, but I can burn it to the ground
I am not allowed to open my business, but I can loot and burn other people business down
I am not allowed to go to the park with my family but I can destroy a park.
I am not allowed to protect the lockdown of my capitol, but I can destroy and graffiti my capitol
If I wear a badge, a gun, and a blue uniform I am a racist pig, but if I walk around with a bat destroying other peoples property and looting, I am a protester
I am not allowed to have an opinion on racial matters because I am white
But if I have no opinion I am the reason people are oppressed
I can go to a BLM rally but if I go to a Trump rally, the Virus magically shows up

And we ( us in our twenties ) are told we just dont get it-----and your right !
Actually you do get it Randi! Great post.
Jewish people 2,000 years ago were middle eastern/Mediterranean ethnically. The most common visual references in modern US culture to what "Jews looked like" are of 20th century European Jews who almost certainly do not look like their religious predecessors 2,000-3,000 years ago. There is no real historical doubt that as Christianity move north through Europe it "whitened" its sense of Christ. And it made sense - people were more likely to follow someone who looked like them. But this is not 800s Germany, it is 21st century with a global Christian following - either we (a) stop all imagery of Christ as you suggest (not my read of things), (b) allow each community to "personalize" Christ in their own image (which would also not be my choice) or (c) we depict Christ in his most likely 2000 year old Mediterranean/middle Easter form (which makes sense to me). What makes no sense is clinging to a Nordic Christ for the global Christian church because that's what we are comfortable with from our childhood bible school.

Whatever the color of his skin was, I doubt that he looked like Jim Caviezel. Probably looked more like Woody Allen.
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