@Randi ...
Does Jesus look like Jason Momoa to you 20 something gals?
Well, since he is almost my dad's age, no
Also, Jon Kortagarene and his dog Ator might work as well. This one is from Spain. Guess who, here on the forum, suggested I check him out
However, Jesus was not on my mind when I was trying to figure out how to contact them, so let me re think my response to you
This topic has come up before in regards to Jason/Jesus and my grandfather told me Jesus looked like Charlton Heston, whom I do not know. And my grandmother told my grandfather that Heston was Moses. Glass Eye just said Woody Allen, whom I also dont know, Rustneversleeps, has an interesting picture in his head, so at this point, based upon those mentioned by members of this forum and my grandparents.
I dont have a clue