Caribou Gear

Teddy Coming Down

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I'm thinking this thread is about run its course, also. We will see if it can make it to Friday afternoon.

o.k. let me get this in under the wire

Indian lives matter !!!!!!

France and then England took our land, trees, animals, oil, minerals, and didn't give us anything for all that. Now it is time to pay up and I want more than tax free casinos, although a couple of those would help.

I wonder if I knock over a couple of statues if it would further my cause ?

I could protest that being a woman, an Indian, a trapper and hunter has put a large bullseye on my back and it is not fair

In fact I gave this speech yesterday to our dogs --they were not impressed :confused:

Thanks Big Fin for letting me get this out there before you shut it down,

Nothing changed, I still have to feed the dogs, my husband and grandfather and then go back to work, but I feel so much better now that others are aware of the terrible things that I must endure. ;)
Edit: On Panda Bears note, my wife and I were speaking about the women's suffrage movement... how many male statues would have to be torn down because of that! Holy smokes! we wouldn't have a monument or a statute left from 50 years ago and beyond! If we could get back 50 years...


The contribution Seinfeld has given to society...

On a side note, Ben Stiller thinks we should swap Theodore Roosevelt statue for Robin Williams... 🤣
Can you imagine the consequences! The significant detriment to society if we had Ben Stiller trying to protect Robin Williams in the museum!?! What a serious situation that would be!
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"Who controls the past controls the future"

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. "1984."
I read that this winter for the first time. A lot to think about for sure. I also keyed in the idea that we are always at war with somebody and therefore must use excessive power to prevent the enemy from invading. The leading through fear mongering.
I read that this winter for the first time. A lot to think about for sure. I also keyed in the idea that we are always at war with somebody and therefore must use excessive power to prevent the enemy from invading. The leading through fear mongering.
I'm reading it now for the first time. Interesting to think it was written in 1949. A lot going on in that decade.
A lot of this has left me confused over the years. In the early 70s, it seemed a bit strange that we had a black history MONTH with less than 1% of our population black. Coming from the reservation it seemed more applicable to have an indian month, indian studies, indian history, etc. I guess I still wonder about that.
A lot of this has left me confused over the years. In the early 70s, it seemed a bit strange that we had a black history MONTH with less than 1% of our population black. Coming from the reservation it seemed more applicable to have an indian month, indian studies, indian history, etc. I guess I still wonder about that.
I think you may be off on your percentage of black Americans. But I agree with your sentiment. Very little native history is taught and that is a real shame! We need to do a much better job of teaching history.....all the way around.
I am just wondering about what to change the name of the Custer National Forest to.
Maybe The Forkie National Forest. Getting to the point if you see a forkie and pass you could be eating tag soup.
Could be the Pumpkin Patch National Forest. No shortage of orange around here in the fall.
How about the Eastern Washington or Western Minnesota National Forest. Come November I think I have some how moved to those states with out going any where.
This year an appropriate name could be the Dusty National Forest. It is very dry this year and there is going to be a lot of dust this fall with all the road hunters.
LWC55 - Black Montanans. Nationally the last census the numbers were something about 13%. I don't remember anybody ever mentioning the distribution of native americans.
The Sioux are putting on their war paint and yowling to protest Pr. Trumps upcoming visit to Mt. Rushmore on July 3. We should really give them something to yelp about and begin carving his visage into the granite now alongside Lincoln. 😄
The Sioux are putting on their war paint and yowling to protest Pr. Trumps upcoming visit to Mt. Rushmore on July 3. We should really give them something to yelp about and begin carving his visage into the granite now alongside Lincoln. 😄
Dude. Your an echo chamber of one. Quit being an ass.
Dude. Your an echo chamber of one. Quit being an ass.

So the Sioux aren’t protesting his visit? They didn’t wear war paint and yowl historically? They weren’t warriors? They aren’t trying to recover the entire area of the Black Hills? If you live long enough you just might see Pr. Trumps mug carved into the Mtn. He’s the 2nd. best President in history. If there’s a larger monument to Greatness in the USA I’ve yet to see it. God willing. Watch a western sometime. 😆 PS. low brow resorting to cursing at folks.
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So, fellas, a theorem for our socio/politcal/humanist phd's the term Pander Express bi-racially offensive....or an accurate sensibility. (rhetorical punctuation, no answer required)
He’s the 2nd. best President in history.
What reality are you in? While I agree with a few policy changes he made, he has not shown any interest in bringing the citizens of this country together. He only helped to drive the wedge between the political parties even deeper to say the least and has turned political campaigning into a elementary mud slinging contest.

That he seemed to be the lesser of two evils the last election is the indication of our sad state of politics. A successful businessman yes, a great president I think not.
For those reading 1984, please add “It can’t happen here” by Sinclair Lewis. It was written in the same time period for the same reasons and hits a little closer to reality (less futuristic). And of course the best political lesson of all time, “Animal Farm” is a must read - somebody always wants to be in the house - their rhetoric may vary, but they settle in all the same.
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