Taxidermy and Storage


Active member
Aug 9, 2013
Anyone know of any big threats to keeping mounts without climate control? e.g. - garage

I've seen a lot of mounts hold up well under such conditions, but didn't know if there was anything in particular to look out for. Thanks
In Michigan I always recommend to my customers not to keep them in the garage or barn. We get humid summers and dry cold winters. The leather can shrink and swell with the climate changes and you may see some of the finish paint or epoxy work crack and flake. Usually around the eyes and nose.
High humidity, drastic hot cold changes and sun are what can ruin a mount. Also of stored in a garage or shed beware of mice. They love the eat hair off mounts and build nests. Nothing looks better than a half bald deer mount... Lol
Good info. I've got euro mounts, head mounts, and rugs. My biggest fear was humidity, but I'll bet some rats could do a number on anything from hide to antlers.
Moths can do a number on mounts as well. Occasionally dust them off and inspect for moth damage. Usually around antler burs, ears, and sometimes along the seam where a mount is sewn up. You will notice hair falling out and eggs that have the appearance of sawdust or corncob grit.
Where I live in Montana humidity is not a problem. My house has a great view of the Gallatin valley, and when I built my trophy room I put too many windows in it. Sunlight is my mounts worst enemy, and some of my mounts, especially the ones from the '70s, show some sunlight fading.
Moths will do a number on them and you wont know it until you touch it again and the hair comes off in globs in your hand. And squirrels. Theyll mess them up too, making nests.

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