Caribou Gear

Task force $1,950 NR elk tag

As a non-resident (NR), if this change takes place, I'd seriously weigh:

1. Reevaluating my interest in hunting, fishing or recreating in Wyoming at all.
2. Refocusing any such trips to Alaska or other states left on my bucket list.
3. Relocating to Wyoming, assuming I was that serious about recreating in Wyoming.
4. [Edit] Wyoming Wildlife Federation's Dream Big Commissioner's Tag Raffle buy might now be more interesting.

With all that, I believe that the people of Wyoming have every right to make such changes.
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Okay so I'm going to show my ignorance. What is a special tag in Wyoming?
Honestly, I like the proposal.
I've been trying to burn all my wife's and my D/E max points the last couple of years. We've been hunting antelope on and off.
If this increase in Special helps me draw then great.
I have no intent to ever apply in Wyoming again after I burn these points so it doesn't matter to me.
It was fun while it lasted.
I don't see demand for special elk going down that much, especially for the better LQ areas.

Antelope regular draw point creep will go through the roof! If prices stay the same for next year, then point creep will explode for both the regular and the special for '23. I know I'm not paying $1200 to hunt an antelope!

There might be a few deer areas where I'd pay that. I'm betting Region G & H will be the only in demand general tags for the special. All the others will have leftovers unless they roll the extras special tags into the regular draw. I could be wrong though. SY will get his wish after all. They didn't get their set asides in statute, but they will get it by pricing out us peasants.
I’m curious to see what effect the impending recession will have. Tag demand has been going through the roof over the last ten years in concert with economic expansion. No surprise there.
That was certainly not the case during the Great Recession.
Millions will be out of work soon, I’m convinced of that as there are major cracks forming in just about every economic sector. Once that happens, I bet we’ll see tag demand also plummet like everything else.
I wonder what will then happen to the sky high cost of tags which will then be unsellable.
Having said that, people have $ right now so if WY wants to capitalize on that, the most they can, then who can argue against that, this is America after all.
I’m curious to see what effect the impending recession will have. Tag demand has been going through the roof over the last ten years in concert with economic expansion. No surprise there.
That was certainly not the case during the Great Recession.
Millions will be out of work soon, I’m convinced of that as there are major cracks forming in just about every economic sector. Once that happens, I bet we’ll see tag demand also plummet like everything else.
I wonder what will then happen to the sky high cost of tags which will then be unsellable.
Having said that, people have $ right now so if WY wants to capitalize on that, the most they can, then who can argue against that, this is America after all.

Bet they still all sell out
There will always be plenty demand for tags by an unlimited supply of well-heeled non-residents wanting to kill their elk in Wyoming.
I’m curious to see what effect the impending recession will have. Tag demand has been going through the roof over the last ten years in concert with economic expansion. No surprise there.
That was certainly not the case during the Great Recession.
Millions will be out of work soon, I’m convinced of that as there are major cracks forming in just about every economic sector. Once that happens, I bet we’ll see tag demand also plummet like everything else.
I wonder what will then happen to the sky high cost of tags which will then be unsellable.
Having said that, people have $ right now so if WY wants to capitalize on that, the most they can, then who can argue against that, this is America after all.
You could go back and look at the “it’s gonna crash” posts that show up every year, while demand has gone up every year since the nr draw started 16 years ago.
I really be interested in hearing the explanation and justification for this exorbitant increase. What is their objective? Let's hear the real position. If it is to eliminate the average guy from hunting, ok but get it out in the open instead of dancing and hiding.
I really be interested in hearing the explanation and justification for this exorbitant increase. What is their objective? Let's hear the real position. If it is to eliminate the average guy from hunting, ok but get it out in the open instead of dancing and hiding.
Hunting has slowly been moving this direction for decades ........ a have or have not situation