Task force $1,950 NR elk tag

It will be interesting to see how it affects draw odds. Don’t see much change for elk hunts but I think you’ll see it change the deer and antelope draw odds some.
F&G issue licenses, but R3 and GoHunt, etc accelerate demand/point creep. Two separate issues.

Leases, food plots, and named “hit list bucks” are killing eastern hunting.
Laziness is killing Eastern hunting. I’ve been told multiple times “I have no where to hunt” by people who live within 30 miles of 500,000 acres of public land. These people want someone else to do the hunting for them.
At the current rate of inflation maybe these prices in 2024 are not that extreme. If the red side falters this November $1950 may be a bargain relative to inflation.
I could see this price increase also pushing up NR success rates on elk. If someone drops $2,000 on a tag (and realizes it might be years before they draw again), they might set aside more then the typical one week to fill their tag.
my hands started to sweat after reading the comments about chewing. No dip for 10 years for this guy. Still bothers me from time to time.
Laziness is killing Eastern hunting. I’ve been told multiple times “I have no where to hunt” by people who live within 30 miles of 500,000 acres of public land. These people want someone else to do the hunting for them.
Very location specific. Where I grew up, there are less than 300 publicly huntable acres in the entire county.

What’s the biggest buck in your lease this year named? 😉
I know guys who wouldn't walk 200 yards to kill a deer but they will walk all day bird hunting every day. Hunting is so many different things to so many folks and it just comes down to what you like. Heck there are guys who sit from dark to dark every day and other guys who wouldn't be caught dead in a tree or blind for 30 minutes
Task force. This is what you get when you look for ways to fix something that isn't broken in the first place.
Or task force that is hand selected because they already have the opinions your looking for. Great way for politicians to raise taxes n fees to fund more government without taking the hit.
Too bad hunting is turning into a rich man's sport. Average folks continue to loose opportunities.
Just listening to the Wyoming task force meeting, Sy Gilliland is recommending special NR elk fees increase to $1,950. Also, looking at a 50-50 split from special/regular fee.

What do the NR's think?
Nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to hunt there.
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