Yeti GOBOX Collection

Swift Boat Group Leader Exposed as Fraud

Hey Michael,

You might want to do some reading, but there is an article out there floating around that ties the Florida GOP to the Swifties..... And Rove's ties are all over the connection.

But probably not enough to convince you of any connection....
The approval process takes a long time usually, and it is not uncommon for a non-career soldier, sailor or airman to get a medal after he has gotten out of the service. You may know which incident caused someone to submit you for a medal, but you may not get a copy of the citation if you are out of the military when the approval proces is completed. In some cases, people may not even know they got a medal.
I really am sorry that you are so fixated on me, ElkGunner. If I had known any accomplishments by anyone else would cause you such distress, I never would have mentioned anything in my own defense when you called me stupid. High school must have been a very painful period of your life, and your own scores must have been abysmal, since you are so intimidated by my mere mention of SAT scores or any other accomplishments. The pain caused by all the rejection notices from community colleges must have been traumatic.

How much DID your therapy cost the state, and how many years did it take for you to lose your fear of being in public?

Glad to see you don't stoop to personal attacks... :rolleyes:

I just think much of the humour and irony is lost on you, for some reason. Maybe your SATs were a bit higher on the math portion than the verbal portion.... :D

I just kind of thought it was ironic that you either didn't read Ithica's link or didn't comprehend what you read (as evidenced by the Bronze vs. Silver incident), but then you tell Chas that his post was redundant. Maybe he was just trying to get you to RE-READ it in an effort to improve your comprehension??? :D
mike and Calif., I recommend going back and reading the article (Former Swift Boat Commander Backs Kerry on Vietnam) real slowly a few times until you comprehend it.

mike says, "Ithaca that story didn't say much at all," and Calif says, "Since the post does not reference which day 35 years ago, how am I supposed to know which incident is being discussed?"

In fact, the article by Officer Rood says he WAS THERE the day Kerry's action won him the Silver Star and the other accounts by people who WERE NOT THERE are "untrue".

Now, if you don't think Rood's direct contradiction and refutation of the stories being told by people who WERE NOT THERE that day is not significant news, please explain why. I think I'm going to have to believe Rood. His story sounds the most plausible and his motive for reluctantly coming out now seems the least suspect.

"It is pretty sad how you aren't able to carry on an adult conversation/debate. Since I can't compare your writing to anything before the accident, I guess I will just have to chalk it all up to damage that has affected you from the accident.

Hopefully others will learn to wear a helmet."

Talking about an adult conversation/debate , LOL you arent the poster boy of adult conversation/debate on this forum.

In fact I think most of us think your a person with an attuide problem that need's to use name calling when things don't go your way.

This is what you call adult conversation/debate ?
"I am still a bit uncertain why you would be bragging about your SAT scores, based on your reading comprehension....."

"You need to work on keeping your comprehension skills up, as they seem to have faded since you were voted Mr. Most Likely at Long Beach Boys School...."

"If you are gulliable enough to believe people who are being discredited, one by one, then that is good for you."

So gunner did you use that line to support Bill Clinton ?
Just play like you have no idea what I'm talking about gunner LOL
That way you won't have to tell us the truth.

If your intrested in adult conversation/debate maybe you should take a serious look at yourself .
For me personally this issue doesnt matter one bit. It will not convince me to vote one way or the other.

I look at what is happening to America now and what might happen in the future.

Right now it doesnt look good for my children.
Originally posted by Nut:

For me personally this issue doesnt matter one bit. It will not convince me to vote one way or the other.

I look at what is happening to America now and what might happen in the future.

Right now it doesnt look good for my children.
Amen, brother, amen!!!

Let me get this straight. I shouldn't be voting for Kerry because he may or may not have lied about an incident 35 years ago and even the people who were there cannot seem to agree about what happened??? :confused: :confused: :confused:

If I shouldn't vote for Kerry because he is a liar, than what is my motivation to vote for anyone ???

Mind you, I have not decided who I'm going to vote for yet. As it stands, I am disgusted with both parties. This is definately the dirtiest campaign I have personally witnessed and it sickens me that America has stooped to this level. Maybe I'll just write in Moosie...anyone with me???

"If I shouldn't vote for Kerry because he is a liar, than what is my motivation to vote for anyone ???"

Your right none of them are 100 % honest.

Your motivation has to come from what person or party will come the closest to matching your view's ,what you value in life and the moral's want passed down to your childern or the people that come after you.

For myself, my motivation come from the fact that I see nothing much in the way of moral value's in John Kerry .

I dont see it helping my grandkid's to have anyone leading our country that has been voted the most liberal ,or any person that has a voting record so far removed from anything I would vote for.
I have looked at his voting record and my choice is based on all of it overall ,not one issue.
But Bush's record as president helps your grandchildren?

His views are in line with yours?

Holy shit!...definately wear the helmet next time.
More is coming out!!!

".....Rood said the allegations that Kerry's accomplishments were overblown are untrue and that Kerry came up with an attack strategy that was praised by their superiors. According to the Tribune, Rood's recollection of what happened that day in South Vietnam was backed by military documents..........................................Kerry also picked up support from Wayne D. Langhofer, who told The Washington Post he was manning a machine gun in a boat behind Kerry's and saw firing from both banks of a river as Kerry dived in to rescue Special Forces soldier James Rassmann, the basis for Kerry's Bronze Star.

Until now, the Post noted on its Web site, Kerry's version of acting under fire had come from crewmen on his own boat. It quoted Langhofer as saying he was approached by leaders of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth several months ago but declined to join them in speaking against Kerry.........."

You know, for reasonable people, this debate is over. Now you have not only Rood but Langhofer, too, coming out and telling what happened that day. AND THEY WERE BOTH THERE!!!-----unlike some of the others who have been most vocal for the last few weeks. I'd say it's lookin' pretty bad for the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth.
None of this addresses Thurlow and the incident prompting this topic.

I ignored Elk Gunner's personal attacks for a couple of days, and it became apparent that he would not stop attacking me. That is when I realized that I was dealing with an unhealthy individual, more worthy of sympathy than animousity. I hope that his therapists get his meds under control, so that his posts become more rational. After all, his fixation with me is defintely unhealthy.

He did not, after all, answer the questions about the cost of his therapy. Obviously, he is in a state of denial concerning his own actions, ie: that he can attack people without expecting them to respond in kind. Ted Bundy exhibited this kind of sociopathic behavior, in that what he thought was reality was all that mattered.

Since he had so many posts in the Recipe section concerning Dutch Ovens, that may be where he should devote his attention.;f=20;t=000142

He obviously has delusions, wherein he is able to attack people personally with impunity, and that it is unreasonable to expect them to respond
in kind. Sad. Very sad.
It can't look good for Dubya, if the nation's newspapers start similar Editorials to the Boston Globe's latest Opinion piece.

Big lies for Bush
August 22, 2004

IMAGINE IF supporters of Bill Clinton had tried in 1996 to besmirch the military record of his opponent, Bob Dole. After all, Dole was given a Purple Heart for a leg scratch probably caused, according to one biographer, when a hand grenade thrown by one of his own men bounced off a tree. And while the serious injuries Dole sustained later surely came from German fire, did the episode demonstrate heroism on Dole's part or a reckless move that ended up killing his radioman and endangering the sergeant who dragged Dole off the field?

The truth, according to many accounts, is that Dole fought with exceptional bravery and deserves the nation's gratitude. No one in 1996 questioned that record. Any such attack on behalf of Clinton, an admitted Vietnam draft dodger, would have been preposterous.

Yet amazingly, something quite similar is happening today as supporters of President Bush attack the Vietnam record of Senator John Kerry.

The situations are not completely parallel. Bush was not a draft dodger, but he certainly was a Vietnam avoider , having joined the Texas Air National Guard rather than serving in the regular military.

Kerry, on the other hand, may have done more than Dole to qualify as a genuine war hero . Although his tour in Vietnam was short, on at least two occasions he acted decisively and with great daring in combat, saving at least one man's life and earning both a Silver Star and a Bronze Star. That's not our account or Kerry's; it is drawn from eyewitnesses and the military citations themselves.

Yet a group of Vietnam veterans is questioning Kerry's record, operating cynically and ignoring the evidence. Many in this group felt betrayed by Kerry's opposition to the Vietnam War after he returned home. A renewed debate on that war might be useful, though we believe most Americans now agree with Kerry's famous statement to Congress at the time that it was a mistake .

Rather than seeking debate, however, this group, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, is attempting political assassination, claiming in ads and a best-selling book that Kerry is "Unfit for Command." In many cases the charges conflict with statements the same men made in the past. Sometimes the allegations contradict documentary evidence. Last week a former swift boat commander, Larry Thurlow, said Kerry didn't deserve his Bronze Star because there was no enemy fire at the time, but this is contradicted by five separate accounts -- including the Bronze Star citation Thurlow himself was awarded in the same incident, as reported by The Washington Post .

While a few details and dates of Kerry's Vietnam record are open to question, most of the accusations are laughable . Kerry's record of service in Vietnam is clear and, one would think, unassailable. Given the contrast in their Vietnam-era records -- Bush even let his pilot's license lapse while still in the Guard -- Bush might be expected to change the subject.

Yet the Kerry opponents, working with funders and political operatives closely linked to Bush personally, are attempting what is known in politics as the big lie -- an effort simply to contradict the truth repeatedly.

Both parties do it, but Republicans are developing a shocking expertise . The smearing of John McCain in South Carolina in 2000, the reprehensible attack to oust Senator Max Cleland of Georgia in 2002, and this utterly cynical campaign against Kerry by Bush's False Squad deserve only condemnation.

Kerry has faulted a few of his own supporters who lampooned Bush's National Guard record. Now Bush should call off his dogs
It would be intersting to know if any of the posters here still believe any of the nonsense of the swifties??? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Muledeer4me:

If your intrested in adult conversation/debate maybe you should take a serious look at yourself .
MD, I agree, I am probably the only one capable of a serious conversation/debate when you are involved.... :D

Actually, Nemont, Fecl, Hangar, Buzz, Ithica, Gusieppe9 and some others can have a serious debate and/or friendly jousting. As evidenced by your post of some sophmoric song, you haven't reached the level of maturity, since your accident.

For the sake of the State's indigent medical care expenses, please wear the helmet....
I am amazed that anyone can believe anything that Kerry says.

"I was in Cambodia on Christmas Eve, 1968."

"I was 50 miles away under mortar attack."

"I was writing in my journal that night."

And then there are Keery's recent comments and campaign push that he believes in the Second Amendment, while he has voted for every anti-gun bill that has come before the Senate since he took office.

ElkGunner - please take your meds. You are becoming more irrational with every post.
Originally posted by Calif. Hunter:
None of this addresses Thurlow and the incident prompting this topic.

I ignored Elk Guinner's personal attacks for a couple of days, and it became apparent that he would not stop attacking me.
Cali the victim.....
(And Cali, you might want to go back to some of your posts that you made while I was gone for a week on a river trip, where you kept dragging me into your threads, to insult. It is pretty funny to watch you whine the victim, when you are as guilty as anybody...) :rolleyes:

If you were to regain that championship form you had when you took those SATs, you would see that there are a TON of posts in this thread that address the Fraud that is Thurlow and the rest of the Texas GOP's manipulated vets.

Are you really missing the point of the articles I have posted, the ones Ithica linked???

Again, can you believe anything out of the Swifties to be credible, based on the Navy's records, the people who were ACTUALLY there, and the other information presented? Why do you think Dubya won't denounce Karl Rove's buddy and the $200k Perry has funneled to this group, along with the other $400k that the guy from BushSR's board??? :rolleyes:

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