
Memorial Weekend - Thank God I was riding with Private Malone.

SFC Terry Gilden, RIP (LoM) April 1983, Beirut
SFC Randy Shughart RIP (MoH) October, 1993 Mogadishu
MSG Tim "Griz" Martin RIP (SS) October, 1993 Mogadishu

slow hand salute to all you heroes....
Randy Shughart. That name rings a bell. Wasnt he one of the 2 Delta Force that tried to hold them off? I saw the movie and that has stuck with me. If you knew him, know that he is remembered by others that didn't know him because of his sacrifice. I think I am remembering that correctly.
Randy Shughart. That name rings a bell. Wasnt he one of the 2 Delta Force that tried to hold them off? I saw the movie and that has stuck with me. If you knew him, know that he is remembered by others that didn't know him because of his sacrifice. I think I am remembering that correctly.
You got it right. I served two years with Shughart , 3rd plt B2/75. He and Gordon (MoH) were the two delta snipers. Griz was B 2/75 also and got taken out by an RPG round to his lower unit. He survived quite a while. Gilden was A2/75, we all served together . All of em were studs!
A good friend of mine was killed by friendly fire in Viet Nam. He was a native American Indian from the Digger tribe in Capay Valley Ca. I have a penciled paper from his name on "the Wall", RIP Kip Hadley