Swarovski pricing

My local sportsman’s warehouse is having a balloon pop sale tomorrow morning. Could get anything from 5% off to 100%. I’ve already been in there and took a look at the NL pure 12x42’s They let me walk outside and look at a neighboring mountain right at sunset. Nice would be a big understatement! If I buy them, more then likely I’ll just get a 5-10% discount; but they could be free! Still haven’t made up my mind...
Round up all the neighbor kids and pay them in pancakes to come along for a balloon. “Why yes manager, of course I have 19 children...”
Got my CVA Accura V2 for 35% off already on sale price with balloon pop a few years ago. It's a day to put on your calendar.
Wait till labor day, 4th, memorial day and call either europtic or sportoptic that's where I have got the best prices.
My son is LE and he got a pretty good discount on his last fall. Not sure what program or dealer it was through.
For whatever it’s worth. I was in Eurooptic’s show room just last week looking at spotters. The fella that helped us out bent over backwards for us. He set up several tripods in the parking lot and put several different scopes on for us to look through. Really appreciated his service.
I have a great way to save some serious money on swaros, and I was going to send DK a message, but apparently he has blocked me, so I guess he won't...
Buy gift cards from amazon for 20% off until you have enough gift cards to pay for the binos....they I waited until there was a 10% off code.....thats what I did.

Basically I got 30% off.
I might have gotten them from e-bay actually. I beleive it was offered a couple times a week if I recall.
Buy gift cards from amazon for 20% off until you have enough gift cards to pay for the binos....they I waited until there was a 10% off code.....thats what I did.

Basically I got 30% off.
Love the sound of this, gift cards to where?

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