
Sure signs of summer in your area

93, smoke haze in the air. Clouds form and now thunder. Then that smell. The 1st rain on dry NM ground and it is magic. The feel of rain on your face. That smell.
93, smoke haze in the air. Clouds form and now thunder. Then that smell. The 1st rain on dry NM ground and it is magic. The feel of rain on your face. That smell.
Hank…I don’t know you from Adam. But I’ve read enough of your posts now over the years that I gotta say, if you ever wrote a book, I’d be the first in line to buy it.
Hank…I don’t know you from Adam. But I’ve read enough of your posts now over the years that I gotta say, if you ever wrote a book, I’d be the first in line to buy it.
Thanks. But I've got so much going on in there, I doubt I could finish a paragraph of one experience before another shuffles in.
I am always entertained at least.
Indian Paintbrush in full bloom. Daylillies, sulferflower, globemallow,sunflowers all starting. Dozens of daisies of different breeds. Budsage blooming.
The grasses have just started.

Sunrise was a cloud that looked like the Eisenhower cruising upside down across the sky. Blue gray deck on the bottom with planes taking off. The hull glowing orange and yellow in the sun. Then it disintegrated on the continental divide and started reforming. Off to rain somewhere else.

Glad I got the F150 back and killer ac and a ride like a Lincoln. Rio approves too.
Be back at 6?!?!? All the lineman I know are always bragging about how much ot they get and sending me snaps of their boats, corvettes and wives dancing on tables in Dubai.
But they go home with 50% of their customers out of power?!?!
I can’t even get a cup of hot tea to start my day! 😡
No way I’m ever going if the grid.
Ted kazynski was an idiot.
Be back at 6... smh
After 2200 and the "feels like" is still pushing 90. I freaking hate the morons who complain about our extremely mild winters.
Soaking wet sweating just standing outside...I could go for some more of that dry heat we had a week ago @Dave N. I shouldn't have bitched.
It's summer now! :rolleyes: Now that we had a little rain the humijity smacks you in the face! Only got 4/10s from that big storm but had a nice rain last night. Nothing at all today that I saw.

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