Caribou Gear Tarp

Sure signs of summer in your area

Just had a brief shower hit and the temps dropped to 76. Nice breeze blowing and hoping the monsoons hit soon. The rains end the gnats but bring flies.
Hot & dry, wildfire watches across NM. Wind.

Came home yesterday and found my locust tree split in half. Should have known not to plant a Y...cut half off & wrapped the trunk. Maybe it will make it.
Watering around the house has brought an abundance of wildflowers and grasses.
You can be certain it’s summer when the all natural non heat treated honey stored in the cabinet on the outside wall clarifies and looses its crystallization caused by winter temps.
It never gets dark outside
Yeah kinda how I have to tell. Retired so no watches, phone, news. I could really care less n usually couldn't tell you what day it is. What a life. Now what month n year is it ?
It's 75 degrees outside n everyone is whining about it being tooooo hot
BTW Dave's a great guy. Never met but always polite and cheerful, atta boy
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It never gets dark outside
That was a little hard to get used to. Working on the cabin and building the outhouse the first week of July the wife would be asking if I was ever going to bed. It was almost midnight. Blackout curtains are no help when it was 90 and you were trying to get some kind of breeze to cool off at night.
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