Well-known member
I thought I would take some time now that we are all waiting on draws to recap my hunts from the past season. This recap will include:
NM Turkey
AZ Bison
WY Antelope
NM Mule deer
AZ Coues deer- multiple seasons
AZ Sandhill Crane
AZ Javelina
My season started off on a New Mexico Turkey hunt in April. My husband and I have been half-ass attempting to turkey hunt in AZ and NM the past few years. Usually we just goof off and get side tracked picking up sheds instead of truly going after turkeys. We are terrible turkey hunters and have never killed one.
This year he was working and couldn’t find time to get out. I still wanted to get out for a weekend, so I headed out to an area a friend of my husband’s had shared with us. His buddy was also going to be out that weekend. Not too far away from where I was planning on camping so I would have someone out there for safety if I needed anything. I e-scouted a little spot I thought looked good on the map and headed out Friday after work. And how nice of my husband, he let me take his Truck!
I got to my camping spot with a few hours before dark so I thought I’d take my shotgun for a little walk and hike out to a water hole with a nice open meadow I had pinned on the map. The area is ponderosa pine forest. As I am walking around I am noticing TONS of bear scat. All old and looks to be from the previous fall. Definitely taking notes for a potential future fall hunt!
I approached the water hole slowly. Peaking over the hill behind it just a little bit at a time and surveying the area a bit more as a creeped closer. Once in full view I determined the water hole was vacant and I could move in for a closer look. I walked around the water looking for tracks and found some around the water and also on a worn in game trail leading to the water. I decided to sit in the trees for a while and watch and listen. After about an hour of no action I decided my spot was not the best vantage and decided to move to a new vantage point. As I moved, 3 hens started running down the hill about 50 yards away. Wow! I was so surprised I had not heard them moving in at all! No bearded fellows in the bunch. After they moved off I sat my butt back down and waited until dark. I heard a few puts but that was all.

The next morning I got ready at the truck in the dark with excitement. There were turkeys in the area! As I am grabbing my gear to start walking down the short road from my camp to the foot trail into my planned area, a truck pulls in and heads down the road. Well that is public land for ya! I still walked down the road behind them, but once I got to the trailhead, I headed in the opposite direction from the trail. They were very likely headed to the water hole and the meadow I visited the night before and I did not want to mess them them up. As the sun came up I head a gobble not too far off and decided to sit and call. No luck as his gobbles faded further away. Hiked around until lunchtime and learned more of the area. In the evening I headed out to the foot trail again and the other hunters had left the area. I hiked around and down to the water again. No luck.
Here is a cool encounter with a Tarantula Hawk and his kill. Pretty neat find.

Sunday Morning I was able to execute my plan from the day before. I walked down the road to the foot trail in the dark. The moon was very bright and visibility was great without a headlamp. I enjoy walking in the woods in the dark on a bright moon night. I was still walking down the trail as the sun started peaking out. A gobble rang out in the direction of the waterhole. I picked up the pace a bit, getting excited. Another gobble…. sounds like they are still in the roost but gearing up for the day. I keep heading in that direction and the gobbles become more frequent and they are playing off one another. Once I get close to the sound of the gobbles I slow down and creep in. I can locate the group from the ruckus they are making and it sounds like multiple birds are flying down from the roost, but I still can’t see them. As I move closer I try to go slow and quiet as possible the forrest floor is a bed of pine needles in this spot. It sounds like the birds are just across a small drainage and then up a small rise to a flat spot. I cross the drainage and then slowly crawl up the hill on all fours just bringing my head up a little at a time. As I crawl up I see a tom at full strut, he has a beard! There are probably 10 turkeys in the mix and they are milling around, and some strutting. They are about 25 yards but they are moving away from me so I pull my shotgun up slowly as I am lying down trying to get a bead on one of the toms. I aim on the head of one of them and then it moves behind a log … he pops out on the other side and bang! My bird goes down and the others book it out of there. I walk up on my bird and I can’t believe I actually got one! As I inspect the bird I realize this was not the big tom I had spotted first. I must have mixed up the birds as they were moving around and focused on this jake instead. He still had a small beard and was a legal bird. Chalk it up to inexperience! I was was still very happy to have taken the jake as my first turkey.

Back at the truck at 9am. Got the bird cleaned up and meat on ice. Ready to head back to AZ with plenty of time to spare… or so I thought. Go to start the truck and click. Nothing. Shit. Luckily My husband’s buddy was nearby. He came over to they and help jump the truck… we tried a jump box but it wasn’t enough to get the dual battery diesel truck to turn over. He brought over his truck and we couldn’t get it jumped form that either. Eventually we decided we needed to get new batteries. So I went to go hand with his crew for lunch while my husband bless his heart made the trip out with 2 new batteries. While we waited we even went out for an afternoon hunt. I had a second tag so why not? No luck that afternoon but once I got the text from met husband that the truck was ready to go I headed back and we got to drive home finally! I think we got home around midnight. I guess that should teach him to come with me this year! Lol.
Next Up.... June AZ Bull Bison Hunt.
NM Turkey
AZ Bison
WY Antelope
NM Mule deer
AZ Coues deer- multiple seasons
AZ Sandhill Crane
AZ Javelina
My season started off on a New Mexico Turkey hunt in April. My husband and I have been half-ass attempting to turkey hunt in AZ and NM the past few years. Usually we just goof off and get side tracked picking up sheds instead of truly going after turkeys. We are terrible turkey hunters and have never killed one.
This year he was working and couldn’t find time to get out. I still wanted to get out for a weekend, so I headed out to an area a friend of my husband’s had shared with us. His buddy was also going to be out that weekend. Not too far away from where I was planning on camping so I would have someone out there for safety if I needed anything. I e-scouted a little spot I thought looked good on the map and headed out Friday after work. And how nice of my husband, he let me take his Truck!
I got to my camping spot with a few hours before dark so I thought I’d take my shotgun for a little walk and hike out to a water hole with a nice open meadow I had pinned on the map. The area is ponderosa pine forest. As I am walking around I am noticing TONS of bear scat. All old and looks to be from the previous fall. Definitely taking notes for a potential future fall hunt!
I approached the water hole slowly. Peaking over the hill behind it just a little bit at a time and surveying the area a bit more as a creeped closer. Once in full view I determined the water hole was vacant and I could move in for a closer look. I walked around the water looking for tracks and found some around the water and also on a worn in game trail leading to the water. I decided to sit in the trees for a while and watch and listen. After about an hour of no action I decided my spot was not the best vantage and decided to move to a new vantage point. As I moved, 3 hens started running down the hill about 50 yards away. Wow! I was so surprised I had not heard them moving in at all! No bearded fellows in the bunch. After they moved off I sat my butt back down and waited until dark. I heard a few puts but that was all.

The next morning I got ready at the truck in the dark with excitement. There were turkeys in the area! As I am grabbing my gear to start walking down the short road from my camp to the foot trail into my planned area, a truck pulls in and heads down the road. Well that is public land for ya! I still walked down the road behind them, but once I got to the trailhead, I headed in the opposite direction from the trail. They were very likely headed to the water hole and the meadow I visited the night before and I did not want to mess them them up. As the sun came up I head a gobble not too far off and decided to sit and call. No luck as his gobbles faded further away. Hiked around until lunchtime and learned more of the area. In the evening I headed out to the foot trail again and the other hunters had left the area. I hiked around and down to the water again. No luck.
Here is a cool encounter with a Tarantula Hawk and his kill. Pretty neat find.

Sunday Morning I was able to execute my plan from the day before. I walked down the road to the foot trail in the dark. The moon was very bright and visibility was great without a headlamp. I enjoy walking in the woods in the dark on a bright moon night. I was still walking down the trail as the sun started peaking out. A gobble rang out in the direction of the waterhole. I picked up the pace a bit, getting excited. Another gobble…. sounds like they are still in the roost but gearing up for the day. I keep heading in that direction and the gobbles become more frequent and they are playing off one another. Once I get close to the sound of the gobbles I slow down and creep in. I can locate the group from the ruckus they are making and it sounds like multiple birds are flying down from the roost, but I still can’t see them. As I move closer I try to go slow and quiet as possible the forrest floor is a bed of pine needles in this spot. It sounds like the birds are just across a small drainage and then up a small rise to a flat spot. I cross the drainage and then slowly crawl up the hill on all fours just bringing my head up a little at a time. As I crawl up I see a tom at full strut, he has a beard! There are probably 10 turkeys in the mix and they are milling around, and some strutting. They are about 25 yards but they are moving away from me so I pull my shotgun up slowly as I am lying down trying to get a bead on one of the toms. I aim on the head of one of them and then it moves behind a log … he pops out on the other side and bang! My bird goes down and the others book it out of there. I walk up on my bird and I can’t believe I actually got one! As I inspect the bird I realize this was not the big tom I had spotted first. I must have mixed up the birds as they were moving around and focused on this jake instead. He still had a small beard and was a legal bird. Chalk it up to inexperience! I was was still very happy to have taken the jake as my first turkey.

Back at the truck at 9am. Got the bird cleaned up and meat on ice. Ready to head back to AZ with plenty of time to spare… or so I thought. Go to start the truck and click. Nothing. Shit. Luckily My husband’s buddy was nearby. He came over to they and help jump the truck… we tried a jump box but it wasn’t enough to get the dual battery diesel truck to turn over. He brought over his truck and we couldn’t get it jumped form that either. Eventually we decided we needed to get new batteries. So I went to go hand with his crew for lunch while my husband bless his heart made the trip out with 2 new batteries. While we waited we even went out for an afternoon hunt. I had a second tag so why not? No luck that afternoon but once I got the text from met husband that the truck was ready to go I headed back and we got to drive home finally! I think we got home around midnight. I guess that should teach him to come with me this year! Lol.
Next Up.... June AZ Bull Bison Hunt.
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