Sunday Pic of the Day

The back story on this bull , 30 min in to the bull riding he jumped the 6 foot holding pen fence , and got loose in the pedestrian walk area between the parking area and beer garden , went right at some folks , a guy jumped in the way of the bull as he zeroed in on an older lady , hit the guy so hard he flew into the older woman , she was knocked silly and got laid out , we were trying to get the cowboys in the holding pens attention to get the medics which were on the other side of the grandstands while people went to assisting her eventually they stoped the bull riding and 2 cowboys had to get on horses and chase after the bull which was halfway across the parking lot headed for Wyoming.

Eventually they roped him and brought him back and didn’t even bother taking the ropes off just put him in a pen all by himself and anytime somebody would walk from the beer garden past his pen he would turn and square everybody up so I decided I wanted go down and stare him in the face and get a close look at this bull that was just all fired up and get a picture for myself he was all bloody and cut up from going over the fence , I’m 5’ 8” and that fence was over my head so pretty amazing feet of just pure strength and will for that bull to go up and over that thing because it wasn’t built cheap that thing is solid steel. They eventually said that the older woman was OK and she’s going to be fine but pretty scary moments for sure. It took him a second to realize I was there and then once he saw me he turned and came right up to a few feet from me and I was holding my phone to the right while standing on the other side of the post that goes into an empty pen just in case he went mental again
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