Still Kicking!

Dotti likes tenderloin.
Imagine that.

Bam-Whop was heard by Jeff 400 yards away.
She turned as I shot and I got both tenders.
Bullet full petal recovered. Looks like no weight loss.

Jeff is on his way back to WI loaded with meat.
He shoved $500 bucks in my hand as I shook his, gave me a big bear hug and said "It's for the elk habitat project".
We're standing on the front porch talking and there's chirping calves down below, a bull standing next door and a half dozen cows feeding. Truck running and Dotti cruizing around.

I have a freezer of elk and walleye,salmon,halibut,garden corn,greenbeans,brusselsprouts and half a dozen meals from his wife. A bunch of WI cheese.
Need to condense when the beef burger comes from my road guy.

I'll take part of the day off. Tired.
But still kicking.
Great spirit Hank! Freezer variety filled and set! Grats! I'd be spent as well.
Thanks for letting us follow along.
Big congrats, Sir!
Sounds like a great time with great people! I love your poetic way of storytelling LOL very original!!
You’re living the dream out there in NM!
Thanks Ken. Added to my smile this morning.

22 and heading for near 70.
I'll finish the weed eating today I think.
Water manana.
High fire danger. Winds have died.

Dotti out on patrol.
Elk ate the top of an apple in front with low wire. She has been after them with stern barking from the porch. Add that higher fence to the list.

The ex called to see how I'm doing. I mentioned my age and she replied don't mention age. Had a laugh over the post to talk to someone old and see how they are doing.
She is weaving again. May need a trip to the weavers in NM later this year. Cool.
She asked about the Pie. Still not as good as hers I said.

I'm trying to stay healthy before my Dr chat in a week. Feel like jumping into work and reality. Take it easy.
Calls today for eye check and a road trip next week. More plants & seed for elk project and the house.
Order the new windows.

Dotti at the door.
Time for apple and string cheese.
She can catch most treats out of the air.
Catching mice ,rats & chipmunks. She stopped eating them after half a rabbit... Just mangles them now.

Doing OK in Pie Town.
When we got married we got a book about weaving on Navaho looms, but never did it. That, and not going to Africa, are frankly my only regrets.
That, and not going to Africa, are frankly my only regrets.
Africa is worth going. My hunt partner (70 y/o) and I returned from there September - Bucket list certain - make sure to add a photo safari tour along with any hunt or... the photo safari was possibly equal to or more enjoyable if a hunt is out of the $ wheel house.
As Hank says, "Still kicking!"

Sorry Hank - back to your kicking. Always, always a favorite thread to read. You dial back the petty things we, humans, tend to create into more than necessary road hurdles.
Africa is worth going. My hunt partner (70 y/o) and I returned from there September - Bucket list certain - make sure to add a photo safari tour along with any hunt or... the photo safari was possibly equal to or more enjoyable if a hunt is out of the $ wheel house.
As Hank says, "Still kicking!"

Sorry Hank - back to your kicking. Always, always a favorite thread to read. You dial back the petty things we, humans, tend to create into more than necessary road hurdles.
There was always a framed chart of Africa on the living room wall growing up. 1880's.
The coast was marked with the old names on the coast. A few mountain ranges and rivers. The Nile. Lake Victoria.
Diagonally across the middle it just said, "Unknown parts". Over the mostly blank chart.

Dad was a Merchant Marine.
Skipper on dozens of Victory & Liberty ships during "the War". Class of 1943.
The 1st class @ Kingspoint.
Their school was in the Atlantic, the North Sea. The Mermansk run.

He never spoke of the war.
His west was the World, at war.
I found his charts as a kid and the names told the story. The port calls.
Alexandria Harbor, Tripoli, Mermansk...Bimini Atoll.

I took a different path after graduating, a different war going , a different time.
I did sail some seas.
I came home and explored Our West.
Our Public Lands.

The ex, "D" ,left London @ 17 and came to America.
We met in the late 80's.
At a park. LOL

We explored places and peoples.
NM was always one of those places.
Santa Fe. Abaque, Chimayo, Mesa Verde. Pecos.

I took her to Zuni the last time she came for a visit.
She spent a couple days.
We ate PIE.

Mom & dad came to visit when I had moved in with her.
I had rebuilt the garage/shop for woodworking, after 10 years of no man about.
The orchard, and garden. The old redwood home on a creek. A bunk house.
D had a weaving studio there.

We had just finished supper and Dad was on the deck with a cuppa and another slice of pie. Sitting looking about, smoking his pipe.
We could hear them talking as they did dishes.
I said, "What do you think?".
Dad smiled and said, "She's a keeper. That was the best pie I have ever had!"

When she was here 5 years ago she gave me a picture of Dad & I talking that late afternoon.
She asked what were you laughing about. I told her.
She laughed and said "Your Dad made the best pies, ever".

Maybe we can hit Acoma or Chaco if she comes.
I better find some ripe apricots and raspberries.
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