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Stand for the Anthem

Personally I will stand my wife will stand and my children will stand. A lot of men & women have sacrificed a lot so I can stand.

What they sacrificed for gives me the individual the right to stand or kneel. I don't agree with them kneeling but I think it is their right and no one should tell them what to do.

It is a little sticky because the NFL is a job and a business. I don't like dressing up every day to go to work but I understand the requirements of my profession.

Probably 3 or 4th down the list of hobbies of mine is basketball. One of my favorite sports and I enjoy the workout, I try to play 3-4 times a week. I grew up in Milwaukee and I played all over the city. Living in Iowa honestly there isn't a lot of interaction with black folks. All of my black friends are guys I play ball with. I respect the hell out of them. One of them played football for Iowa and he was able to get his master in 4 years. He worked his tail off.

When this first happened I was totally against it but I asked my buddy his thoughts. He said if he was still playing he would take a knee. Guy is a concealed carry holder, never broke a law in his life and I don't think he has had a lot of interaction with LEO's. With that he said he fears getting pulled over even for a simple speeding ticket. It opened my eyes up some.

Do I think the USA is perfect, nope. Do I think it is the best place on this planet to live, hell ya.

My father is black and my mother German. My father was a neonatal surgeon who graduated from the Air Force Academy by the age of 20. When i was 12 (1986) I watched him get drug out of a car, in California, by a white police officer, for absolutely no reason whatsoever! There is a very good reason that upstanding black folk fear law enforcement. As I look mostly white, I do not; however, I certainly understand why others do. I love this country! I will always stand, remove my ball cap and place it over my heart when I hear our anthem being played. Having said that....something MUST change! And forcing someone to stand, in a free society, is not the way to go about it. I understand that the NFL is a job and employers have certain rights to ask their employees to do things. But forcing national pride or religion is not one of those my opinion. Thank you Maxx, for your post!!
You just do it, just like your kids should say "Yes Sir" to elders as a sign of respect. This protest, like all these BLM protests that block traffic achieve NOTHING. If these overpaid idiots want to make a change, then they should do it where it counts. Kneeling during the NA has backfired on them, next stupid plan.... Maybe a candle light vigil?? This always make big changes right?? LOL they are all just idiots huh? Like I said....something MUST change!!

We are Americans which means we are free to say and do whatever we please. I wouldn't take that away from anyone. That, sir, is tolerance. Sherman Williams knelt during the anthem last year. He is also a Stanford graduate. Sound like an idiot to you? There is a difference between an opinion and a fact. You are entitled to your opinion. And I am entitled to state facts.
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We are Americans which means we are free to say and do whatever we please. I wouldn't take that away from anyone. That, sir, is tolerance. Sherman Williams knelt during the anthem last year. He is also a Stanford graduate. Sound like an idiot to you? There is a difference between an opinion and a fact. You are entitled to your opinion. And I am entitled to state facts.

So kneeling was a good plan and made things better?? I am done with this one.
Every American is free to do what he or she wants. Unless you work for a company that requires you to stand as a condition of employment.

I would stand for myself.
In not trying to ruffle feathers or start something in a forum. This is a touchy subject for everyone and a little empathy will go a long way!! I have said my peace. Back to hunting!! Go Broncos!!
In not trying to ruffle feathers or start something in a forum. This is a touchy subject for everyone and a little empathy will go a long way!! I have said my peace. Back to hunting!! Go Broncos!!

Sorry, the Broncos suck too.
My grandfather fought in WWII, my father in law fought in Vietnam (He just died 2 years ago from the damage caused by agent orange), I have close friends that fought in the middle east, and we have others on here like, John Cushman who have fought and have played a high price, for our freedoms. Yes even the freedom to disrespect our country. Just because you have that freedom is it right to disrespect those who have served us? It is sad when as a Nation we have allowed our National pride to turn into individual pride. A wise man once said "A house divided will not stand."
To all of you that have served our country I thank you!
What is sad is when a black man who is veteran of Vietnan and who fought for our freedoms is terrified of being ripped from his vehicle, in front of his 12 year old child and thrown to the ground at gun point AGAIN...all because he told a white cop to stop cursing in front of his son. Nobody wants to talk about the real issues. The kneeling, in the NFL has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with our military. There are very few racists in our military as they fight hand in hand with African Americans. It has to do with cops shooting black kids in the back as they try to run from something they are terrified of! It has to do with those cops either not being charged at all or jurys aquiting them and allowing them to go back to work. Or the literally THOUSANDS of black men being exonerated dozens of years later only because of irrefutable DNA, who should have never been incarcerated to begin with. Now I'm starting to get mad. I don't think this forum is for me. I'm going to look for something a little less ignorant. For those of you who aren't, like Cushman...i applaud you and your service, sir!! For the rest of you....Im sorry slavery is over. Perhaps you were simply born in the wrong century!
I’m not sure what’s more unamerican. Not standing or forcing people to stand.
I want you to want to stand. Not be forced to.

+1. This great experiment in self governance has been messy for 200+ years - never been easy but in the end we figure it out and move forward. And regardless of where fall on this issue - a HUGE thank you for those brave men and women who have served this country with honor.
Sorry, the Broncos suck too.

Scmalts, throttle back a little, Colorado Boy has offered thoughtful posts and you are being a bit of a jerk in my opinion

Colorado Boy, thanks for adding your experiences to this discussion.

And for me personally, I will stand for our flag until they put me in the ground. But it is also unacceptable that 150 years after the civil war black men are assaulted by police at times for no credible reason. I have a black friend who is a local cop and he got thrown around at a suburban traffic stop - he was in street clothes and they refused to believe he was a cop and that he lived in that lilly white suburb.
When you have to demand loyalty you have a problem. I disagree with some of the claims of racial injustice, but I’m also not living them. One of the principles of our country is being able too effect change. I’d like the think we can focus on the underlying issues and not be distracted by red meat issues meant to incite people.

If an employer wants to invoke a policy such as this, have at it. Just make sure you’re doing things for the right reasons.

In the end, disrespecting the flag is s taking a piss or buying a beer during the anthem. Kneeling before someone is a symbol of respect and servitude. I fail the see it as disrespectful to our military, particularly given it was done at the suggestion of a Green Beret.
Standing for the anthem is a privilege, an honor of being american. This country offers the greatest freedoms on the planet.
I took the Broncos jab by Schmalts as an attempt at levity.

I am sympathetic to how many people are judged one way or another just by their appearance, whether it be their color, clothing, size, etc. I encourage people to express themselves, within their rights, on their own personal time.

Where I work, I am not allowed to even place a political sticker on my truck (not that I would want to anyway), and the National Anthem is played every morning at 0800. If you're walking you stop at attention, if you're driving you stop your car. Any disrespectful antics during the anthem would not be tolerated. Why should football players be treated any differently?
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