Stand for the Anthem

I am in the camp that believes 98% of LEO are good people doing the best they can in difficult circumstances, but HoneyB, this is an incredibly ignorant statement.

Post a reliable source of statistics for your opinion....I already posted what the government statistics show, your assumption is not true. Bear in mind those statistics were collected under Obama, Trump had nothing to do with them.
Honeybadger - if you think white cops don't profile black teens disproportionately then it confirms why these players are kneeling in the first place. All of you arguing against them kneeling are playing into their hand. Like it or not, we can't deny that black people have been targeted by racism that is still prevalent in our society. It's got us (and the rest of our country) talking about it, so yes, I think it was a success.

To claim his career was headed downhill is ludicrous. He was on his way to a $100m contract, and chose to stand up for marginalized people that he related with. When JJ Watt does the same thing for white folks it's praised. We all see the world through our own lens. I hope you all speaking out against kneeling players can imagine being a black man in our society, and what that would entail. Honeybadger, the article you linked shows that black people's violent interactions with LEOs are about a third of the total of violent interactions. Blacks make up about 12% of our population. So you're 2.5x more likely to be beaten by a cop if you're black than if you are white. The numbers speak for themselves.

Wrong, Kaepernick had been benched for poor play in favor of Gabbert, and played games with his shoulder injury so he would make more money. People seem to forget about that. Before he was benched he had a QB rating of 55.1, he was ranked 23rd out of 30 passers. No team was going to give him 100 million, not ever.

Care to post a reliable source for your statistics? Without a source they are meaningless. The government collected statistics I provided were collected under Obama and had nothing to do with Trump.
. . . and does not impact one race more than another.

Post a reliable source of statistics for your opinion....I already posted what the government statistics show, your assumption is not true. Bear in mind those statistics were collected under Obama, Trump had nothing to do with them.

Given the complexity of the issue it is not surprising that there are studies that go both ways, but as for scholarly articles & govt reports, many studies continue to find troubling (and statistically significant) data on race and law enforcement.

Since you want cites, below are a few. And I am sure you can cite 10 more with the other view, but either way, as I suggested earlier, it is ignorant to categorically declare that race plays no part and that folks should just move on.




. . . Kaepernick had been benched for poor play in favor of Gabbert, and played games with his shoulder injury so he would make more money. People seem to forget about that. Before he was benched he had a QB rating of 55.1, he was ranked 23rd out of 30 passers. No team was going to give him 100 million, not ever.


And on this point, we agree entirely. By the time of the initial media frenzy, CK was destined to be a $2-3MM a year back-up for the next 8 years like so many others before him.

It does appear fairly obvious (but without citation) that NFL clubs will tolerate all kinds of undesired attention from top line starters, but have zero tolerance for distraction from backups. Race aside, any backup player who would bring this much hysteria with them almost never gets a job in the NFL - black or white.
This isn’t about Trump, even though he’s done his best time make it about him. It’s about people trying to affect societal change. It’s kind of like making sausage, it’s not always pretty.

LMAO. Social change?!! Get real. These people have no clue. Show me how social change has ever been an issue. These people that are on welfare and whatever, sporting their free phones, food stamps and and endless procession of other bs. How about going back to Americans WORK for what they get, and not getting it because they live in a ghetto and feel slighted? It is amazing how many people in this country do not want ANYBODY to have to EARN anything. Kaperpuke has never WORKED for anything. That prick's family is white and he grew up getting everything he needed. He is a phony pos.

People bitch about Trump, because he is the only president in many years that actually cares about the HEALTH of this country. People need to learn some facts,before mouthing about the state of this country. Nothing is ever perfect. Many here, would throw the entire country under the bus, just to help protect public lands. I get that, but you have got to look at the ENTIRE picture. What good is public land, if the socialist scum takes all of you ability to hunt away?

Wake up, people, before what you want is gone through another avenue. Hate Trump, love the communist, do whatever you feel like doing, but look at the BIG picture, and not just one selfish small part of it. Let the flaming begin.
LMAO. Social change?!! Get real. These people have no clue. Show me how social change has ever been an issue. These people that are on welfare and whatever, sporting their free phones, food stamps and and endless procession of other bs. How about going back to Americans WORK for what they get, and not getting it because they live in a ghetto and feel slighted? It is amazing how many people in this country do not want ANYBODY to have to EARN anything. Kaperpuke has never WORKED for anything. That prick's family is white and he grew up getting everything he needed. He is a phony pos.

People bitch about Trump, because he is the only president in many years that actually cares about the HEALTH of this country. People need to learn some facts,before mouthing about the state of this country. Nothing is ever perfect. Many here, would throw the entire country under the bus, just to help protect public lands. I get that, but you have got to look at the ENTIRE picture. What good is public land, if the socialist scum takes all of you ability to hunt away?

Wake up, people, before what you want is gone through another avenue. Hate Trump, love the communist, do whatever you feel like doing, but look at the BIG picture, and not just one selfish small part of it. Let the flaming begin.
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This has been pretty civil so far. sbhooper, move on please. mtmuley

He would benefit from anger management classes.

Also it would be nice to see him post without the name calling. I lost count of who all he called names just in his last 2 posts. Rather 24 hour ish.
Yea Kapernick's career was pretty much over when he started the kneeling thing. I think it is hilarious he is suing the NFL because the reason nobody is signing him is because he stinks. Nobody wants a distraction from a player who doesn't perform. As far as kneeling during the anthem, it is his or anybody's right. I cannot believe how people do not have more important things to worry about than this
I'm a Veteran, so on one hand I fought for peoples right to protest (even if I find it retarded)......On the other hand, I've been to many countries where those people would do anything to have the opportunities we are blessed with. I say if you want to protest, protest in a better fashion, spend some of that "oppressed" money and give back to your cause, spend some time helping bring together the community instead of dividing it. I also recognize that it is fully in my right to not agree with their views, and to not support an entertainment organization with any of my money. Hell, I'd rather hunt anyway!
"You may well ask, 'Why direct action, why sit-ins, marches, and so forth? Isn't negotiation a better path?' You are exactly right in your call for negotiation. Indeed, this is the purpose of direct action. Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and establish such creative tension that a community that has consistently refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. It seeks so to dramatize the issue that it can no longer be ignored." -Martin Luther King Jr., "Letter from Birmingham Jail", August 1963.

Given current events its worth taking the time to read or re-read Dr.King's letter.
I was ahead of the curve on this one, I beat the #@&% out of guy in 9th grade for not standing, in front of the entire school. I got suspended, but after the fact, 2 Vietnam vet coaches pulled me aside and shook my hand.

I was not the aggressor btw, I asked him to meet elsewhere after school, he insisted 3 times we do it right then. 👊
I am very anti-war but sometimes hippies have to throw down too.
This thread raised from the dead...

Nike's representative, Kapershit...


Meanwhile, enjoy your Nike apparel...

Look at me generation. That's what the whole thing is about. Just getting attention. Nobody cares anymore so hardly anybody kneels anymore. No headlines.... no kneels. Nothing to do with social justice ever. That was just a warm cozy veil to cover their own interests, attention, and benefits they recieved for kneeling. Disgusting act of ignorance whether it's their right or not.

Really wish this thread would of stayed
Name one good thing that has come from kneeling.
If your a trump hater I guess you could say you got a lot of negative press towards trump, but that was and is gonna happen regardless. To bad for you none of it sticks and just bounces off the trump teflon back to you reflecting negatively on your camp of such great tolerance.
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