Spray & Pray + Shooting to the Next Zipcode


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2020
Check out this video recently forwarded by a prominent hunting media outlet. When did "fast acquisition" for followup shots become a priority for long range shooting? Perhaps because the probability of missing or messing up an animal at a thousand yards is exponentially greater than two hundred ysrds? More essential to shoot till it drops if it will take till day after tomorrow to get to the point of impact. This is sick.
Seems like that advertisement is targeted toward PRS shooters and not hunters?
The "target audience" (pun intended) does seem to be confusing. The lone shooter is shooting across a mountain canyon, not in competition at a range. And the ad was forwarded by a hunting and fishing media outlet, not Guns & Ammo.

Personally, I take a dim view of any ethical outdoors media outlet encouraging target practice in wild places. Yes, I have been known to use a gravel pit on Crown land but the junk left up there is disgusting. I finally decided to pay $180/year for a club membership even though it's a longer drive. I simply cannot be associated with that gravel pit shitshow any longer. Sad.
He's shooting at a steel target and it's not a "hunting" ad. Are you really that blind? Last place i'd ever want to shoot is a busy rifle range. Coming from the guy asking how high to sight his rifle in at 100 yards to be zeroed at 200, this is really no surprise.
As I said, this ad was circulated by a HUNTING media site, not Guns and Ammo. The inference was clear enough. If it's a gun designed for competition, which apparently it was, then why isn't it advertised as being shot in range competition instead of solo across a canyon in the woods? The suggestion is clear enough to me.
I would not be shocked to see one of these set up on the shoulder of the road in a Colorado OTC unit.
I would not be shocked to see one of these set up on the shoulder of the road in a Colorado OTC unit.
I've seen it in GMU4 near where the road dead ends at bears ears. Ol boy had to be a good 375lbs propped up against the side of his truck with the hubble telescope mounted to a 28" Sendero. I wonder what his strategy was if he actually shot something in the valley below because there was no way in hell he was dragging an elk up that canyon.

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