Good Big Hole Grayling Article


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2004
"Land of Giant Rams"
Grayling savior - science or politics?
By PERRY BACKUS of the Missoulian

The fluvial arctic grayling are one of Montana's rarest fish.

That wasn't always so.

At one time, the easily fooled grayling were caught by the basketfuls to feed hungry homesteaders, miners and cowboys all the way along the upper Missouri River drainage. Over-fishing, competition from introduced non-native trout, and habitat degradation slowly pushed the fish best known for its large dorsal fin back into the upper reaches of the Big Hole Basin.

Now there's perhaps a few thousand that survive in this last stronghold.

In this high mountain valley where cattle are more common than humankind, there's a debate being waged on what's the best way to save the last native river-dwelling arctic grayling population in the contiguous United States.

On one side stand the valley's ranchers, many of whom can trace their lineage back the first few who ventured into this place known for its nutritious mountain grass. Over the last few years, many of them have taken up the call to protect precious grayling habitat by fencing off their river and creek channels, building fish ladders and installing water measuring devices on their irrigation head gates. It's all part of an effort to protect themselves from the fallout that could occur if the fish were listed under federal government's Endangered Species Act.

On the other side are those who believe the federal law's umbrella of protection is the only sure way that Montana's population of fluvial arctic grayling has a chance to survive.

In April, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service decided the fluvial (river-dwelling) population of arctic grayling wasn't genetically different enough from the more common adfluvial (lake-dwelling) variety of the species in Montana and the large populations of grayling found north of the border to be considered unique under the ESA.

It was a major change of direction that caught many by surprise.

The agency took its first hard look at the Big Hole's arctic grayling back in 1982 when state biologists noticed a dramatic drop in the population. By 1994, the Fish and Wildlife Service concluded the situation was dire enough for river-dwelling grayling to warrant placing them on the federal endangered species list, but there were other species in worse shape that required more immediate attention.

In 2004, the Service considered the grayling's fate so tenuous it elevated its status to a “high-priority candidate.”

“That's the closest you can get to being listed without actually being listed,” said Doug Peterson, a FWS fisheries biologist.

Up until April, the agency considered the fluvial arctic grayling a “distinct population segment.” Under the ESA, that classification allowed the population to be considered as a species capable of protection under the law.

The latest decision reversed that determination and after more than 25 years of consideration, the FWS withdrew the fluvial arctic grayling from its candidate list.

Ranchers in the basin called the decision a victory - but one they all knew might not stand.

Several groups and individuals promised to fight the decision in court.

The Center for Biological Diversity, Western Watersheds Project, Pat Munday and George Wuerthner said the FWS decision is a case of politics trumping science.

“As is the case with increasing numbers of species, the Bush administration is perfectly willing to let the Montana fluvial arctic grayling go extinct in the continental United States,” said Noah Greenwald, conservation biologist for the Center for Biological Diversity. “If it had been up to Bush, the bald eagle would never have been protected because of their numbers in Canada and Alaska.”

Greenwald said the decision to remove the arctic grayling from consideration was made in Washington, D.C., under the influence of Assistant Secretary of Fish, Wildlife and Parks Julie MacDonald and was another example of the Bush administration's unwillingness to list species under the federal Endangered Species Act.

MacDonald resigned in April following an investigation by the Department of Interior's inspector general that found she bullied agency scientists to change their conclusions and improperly released internal documents to industry lobbyists and attorneys.

“The Bush administration has closed the door on protection for the nation's endangered species,” Greenwald said. “It has listed fewer species under the Endangered Species Act than any other administration since the law was enacted in 1973, to date only listing 57 species compared to 512 under Clinton and 234 under the first Bush president.”

Munday, a Butte environmental activist, has spent a decade working for grayling restoration with a variety a groups.

“Personally, it feels like I've had a child sentenced to death,” Munday said of the decision. “It's like having a seriously sick kid and the doctor telling you that he's not going to do a thing to help ... they know very well what needs to be done.”

Munday and others insist that voluntary water management efforts haven't been enough to keep water flowing in the river and its tributaries especially during years of drought.

“For agriculture, it's a case of their bottom line versus grayling,” Munday said. “The bottom line will always win. Š Ten years from now we're going to be faced with doing the same thing with grayling that we had to do with wolves. We're going to have to go to Canada to get some after we let our own go extinct.”

“Failure to leave enough water in the Big Hole River to sustain the grayling and other wildlife dependent on the river is a classic example of the tragedy of the commons,” said Wuerthner, an author and longtime fishing guide. “This is about more than saving the grayling, this is about saving a national treasure - the Big Hole River.”

Many Big Hole ranchers would argue they're already stepping forward and working hard to improve habitat and save the grayling.

Over the past few years, a number of state and federal agencies have worked with ranchers to develop conservation plans for private lands in the valley. There's a growing list of conservation projects occurring there every year.

Peter Lamothe, FWP's grayling habitat biologist, said the recent FWS decision hasn't hindered that process.

“It actually seems to be helping it,” Lamothe said. “The day the listing decision was announced, we actually sat down and talked with some folks about some new projects ... landowners aren't changing their minds because of the decision. They're still at the table talking.”

Since the decision, Lamothe said three new landowners have stepped forward to develop conservation plans for their properties.

That willingness to work with the state marks a change from the past when people in the valley didn't seem anxious to address the issue of grayling and the potential listing.

Guy Peterson owns a ranch between Wisdom and Jackson. He said the wake-up call for many came in 1994 when the arctic grayling came so close to ending up on the federal list.

“That kind of scared us all a little bit,” Peterson said. “I think it was an awareness deal. People just weren't aware of what was at stake ... since then people have stepped forward and there's more coming on board all the time.”

There are all kinds of different projects to improve habitat occurring on private land, he said.

For instance, Peterson worked with federal and state officials to reconnect Rock Creek back into the Big Hole River on his ranch between Wisdom and Jackson. Maybe a half century ago, the creek was diverted into a ditch for irrigation several miles away from its confluence with the river.

“It turned out to be a great project,” Peterson said. “It's completed. Within the next 10 years or so, that habitat will be fully restored. Ranchers in the valley have been doing a hell of a job and we're not done yet. Many of us are still working to improve riparian habitat and increase stream flows.”

Finding funding to get the work done is the hard part.

Some ranchers have gotten sideways with the Natural Resources and Conservation Service, which has funded some of the work in the valley, Peterson said.

“That's really been the biggest hurdle,” he said. “The NRCS wants to tell us how we should manage our cows. That doesn't go over very well with a lot of people here. It's something we're going to have work through.”

Big Hole rancher Cal Erb and his family have also invested a lot of time and effort putting together different conservation projects on their property.

Erb said protecting the watershed just makes sense.

“Our position isn't going to change whether the grayling are listed or not,” Erb said. “In the long run we know what we're doing will be better for the Big Hole River. We'd just as soon have a healthy river.

“We're going to continue to do what we've been doing for the last five or six years,” he said. “The fish and game meters our water. We essentially just share. That's the best we can do today.”

FWP's state grayling biologist, Jim Magee, has been working with ranchers in the Big Hole for years. A decade ago, he thought it was good progress when the state had one project to accomplish every year.

“I think we have over 30 projects to do this summer,” Magee said. “It's quite amazing to see how much we've got going on right now. I think it's just been building and building and building and now we're at the point that every time we go out someone comes up to us with a new idea for another project.”

“I think this thing has become bigger than just the grayling,” Lamothe said. “It seems like landowners are really excited about all the possibilities. They're excited about the health of the river. They're excited about improving the watershed.”
I think the Big Hole has to be one of the most beautiful places in the world. I will never forgot the 2 weeks I got to spend there moose hunting in 2002.
I've thrown quite a few of these fish back, they seem to to bite on almost every thing and some times come back even after getting hook bit
Isn't there fluvial graying in the Madison River, or are they adfluvial? I've caught quite a few in the Bear Trap canyon 3-4 miles below the dam, and have caught a few in the upper river between Ennis and Quake lake, but with lakes up stream from each area I'm not sure.

Reguardless, I would like to know why the removal of non-native fish has never been one of the solutions to the problems in the Big hole with the grayling. I'm assuming here but would think, that with low water, means warmer temps, which means stressed fish, which means the graying make for an easier meal for a big fish. Take the browns and rainbows out of the equation and wouldn't you dramatically changed the trend? I woudn't hurt my feelings to never catch another brown and I would gladly trade them all in for cutties, that goes for every river in SW Montana.

At what point does a non-native species make the chopping block?
I haven't looked this year, but typically you can keep 20 Brookies a day and tat really hasn't made much of a dent in that population of trout

I think removing non-natives is a viable solution in some stream reaches for can put in barriers to keep non-natives out. Its been tried and has worked in some areas.

However, every time the MTFWP goes to poison a stream reach the local rednecks, who fish with worms and hold endangered species out of the water by the gills, throw an absolute fit. Turner worked in cooperation with the MTFWP to install fish barriers and poison cherry lake and cherry creek through his property...then reintroduce native cutties. The locals ran static on that project for several years before it happened. I dont mind catching browns, brookies, rainbows and other non-natives, but like you, given the choice I'd rather catch native cutties.

Theres also a good number of grayling in the Ruby River around Vigilante and the Warm springs area. I've caught a lot of them in that river. They should be listed.
Chaser what are you talking about? Have you caught a brookie in the Bighole? The only brook trout I've seen in MT are all on the west side of the divide. Not saying there not on the other side though.


Have you followed the Cherry Creek introduction? How is it fairing? I read an article on it about 6 months ago or so, and it said that it was a mistake... granted it was in Trout Unlimited or some similar rag.

I believe there was another project in the Madison Valley where they installed barriers and then from my 'creel' could see that they planted rainbows. 9 of 10 fish caught were 'bows. The streem used to be loaded with cutties. The stream runs into the river and I have a feeling that they planted the 'bows because the stream was void of Whirling disease.
Who cares, their just fish... ;)

Actually, in alot of ways I think fish are harder to manage than grounded critters. The intereactions between species are much more inter-related and can impact each faster and on a larger scale. And if the habitat needs works, that can be tough to fix as well. In talking with a former member of the National Riparian Team about fixing streams structure/channel, he said that most of the cases he's looked at that wasn't a good idea. That given time it would have done better fixing itself, IF the greenline and floodplain characteristics are managed properly. Sounds reasonable to me.

How about others that have worked with riparian areas??
The places I've caught the most is some of the streams on the west side of the divide that are tributaries, I don't fish the river but very little because of the pressure it gets from every one else all year long

My favorite is small streams with hip waders

I'm not surprised you're siding with George and John on this one. They want to list the grayling and block delisting of the Yellowstone grizzly, and most likely wolves as well. I thought they were all about "public land welfare grazing" policies. I'm starting to think they are just anti-cattle period.

Here's a gloom and doom article that makes the plight of the grayling, along with many of the competing non native trout species in these waters, a mute point........

Global warming doesn't bode well for cold-water trout.

If temperatures continue to rise at the current rate, the Rocky Mountain West could lose half of its trout waters by the turn of the century Bruce Farling, Montana Trout Unlimited's executive director, told a group gathered in Missoula.

That news was met by nearly 75 grim faces at a luncheon titled “Low Flows, Hot Trout: Climate Change and the Future of Our Hometown Rivers” at the Florence Building on Monday.

Farling was joined by Steve Running, University of Montana climate scientist, and Missoula Mayor John Engen to explore the issue of climate change and its potential impacts to local rivers and streams. The event was sponsored by the Clark Fork Coalition and the National Wildlife Federation.

Trout and anglers won't be alone in their suffering if climate change continues unchecked, Farling said.

Montana's economy is dependent on its snowpack. The state counts on the water that snowpack produces to grow its crops, attract tourists all year round, and turn generators to produce power.

In western Montana, 90 percent of the economy is snowpack-based, Farling said.

That snowpack is disappearing earlier every year as temperatures increase.

Almost on cue, the thermometer teetered near 90 on Monday afternoon in Missoula. The average for this time of year is closer to the mid-70s.

The most fundamental signal of climatic change for Montana will center on the state's snowpack, Running said.

The average peak of Montana's snowpack has traditionally been around April 1, but that date has been coming earlier and earlier as temperatures edged upward, especially in March, Running said.

Most of Montana's weather reporting stations have recorded an increase in mean temperatures of a degree or two over the past 50 years.

“By far the most amazing climate statistic generated has been what's happened to temperatures in March,” Running said.

On both sides of the Continental Divide, March temperatures have soared by 5 degrees in the same half century. Considering the fact that climatologists typically look at changes closer to tenths of a degree, Running said that kind of increase is “just stunning.”

At least in part, that change is occurring because the state's snowpack is disappearing earlier.

When snow covers the ground, it reflects much of the sun's energy. Bare ground, on the other hand, absorbs more of that energy and results in increased temperatures, Running said.

As a result, the snowpack melts earlier, river flows peak sooner and forests dry out quicker, resulting in a longer wildfire season.

If the current trend continues, Running said in 50 years skiers will have to be trudging through 50 meters of mud to get to the lodge at Snowbowl on April 1.

Missoula has lost 23 inches of wintertime snowfall in the past half century. That average includes the “monster snow year” of 1997, Running said.

The loss doesn't necessarily translate to less precipitation. Running said Missoula has actually gained a bit of precipitation over the same time period. It just didn't come in the form of snow.

Warmer temperatures also dry out the landscape faster.

“We'd probably need something like a couple of inches per year to make up for the drying effect of higher temperatures,” he said.

As the snowpack retreats up the mountainsides earlier each season, wildfire has followed.

The biggest increase in wildfire has come at the 6,000- to 7,000-foot level, Running said. Subalpine fir - which was once buried under snow until mid-July - is now going up in smoke.

Wildfires are getting bigger and lasting longer.

“The last three to five years has just murdered the average,” Running said. ? alone more than doubled the 10-year average.”

Global warming isn't something new. Running said the trends started edging upward in about 1985.

“The current trajectory of global warming started about 25 years ago,” Running said. “We've been in this for a long, long time.”

But there is hope.

Running predicts that within 10 years, technology will be developed to solve global warming. But he's less convinced there will be the kind of international leadership needed to make it happen.

“Every country in the world would have to change,” he said. “We would have to lead it. We started this mess. Š I'm just not convinced at all that there's the political will to make it happen.”

That change can start at the local level and the city of Missoula hopes to lead the way.

The city has already begun a variety of ventures in recycling and encouraging nonmotorized transit, Engen said. It lights its offices with compact fluorescent fixtures and heats its maintenance shop by burning waste oil. The city also is considering a plan to recycle nitrogen from its wastewater plant to grow poplars, he said.

Fifty years ago, Engen said, Missoula residents used the Clark Fork River as a dump. At some point, people realized the river was something that needed protection and they began to pay attention.

Missoula residents are still paying attention to their natural environment. Just last year, residents voted a $20 million bond to protect some of those important natural assets, Engen said.
Hey, Waterboy where are you? I could use an edjamication here... Seriously, I'd be interested in some other's views on manipulating stream channels.

I'd say the guy you talked to is correct. Any stream, over time will meander across its flood plane. The best...and only real "fix" to leave a river/stream alone. The worst thing you can do is to try to change the channel, armor banks, etc. Its likely, in a few years, your fixes will be in dry channels when the river moves across its flood plane.

I feel, the absolute best thing to do, for a truly healthy river...just leave it alone. Some cutting is necessary for meanders, point bar development, species diversity, etc. Graze it with care, keeping livestock out of the riparian except during winter months for short periods of time. Keep deep binding root mass present to slow (not stop) cutting.

I think rivers are actually pretty easy to manage if done correctly (leaving them alone).
Buzz- That's been my limited experience as well. Leaving the channels alone is often the best alternative. Couple of summers ago we were surveying a creek which had some rock gabions added to increase the pool/riffle ratio. Should've seen the headcuts created by that project!

I agree that they should be grazed with care, but will disagree somewhat with only using them in the winter.
Keep deep binding root mass present to slow (not stop) cutting.
This I agree is the KEY.

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