Caribou Gear Tarp

Protection in bear country


Dec 27, 2012
I'm curious after watching a fresh tracks and Randy mentioned he did not carry a pistol do to tendon injury, does anybody else just carry bear spray and no pistol? And why?
It would be interesting to do a study on everyone killed by grizzly bears. How many had a firearm, how many had bear spray, how many had both and how many had nether. Then compare those numbers to the number of man hours spent in grizzly country in all four categories. There are far to few people killed by grizzlies to have any kind of reliable statistics, but I would be willing to bet their would be no real difference in bear deaths vs. means of protection.
If I’m going to choose one or the other, I choose spray. I carry both most trips. I guess I usually have the pistol just to ruin my bowhunting trips, IE. shooting at marmots and coyotes with it from just outside of bow range 🤣😂😂.

A near miss with a bullet ain’t stopping that bear. Lots of stories of people shooting over or near bears as a warning shot. Don’t work…

A near miss with spray, MIGHT stop him if he gets a little of it. Keep that in mind.
I have literally sprayed several dozen bears, worked every time. Since spray became available we’ve only had to kill one. Total in my lifetime killed four. Shooting them worked every time as well. I carry both a handgun and spray when guiding. Hiking in Montana I’ll at least carry spray probably a hand gun as well but I’d rather forget my handgun than the spray. I don’t carry a handgun and a rifle and spray.
I have literally sprayed several dozen bears, worked every time. Since spray became available we’ve only had to kill one. Total in my lifetime killed four. Shooting them worked every time as well. I carry both a handgun and spray when guiding. Hiking in Montana I’ll at least carry spray probably a hand gun as well but I’d rather forget my handgun than the spray. I don’t carry a handgun and a rifle and spray.
would love to hear some of the stories
99% of the time I carry spray, but 99% of the time I am not hunting. If I'm hunting in heavy grizz country I'd probably bring both.
Last year when I hunted grizz country for the first time I carried spray and a smaller 9mm with hardcast ammo. I’ll be hunting grizz country again this year and plan on doing the same. I like the spray as my primary, but feel better having a lethal means of defense as a backup to the spray. I don’t want to dump my spray and have nothing else to defend myself if the bear comes back.
I don't own a it is bear spray and a rifle, and my wits.

Actually I carry two canisters of bear spray, based on the post above. If the day comes that the first canister is used, I'd much prefer to still have that form of defense available.

So far, I have never had a close call. I've seen several bears, never in real close quarters. In some regards, I enjoy the emotions that come with sharing a mountain with a bear(s). That might change if a real bad encounter ever occurs. Certainly they influence nearly every decision you make when amongst them.
Carried spray for seven years. This year switched to a 10mm. Wind is one concern. Deploying spray in a tent is another, especially if said bear is not inside but on top tearing through it. I'm much faster drawing the gun and shooting than I am with spray, unless I'm holding the spray while walking, which I don't.

I also shoot guns several times a week. I practiced with bear spray once in seven years. The 10mm gets shot weekly, at least. I practice drawing from the chest holster and shooting a couple shots from various distances and positions. 30 feet is the farthest. Any further and I would not consider a bear a threat. I reload and use solid cast coated bullets. I'm getting about 1200 fps. Holds 15 rounds. So I can deal with follow ups and multiple encounters. Also quite effective on two legged varmints. I trust them less than I trust bears.

I also trust me way more with a pistol than I trust me with spray. I also think the pistol is way more effective if I have to dispatch a bear that is attacking someone I'm with.

So for me. It's not even a question. Gun all day long.

@Salmonchaser stop wearing bear attracting scents. 😁
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