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Protection in bear country

Carried spray for seven years. This year switched to a 10mm. Wind is one concern. Deploying spray in a tent is another, especially if said bear is not inside but on top tearing through it. I'm much faster drawing the gun and shooting than I am with spray, unless I'm holding the spray while walking, which I don't.

I also shoot guns several times a week. I practiced with bear spray once in seven years. The 10mm gets shot weekly, at least. I practice drawing from the chest holster and shooting a couple shots from various distances and positions. 30 feet is the farthest. Any further and I would not consider a bear a threat. I reload and use solid cast coated bullets. I'm getting about 1200 fps. Holds 15 rounds. So I can deal with follow ups and multiple encounters. Also quite effective on two legged varmints. I trust them less than I trust bears.

I also trust me way more with a pistol than I trust me with spray. I also think the pistol is way more effective if I have to dispatch a bear that is attacking someone I'm with.

So for me. It's not even a question. Gun all day long.

@Salmonchaser stop wearing bear attracting scents. 😁
Wife made me shower once a week or before conjugal visits. Did seem to make a difference
My wife was sure wishing she had bear spray/protection when this $hitstain of a cub came up the tree and the sow got pissed and lunged the whole way to her platform in a 1/2 a second and tried to attack her with its ears laid back swatting at her with one hand while climbing to the teee with the other.

That sow was lucky she didn’t have a gun and my wife was lucky that the sow didn’t come 1 foot closer. Very close call for sure.

She did manage to snap a picture of the naughty cub before it finally climbed down the tree to its ill-tempered bitch of a mother….


Great way to get your heart pumping 20 minutes into the first hunt of your trip.

Moral of the story, my wife will be taking a gun and bear spray with her in the woods from now on if there are bears nearby. Lol
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I hunted the Little Belts in 2022. A local I met while walking the woods before the season opened suggested to be extra aware. The Park Service has been releasing problem bears in the Little Belts and Crazies. FYI.
Hunting in ak bush for 45 years. I stopped carrying a sidearm 20 years ago. I have been charged by a brown/grizzly bear while at our home, back porch. Shot it with a rifle from 4'.
While out at our remote cabin I generally don't carry anything. Just don't feel that the chances of being charged and the ability to hit and kill a charging bear are very good. I find the sidearm a distraction because of the weight. And do not like the distraction.
I will add that I have carried a 45 on my chest because of the wolves. Nothing like sitting in a ground blind and having wolves calling on all sides of you.
When I was transferred back to this country from Germany in the service, 1967, I brought back a 7mm Rem Mag. Ought to work for bears. Got stationed in Lakeside Montana, Grizzly country wasn't far off. I though about that out in the field one day and figured I'd be better off with a 338 Win Mag so got one. Never heard of bear spray back then and truth be known never ran into a grizzly. In fact lived a couple years in Alaska and never ran into one up there either. Either they were afraid of me or simply didn't want to waste their time!

Today I no longer have a 338mag and biggest rifle I own is a 30-06! Think at this point in my life I'd give bear spray a try. Can of bear spray has to be lower on recoil than even my 243! Where the problem might come in would be having the state of mind to rip it out if needed. Probably have it in a pack so would need a time out from the bear to fetch it.

As much time as I've spent in bear country I have never seen a grizzly nor have I ever had a problem with any kind of animal. I have always kept a look out in country like that hoping that if a bear was there I'd spot it in time to avoid trouble.
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When I grew up in Alaska back in the 70’s - 80’s dad always had me wear a pistol when we went salmon fishing

Now I’m in MT, I wear a pistol with 200 gr bear rounds , mentally I feel safer than spray….

I’ve had 2 bear encounters in the field , 1st time I was 16 in Alaska hunting the Brooks Range in 86

2nd was my 1st year here in MT 2022
Momma and her cub

Don’t care to see another one anytime soon
2 yrs ago in Co. my buddy and I were stuck going through some real thick oak brush he had a can of spray on his belt some the branches must have caught the can dislodged the safety and pow it went off man what a mess I was good but it hammered him
found an opening took off pack and his shirt cleaned up best as he could but it kept burning him till we got to a place to set up for the night and he could get to some water and really get that stuff off him. We laugh about it now but not so much at the time
The first two DLP shootings were initiated with a 12ga, first one was 00 buck followed by slugs, at tent door distance; second was high base #6 shot at about 10feet followed by a couple of 180s out of an 06. In both cases the shot did not kill the bear but it certainly took him out of the fight, essentially destroyed his face and drove them back away from us. Ismith is not wrong to consider a shotgun superior in some cases to a handgun.
Otherwise I have no opinion as to Huntnnw being a big dumb dumb head:)
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