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Sportsmen for Responsible Energy Development

Ahh. I see. The State government in CO isn't trying to do the federal agencies job like they are here. Looks like their just trying to do a good job! Hope the new regs stick and it helps protect some of the private land critters...
A subdivision of McMansions on winter range bought by the proceeds that Don Peay got for auctioning off schmaltz's UT elk tag...
The COGCC is caving a bit to the pressures exerted by the energy industry in this flap over the new rules. They have issued a "clarification" of their original intentions with the new rules.:rolleyes: Sources on the "inside" of the local energy companies tell me that they held meetings and sent out letters telling employees that they would be looking for work in 4 months if the new rules were passed. They paid employees to show up at the rule-making hearings and testify against the rules. Lots of baby strollers and button pins: "Oil and gas feeds my family!"

The clarifications are at the third link on this page. The wildlife section begins on page 161. What does "to the extent technically and economically feasible" mean?:rolleyes:

They would have said what it meant, if they knew, maybe. Maybe it means, if someone else proposes a technically and economically feasible way. Something like that, they hope someone thinks of a good way to do whatever is supposed to be done.

You guys had a good discussion here, but I didn't get to read it, it looked like shop talk and I didn't have time. Should I come back and read it all, it might be good?
Wow, the Colorado Oil and Gas Association paid for full page ad in the paper up here in Vail today.

“Certain species are covered. People are not”.
Now I heard a radio ad about all the starving families and mortgage payments that won't get made if they allow the shutdowns.

Waste of money up here in the "Happy Valley".

As far as I am concerned, we can send all this Texas, Oklahoma drilling trash back home for 3 months of the year:D

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