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Sportsmen beware, unless you're only an archer...

I think Ben Lamb won this discussion, hands down.

Interesting. I thought it was a discussion, not a contest.

Plus doesn't uncle Bernie and the burners want "everyone to win"?

Mr. Sheep..i mean Lamb, can shout dog whistle all he wants. The fact is that she (the devil incarnate known as Hillary) is willing to spew this B.S. to try and attract the mentally ill liberal to vote for her. Even if she cant achieve her lofty anti firearm agenda, she wants the loons to believe that's what she is going to do. You know kinda like uncle Bernie and his free "everything" and Trump and his wall.
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I am willing to bet that my voting record is as conservative as anyone's. Can anyone show me Trump's conservative bona fides?
It is time to get rid of private money in public elections. I agree that both candidates are awful. Fortunately congress is there to provide a little balance, but we need to replace a lot of them with better people too. The average down to earth guy no longer has a chance to run for office because of the money involved. Those who can afford to run are already bought and paid for. I would like to see campaigning limited to June through November of an election year with only public funding allowed.

On two tangents, I wrote to both of my senators to request that they bring the Garland nomination to a vote as soon as possible, and that they should strongly consider sayin NO. I could tell by the reply that Tester had read what I wrote (or at least a staffer did), but Daines just sent a canned response that made it appear that he didn't even read the e-mail.

On the second tangent, I stopped supporting the NRA a long time ago. The people they support may want me to be able to have a gun, but the policies those people stand behind would keep me from having public land to hunt on. They also seem (at least to me) to support policies that would promote the idea that only the privileged would be able to afford to hunt. Hunting is literally the only luxury that I spend money on, and because I don't travel to exotic vacations and don't buy the latest greatest gear, I get a pretty good deal on the meat I harvest.
I feel like the school kid standing off to the side of the cool kids, at recess and wanting to make an impression. So I really like Oreo McFlurries, and might send my vote that direction. Can I hang with you guys now?
I'm voting for whoever is running against Senator Fielder. Like several others before have said, I will be casting a write in ballot for President. I thought Vermin Supreme might be a good candidate with his promise of free ponies for all until my daughter bought a horse. Ain't nuthin free about ponies that's for sure. Clowns to the left....
With everyone wanting to write in a candidate we should at least get everyone together and write the same name! Who knows with a social media campaign maybe the write in could actually win! I Suggest randy!
I am willing to bet that my voting record is as conservative as anyone's. Can anyone show me Trump's conservative bona fides?
Trumps not a Conservative, who ever said he was? Unlike your's, my voting record isn't even close to being conservative and I'm damn proud of that. Can anyone name one Democrat in the Country who is or has proposed to privatize even 1 acre of your public land?
This photo has captured the essence of your soul, unless it's Black Velvet and Coke.

It captures that I'm an asshole, these bottles were for my buddy Joe. Back in 2011 when Pappy actually made it onto shelves in the store he called an reserved these two bottles. He then called me to brag about it. Knowing he'd be stuck at work, I went to said store, walked up to the customer service counter and asked for them. They sold them to me and Joe showed up about two hours later....he was not happy. After few texts back and forth I sent him this picture.
The only viable choices are Trump and Hillary. If you don't vote for Trump, then you are supporting Hillary because a third party vote or a non-vote are the same as a vote for Hillary.

If not voting for Trump is equal to voting for Hillary, wouldn't not voting for Hillary be equal to voting for Trump, which means you voted for both, which is equal to not voting for either.
What a circular, logical fallacy. Or more bluntly... What a stupid way to think.

I'll be voting for Gary Johnson because I'm over the 2-party, lesser of two turds BS.... and you know I'm really just a Hillshill - because the pro-abortion, pro- pot legalization, pro-gay marriage social liberal with a semi anti-gun running mate will only 'steal' votes from the R side....... Atleast that's what the super-informed Glenn Beck cucks tell me.
I'll be voting for Gary Johnson because I'm over the 2-party, lesser of two turds BS.... and you know I'm really just a Hillshill - because the pro-abortion, pro- pot legalization, pro-gay marriage social liberal with a semi anti-gun running mate will only 'steal' votes from the R side....... Atleast that's what the super-informed Glenn Beck cucks tell me.

I am leaning in the Gary Johnson directions as well, not because I agree with him on most of the issues, but because it is time to break the strangle hold the two party system has on America. The area that I disagree with him on has to do with the social safety net (since most kids can't pick richer parents) but I am surprisingly aligned with him on the rest of it.
Trumps not a Conservative, who ever said he was? Unlike your's, my voting record isn't even close to being conservative and I'm damn proud of that. Can anyone name one Democrat in the Country who is or has proposed to privatize even 1 acre of your public land?

Maybe not privatize, but Hill does want to "Make public lands an engine of our clean energy economy through a ten-fold increase in renewable energy production on public lands and waters within ten years;"

It's just worth noting that our hunting and fishing grounds are not immune to attacks from all sides. In this instance, it may not be the fossil fuel industry, but the banking industry.
Nothing says 'advocate for women' like being a Saudi puppet. her corruption knows no bounds.
I think Trump's disingenuity is every bit as qualifying as Hilbama 2.0...I mean, isn't unvetted divisiveness still fashionable?

I sure wouldn't mind serious contention from a third candidate.