Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Sportsmen beware, unless you're only an archer...


Apr 30, 2013
In a van, down by the river

Havent seen this little gem posted yet, but if you hunt with a firearm, you might want to have a listen. Not only are they going to go after "assault weapons" (which are already regulated by the ATF), but apparently Hillary Rotten Clinton is going to go after the second amendment as well (since she thinks the Supreme Court "has it wrong").
The only viable choices are Trump and Hillary. If you don't vote for Trump, then you are supporting Hillary because a third party vote or a non-vote are the same as a vote for Hillary.
Dog whistle politics indeed.

Here's where Trump traditionally has been on some hot-button conservative issues: http://dailycaller.com/2015/08/26/f...ust-reckon-with-his-rich-progressive-history/

So you don't believe hilldog is going to attempt to stack the supreme court with radical liberals in order to change the courts rulings on case law regarding the 2nd amendment? Or do you think she is just pandering to the avg. "Guns are bad" liberals?

Or is there some other much more enlightened liberal ideal she is look to achieve?
So you don't believe hilldog is going to attempt to stack the supreme court with radical liberals in order to change the courts rulings on case law regarding the 2nd amendment? Or do you think she is just pandering to the avg. "Guns are bad" liberals?

Or is there some other much more enlightened liberal ideal she is look to achieve?

Oh brother, I hope Trump wins just so we don't have to listen to this stuff for four more years.
So you don't believe hilldog is going to attempt to stack the supreme court with radical liberals in order to change the courts rulings on case law regarding the 2nd amendment? Or do you think she is just pandering to the avg. "Guns are bad" liberals?

Or is there some other much more enlightened liberal ideal she is look to achieve?

I think that she's no friend to the second amendment, and that she's got a much larger issue ahead of her than guns. I've been told that Obama is going to take my guns for the last 8 years. The damned things just multiply in my safe.

I was told that Clinton's AWB ban was going to eliminate black guns - they just went up in price slightly.

Hillary on guns is dog whistle BS. She still will have a congress that won't go along with any kind of sweeping gun control, even when the Senate turns blue in November.

As for the supreme court - I would rather have centrist jurists who are grounded in law versus the shills like Clarence Thomas who is making bank through his wife shilling for conservative groups. Stacking the supreme court with justices that are anti-gun completely ignores the role of the senate in confirmation, and how easily an appointment can get hung up. 1 Senator can squee-haw the whole deal and cause gridlock over an appointment. I don't want more justices who think corporations have the same rights as citizens and I don't want justices that sell their vote for kick backs & juicy gigs for their wives. I do want justices that will defend public land against the landgrabbers, will help hold up laws that ensure clean air, land and water and justices who believe that the people are more important than politics.

I'm not a fan of Hillary Clinton. She's not whom I wanted as the nominee. Trump isn't who I wanted to see as the nominee for the Republicans, but as Sagebrush pointed out, they're who we have. In that light, I'm not sure that the dude endorsed by the KKK, Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un is what's best for America.
But Ben, the NRA and RightWing News keeps telling me different,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Wasn't Obama supposed to have declared martial law by now so he could have a 3rd term? I saw that somewhere, 24h maybe.

In the past 8 years we were suppose to have SHTF, need bugout bags, no ammo, brass, powder, primers, 22LR ammo, black guns, rifles, shotguns handguns, bb guns and sling shots.

I suppose to be living in a rail car up on the high line because of Agenda 21, wolves were suppose to have wiped out all game and put and end to hunting so I wouldn't need any of the above. Preppers were to be the only ones left alive and I saw that on TV.

Gas was going to be $27 a gallon the stock market was to be 6K, the dollar was worthless and gold was to be $8000 and ounce.
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In that light, I'm not sure that the dude endorsed by the KKK, Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un is what's best for America.

Isn't that just as big of a dog whistle? Hillary is endorsed by the communist party of the US does that make communism "what's best for America"? Do endorsements make the choice for president for you? Do You side with Rosie O'Donnell, Joy Behar, Kim Kardashian, Leonardo Dicaprio? What exactly do those people know about what's best for America?

I don't buy that Hillary will take my guns and I certainly don't believe the future is the Donald. I have seen what third terms for the same party does to the country and if past is prologue it turns out bad. I just can't see voting for either of these two candidates. I am convinced that Trump doesn't really, really want to be president but is on an ego trip and equally convince Hillary is a gut shot candidate who would be unable to govern given her divisiveness and unlikeable nature.

Anyway dog whistle politics are the reason we are here with these two terrible candidates.


Isn't that just as big of a dog whistle? Hillary is endorsed by the communist party of the US does that make communism "what's best for America"? Do endorsements make the choice for president for you? Do You side with Rosie O'Donnell, Joy Behar, Kim Kardashian, Leonardo Dicaprio? What exactly do those people know about what's best for America?

I don't buy that Hillary will take my guns and I certainly don't believe the future is the Donald. I have seen what third terms for the same party does to the country and if past is prologue it turns out bad. I just can't see voting for either of these two candidates. I am convinced that Trump doesn't really, really want to be president but is on an ego trip and equally convince Hillary is a gut shot candidate who would be unable to govern given her divisiveness and unlikeable nature.

Anyway dog whistle politics are the reason we are here with these two terrible candidates.



Yes, it's totally dog whistle. That's why I put it out there.
That is an odd way to argue the issue of dog whistles politics but I guess.

So how is one to choose which turd to vote for? The one that you hate or the one that you despise?

I can not stand either one but one of these two will be president. That is the state of our country. What a joke.

That is an odd way to argue the issue of dog whistles politics but I guess.

So how is one to choose which turd to vote for? The one that you hate or the one that you despise?

I can not stand either one but one of these two will be president. That is the state of our country. What a joke.


I will incorporate your constructive criticism and not be too flippant next time. ;)

Vote your conscience, but own it when the sh#t goes south.

Given the choice we have in this election, I know how I have to vote. I don't like it, nor do I think the candidate is the best person to lead the country - but the alternative is much, much worse.
So how is one to choose which turd to vote for? The one that you hate or the one that you despise?

I'll probably start by opening a bottle of Pendleton and throwing the cork in the fire. Beyond that your guess is as good as mine.
Will HRC take our guns away? Probably not.

If HRC had her choice as President to take our guns away would she? In a heartbeat.

Interesting times to be in the US. There are a handful of people that really like HRC or Trump. Everyone left in the middle seems to despise both of them in some form or another. Kind of sad when you think about it.

My kids started listening to this song Hall of Fame. It talks about different careers to be a hall of famer in, one of them is politician. I am not sure if there are any great ones left.
I know how I have to vote. I don't like it, nor do I think the candidate is the best person to lead the country - but the alternative is much, much worse.

Voting for the lesser of two evils no longer holds any appeal for me. I would rather write in a candidate that I could stand rather than cast my vote for either of these.

Hillary would be a terrible president IMO and Trump would be a joke. That is not the leadership the country needs or deserves.

Voting for the lesser of two evils no longer holds any appeal for me. I would rather write in a candidate that I could stand rather than cast my vote for either of these.

Hillary would be a terrible president IMO and Trump would be a joke. That is not the leadership the country needs or deserves.


Regardless of whom you vote for, go vote. :)
I wrote in a nice girl who lives with me on my first submission.

I won't vote for Clinton or Trump. Both are way too poor of a choice to actually contribute to.

Hillary is utter slime.

And with Trump, I worry my kids will have to eventually learn to speak Chinese to survive.