SOLD: 22 acre lot near Bozeman

I looked at the bottom of this page and saw that HuntTalk has over 34,000 members. If we each chipped in less than $20, we could buy the property together so we would all have access to that section of state land. 😀

Kidding aside, I just returned from a trip to North Idaho. Land prices were unreal. So, I don’t think the price on this property is out of line with prices in other desirable areas.
Approved for pot grow operation?!?! 👍 👍 👍
That is a whole nother ball of wax around here. A lot of companies bought these when the law changed. When the residents found out they showed up and nag the hell out of the township board.

We have a lot of these that will be for sale as the resident PIA constantly complaining has mostly stopped any new operations.

This may of been approved once, but it will likely never see a legal pot plant planted.
I can attest to the fact that this would be a great property for someone with the means to invest in it. Wildabeest was more than generous in allowing myself and my brothers to access the public ground through his property and even allowed us to stay in the cabin at his other property in Livingston for a few nights during our trip in 2022. We saw plenty of elk sign and we’re luck enough to harvest a mule deer on the trip. We had a great trip and a large part was do to his generosity is sharing his resource at the time.
I looked at the bottom of this page and saw that HuntTalk has over 34,000 members. If we each chipped in less than $20, we could buy the property together so we would all have access to that section of state land. 😀

Kidding aside, I just returned from a trip to North Idaho. Land prices were unreal. So, I don’t think the price on this property is out of line with prices in other desirable areas.
So if we all throw in 20 bucks and put it on land trust we can make that 20 bucks back and give even more people access
Gallatin county market is insane. 3x return under 5 years seems to be the norm around here. Nice parcel. I remember looking at lots in Ennis in 2017 that were priced around 30k, now they’re going for 225K +

Looking to find a similar lot bordering National Forest once we sell our house in Big Sky.
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Why can’t a guy post a piece of property they purchased for XYZ reasons (unknown to the general public) without being roasted?
I don’t blame the guy he made a smart move, it is frustrating that eastern Montana takes the brunt of what western Montana does. Western Montana is destroying their habitat as they applaud us for our conservation easements in the east (my comment was a joke if he considered looking into one) It is hard to see the Montana I grew up in change like it has. I hate to even think what eastern Montana looks like in 10 years. I hope the property sells and a big mansion gets put up in the wind and snow.
Why can’t a guy post a piece of property they purchased for XYZ reasons (unknown to the general public) without being roasted?
Come on, roasting?
It's discussion with viewpoints, to be expected.
Wildabeest has been around this block.
Property will sell at the asking price, or close.
Hell, someone wants 180k for a crappy 5 acre parcel in my subdivision in 3Forks and the roads are usually plowed...within a few days.😆
A public forum is open to all forms of response. Mostly, in large, it's been positive sentiment expressed.

Curious whims of the Joes and Jane(s) who see 20 acres in Montana, reasonably close enough for major medical/big box, yet distant enough to embrace the love for the smell of pine tree in the morning.

Best to ya, @Wildabeest ! Great vision for later days with rental property type option investments...

Real estate is one, more often than not, increases with great value when that time comes to find other pastures to enjoy.
Being from Michigan I am not up on Bozeman. Maybe it’s the going rate. However, that price seems extraordinarily high. It makes me wonder how anyone of average means can afford to live or work there.
This is the going rate. I paid $325k for my current 1 acre lot and am about to close on another 1 acre for $550. gulp. It is absolutely ridiculous around here. For perspective I build on them live in them 2 yrs and then sell. Then repeat the process
Property tax nightmare: Neighbor buys 5 acre parcel of rocky pasture, builds a nice home with timber frame accents, sells it for $1.25 million.
Our 1892 original vintage house with six acres, mostly in the flood plain was purchased four decades ago for less than today's price for a new pickup. But partly due to the neighbor's windfall one million dollar real estate sale, our property tax is skyrocketing. Retired, so no way of asking for a raise, it's increasingly more difficult to come up with annual property taxes. The Governor sent us a one-time $675 ... big whoopie!!! If he and his pals in the wacko legislature had all this extral money, why not lower property taxes?! Instead, it's just kick your property tax ar$e year after year, with no will to tackle their responsibility to revise the tax structure overall. It's time to debate property tax, income tax, business tax, sales tax potential, and other wise considerations. Instead the most important legislation has to do with combatting their dreaded "wokeness" ... whatever that is ... nobody seems to really know. Anyhow, thanks for tolerating my HT rant. Now ... back to the family budget to see what gets trimmed.
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Property tax nightmare: Neighbor buys 5 acre parcel of rocky pasture, builds a nice home with timber frame accents, sells it for $1.25 million.
Our 1892 original vintage house with six acres, mostly in the flood plain was purchased four decades ago for less than today's price for a new pickup. But partly due to the neighbor's windfall one million dollar real estate sale, our property tax is skyrocketing. Retired, so no way of asking for a raise, it's increasingly more difficult to come up with annual property taxes. The Governor sent us a one-time $675 ... big whoopie!!! If he and his pals in the wacko legislature had all this extral money, why not lower property taxes?! Instead, it's just kick your property tax ar$e year after year, with no will to tackle their responsibility to revise the tax structure overall. It's time to debate property tax, income tax, business tax, sales tax potential, and other wise considerations. Instead the most important legislation has to do with combatting their dreaded "wokeness" ... whatever that is ... nobody seems to really know. Anyhow, thanks for tolerating my HT rant. Now ... back to the family budget to see what gets trimmed.
Spay or neuter your local real estate agent and land developer…
Our Bozeman property taxes increased 29% this year. There is a group of yellow t-shirt wearing (mostly) youth who attend every city council meetings who are elated about the increase. And they, or at least their leaders, although they all announce themselves as leaders, are no dummies. They’ve managed to get one of their members elected as mayor. They call themselves Bozeman Tenants United.
Our Bozeman property taxes increased 29% this year. There is a group of yellow t-shirt wearing (mostly) youth who attend every city council meetings who are elated about the increase. And they, or at least their leaders, although they all announce themselves as leaders, are no dummies. They’ve managed to get one of their members elected as mayor. They call themselves Bozeman Tenants United.
Why would one be happy about increasing taxes?
Property tax nightmare: Neighbor buys 5 acre parcel of rocky pasture, builds a nice home with timber frame accents, sells it for $1.25 million.
Our 1892 original vintage house with six acres, mostly in the flood plain was purchased four decades ago for less than today's price for a new pickup. But partly due to the neighbor's windfall one million dollar real estate sale, our property tax is skyrocketing. Retired, so no way of asking for a raise, it's increasingly more difficult to come up with annual property taxes. The Governor sent us a one-time $675 ... big whoopie!!! If he and his pals in the wacko legislature had all this extral money, why not lower property taxes?! Instead, it's just kick your property tax ar$e year after year, with no will to tackle their responsibility to revise the tax structure overall. It's time to debate property tax, income tax, business tax, sales tax potential, and other wise considerations. Instead the most important legislation has to do with combatting their dreaded "wokeness" ... whatever that is ... nobody seems to really know. Anyhow, thanks for tolerating my HT rant. Now ... back to the family budget to see what gets trimmed.
Montana doesn't have a property tax freeze at age 65 for your primary residence? That's one nice thing about Texas, when you hit 65 you lock in your appraised value for the rest of your life. I think that might only be for school taxes but that makes up 75% to 80% of our property taxes here.
Our Bozeman property taxes increased 29% this year. There is a group of yellow t-shirt wearing (mostly) youth who attend every city council meetings who are elated about the increase. And they, or at least their leaders, although they all announce themselves as leaders, are no dummies. They’ve managed to get one of their members elected as mayor. They call themselves Bozeman Tenants United.
They rent and they support things that increase their rent and they’re not dummies?

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