Yeti GOBOX Collection

SOLD: 22 acre lot near Bozeman

Montana doesn't have a property tax freeze at age 65 for your primary residence?
NO! That is why so many retirees on fixed incomes who are just trying to cope with cost of living increases are particularly adversely impacted by ever increasing property taxes and some even forced out of homes they've lived in and maintained for decades. This last appraisal push has skyrocketed taxes for many of us.
NO! That is why so many retirees on fixed incomes who are just trying to cope with cost of living increases are particularly adversely impacted by ever increasing property taxes and some even forced out of homes they've lived in and maintained for decades. This last appraisal push has skyrocketed taxes for many of us.
Hope you aren't selling your property.
Don't need any more prime local land changing hands to some DB's.
Hope you aren't selling your property.
Don't need any more prime local land changing hands to some DB's.
No, we aren't selling, but some have been forced to sell and find somewhere less expensive. I recall a sad story of two retired school teachers in Whitefish, who were struggling to pay taxes on the home they had raised the family in and maintained for years. The nearby Whitefish mega-mansions and super inflated real estate prices had driven the appraisal on their place over the moon. Then their property tax assessment reflected the huge jump.

Montana desperately needs a tax system overhaul. As someone who mostly opposed a sales tax, I now see how it could more equitably sort out the sources of income to the counties and state. Plus if structured properly to not tax food, medicine, and such essentials, then one could make decisions on purchases to sort out what taxes you are willing to pay.
Now if the city, county, and/or state needs more money for whatever ... they just raise taxes. You have no say! Unfortunately, presently there are few in our legislature with the smarts or backbone to sit down and make the necessary changes.

As you can tell, I am completely frustrated with this state of a taxation abomination. I just sent in first half property tax payment, with the appropriate protest form, only to learn on the news that this county will have to send out another tax bill for more taxes, due to the recent Montana Supreme Court ruling favoring the higher mill levy ordered by the state.
No, we aren't selling, but some have been forced to sell and find somewhere less expensive. I recall a sad story of two retired school teachers in Whitefish, who were struggling to pay taxes on the home they had raised the family in and maintained for years. The nearby Whitefish mega-mansions and super inflated real estate prices had driven the appraisal on their place over the moon. Then their property tax assessment reflected the huge jump.

Montana desperately needs a tax system overhaul. As someone who mostly opposed a sales tax, I now see how it could more equitably sort out the sources of income to the counties and state. Plus if structured properly to not tax food, medicine, and such essentials, then one could make decisions on purchases to sort out what taxes you are willing to pay.
Now if the city, county, and/or state needs more money for whatever ... they just raise taxes. You have no say! Unfortunately, presently there are few in our legislature with the smarts or backbone to sit down and make the necessary changes.

As you can tell, I am completely frustrated with this state of a taxation abomination. I just sent in first half property tax payment, with the appropriate protest form, only to learn on the news that this county will have to send out another tax bill for more taxes, due to the recent Montana Supreme Court ruling favoring the higher mill levy ordered by the state.
The flip side of protesting tax payment is it could, upon more in depth scrutiny of said property, reveal a higher appraisal.
I also feel a sales tax if properly instituted could relieve burden but many people are paranoid that once a sales tax concept gets in motion it could lead to increased taxation.
Don't know what the solution is, way beyond my intuition. Thankful I am still of working age I guess, but the notion of retiring entirely is fading.
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The flip side of protesting tax payment is it could, upon more in depth scrutiny of said property, reveal a higher appraisal.
Potentially, but not likely. I previously dealt with an appraisor and had an adjustment implemented which lowered property tax on a parcel. It was apparent that the system involved making assumptions about the property and the characteristics of structures and amenities, typically assuming highest possible evaluation. Some assumptions were flatly untrue.

Furthermore, my recent protest was two-pronged in that it addresses shortcomings and issues with characteristics of the property which void development and improvements as a factual, practical reason for holding the appraisal evaluation increases to a minimum. The second prong was a strong opinionated statement protesting the "artificial escalation" of appraisal values, based on "exacerbated, highest possible value exaggerated numbers". I figure that if the county treasurer and the state revenue department (through local appraisal officers) get enough protests and pressure from enough loud angry voices, then it's more likely they will pass on their departmental stresses to the Legislature and to the Governor.
It's gonna take much pressure and political motivation to begin to fix this mess.
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State Section.jpg

My wide open section abutting the north boundary of Ted Turner's Flying D Ranch near Bozeman. Value is priceless!
However, I do share ownership with all who are citizens of Montana. You may hike it and hunt it if you have the inexpensive, easy to acquire recreation permit.
But be advised, there is no road hunting allowed since access is on foot around a locked gate.
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The 8 acre lot (no improvements) next to our property was listed for $320K! They reduced it to $280K and it sold last month. I do not know the selling price but doubt if he dropped it much, if any.

Here in WY. No creek, no water... just sagebrush prairie... and we are no where near Jackson Hole.
This is the going rate. I paid $325k for my current 1 acre lot and am about to close on another 1 acre for $550. gulp. It is absolutely ridiculous around here. For perspective I build on them live in them 2 yrs and then sell. Then repeat the process
Wow! Crazy prices.
Is there a public land hunter using this forum that can actually afford this? Jeez that's steep. Heck rather than spend 600k for the property, I could buy 20 30k guided hunts!
What does being a public land hunter have to do with this?
What does being a public land hunter have to do with this?
I was simply just making a generalization that the type of person that can afford a 600k, 22 acre parcel is the type of person that is likely to be hiring a guide rather than the type of person that is hunting DIY on public land. This forum is in general (again making a generalization) utilized and followed by the latter and therefore the targeted audience for his for sale listing is rather small on this forum.
There's a place here, not far from Helena that is for sale for $18 million. It includes 11,000 acres. Beautiful place and if I had the funds....

But alas, as somebody pointed out, I am a poor public land hunter and its just not even in the realm of possibility for me.
There's a place here, not far from Helena that is for sale for $18 million. It includes 11,000 acres. Beautiful place and if I had the funds....

But alas, as somebody pointed out, I am a poor public land hunter and its just not even in the realm of possibility for me.
Ya never know. Your ship might come in!
But it's like Ted Turner told a fella who was badgering him at a news conference about being able to hunt, hike, and trespass on the Flying D Ranch. Turner finally told him that he bought the ranch to fish and get away from the smog, noise, traffic, and crowds of Atlanta. He then said, "If you want the same opportunity ... then go earn your own $19 million and buy your own ranch!"

I can't even imagine what the Flying D Ranch is worth in today's real estate market.
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I was simply just making a generalization that the type of person that can afford a 600k, 22 acre parcel is the type of person that is likely to be hiring a guide rather than the type of person that is hunting DIY on public land. This forum is in general (again making a generalization) utilized and followed by the latter and therefore the targeted audience for his for sale listing is rather small on this forum.

You might be surprised how many folks that could afford that piece of property are DIY, public hunters.
You might be surprised how many folks that could afford that piece of property are DIY, public hunters.
No not really. I could and pretty much only hunt DIY, public outside of my home property where I live.

I however would not be the type that would buy that property for that price. That is where the difference lies. The mindset of the DIY public land hunter is just not the same as the mindset of a person that would buy that property at that price. Again, I'm making generalizations here and you are just reading into this too much. No sense in derailing this further arguing with you, if you wish to continue, send me a PM.