Well-known member
Our teachers certainly don't need to start carrying a gun, but I might not be oppossed to teachers carrying pepper spray, a stun gun or something similar.
whats the range on that pepper spray? I'm guessing not that of a gun. ( I know that to be true)
Lot's of very good ideas on this thread, but, In my opinion, if the whacko thinks/knows that some/most of the people "could" be packing. . .I would guess it would make he/she think twice about going into the establishment. This goes for schools, malls, grocery stores, anywhere. . .if they think someone has the ability to fight back. . .they may rethink entering. I believe that the whacko in the mall a few weeks ago was confronted by an armed citizen and decided it was better to commit suicide that fight. If someone is so sick in the head that he/she is set on killing these children he would have done it by any means. . .how about at recess? could he have ran over 20+ in a car as they played? sure. could he have killed some with a knife? sure ( In I believe China last week or so a man killed a bunch of people with a knife) Its a sick world right now. Sad. just my 2 cents. RJ