and public schools should not be gun free zones,if you have a child in said school,and you have a c.w.p ,then you should be allowed to carry your weapon to school,if you are a teacher at said school,and you have a c.w.p,then you should be allowed to carry it in said school,while teaching,eating lunch,or what ever you happen to be doing,if you are a parent of a student in said school,why would you not want someone protecting your child?
if training is the issue,then allow a teacher to take said training if teacher chooses to,the district could offer a class to teach advanced training,simlar to boot camp,only in gun safety,gun training,gun handling,and then test said trainee,like a test you take to get a licence to drive,or to get a captains licence,or a degree in something,then there would be no need to have a rent a dope,and pay him wages with medical,dental,retirement,vacation,and even hazard pay.
and said teacher,should buy his or hers own fire arm,and carry it on them,because a locked up gun,is not even good for a club.:hump:
if training is the issue,then allow a teacher to take said training if teacher chooses to,the district could offer a class to teach advanced training,simlar to boot camp,only in gun safety,gun training,gun handling,and then test said trainee,like a test you take to get a licence to drive,or to get a captains licence,or a degree in something,then there would be no need to have a rent a dope,and pay him wages with medical,dental,retirement,vacation,and even hazard pay.
and said teacher,should buy his or hers own fire arm,and carry it on them,because a locked up gun,is not even good for a club.:hump: