Yeti GOBOX Collection

should teachers be armed, at school

It's voluntary, so I don't believe there will be a liabiltiy issue. They aren' t mandating that employees be armed.

I'm sure you're right and that this had to be cleared by the School Boards legal council and the States A.G. Just seemed odd to me that the district chose to arm them rather than just allowing them to exercise there right to arm themselves.
54hrs of training, a free 9mm and 500 rounds of ammo per year. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me.
+1 on what Fin said. In Wi you can get a concealed carry permit by attending a hunter safety course. When I attended with my daughter handguns were not covered in the class and you didn't have to prove proficiency with anything. Teachers have way too much on their plates the way things are now.
Iv'e only read the last 4-5 post's But as a Dad who has a Daughter teaching in a predominantly Black school in North Carolina and Me growing up in one like that in Penn. I prefer that She could carry. Not being predjudiced , Just coming from experience. And there are a lot of White thugs too......BOB
I heard on the local radio today that the largest school district in this part of the State has chosen to have armed Teachers,Custodians,Grounds keepers and Administration,on campus.
My wife who worked for this district for 6 years told me that they have about 2500 students K - 12 and graduate about 150 students per year.
The report on the news stated that participation was voluntary and about 50 personnel received 54hrs of training from the State Police. That each participant received a one time stipend to purchase a 9mm in their own name. They have to take the same requalification test that any police officer has to take every year.
I'm not sure what to think about this,seems like they have opened themselves up to serious liability by essentially arming employees.
Anyone else have this going on where you live?

A quick update.The School District has abandoned this program.The States A.G. has handed down an opinion that this program is in violation of state law. My understanding of his ruling is that in effect this School district,by paying for the training and the one time stipend to purchase an approved weapon has basically ''Hired'' a private security force.In this state it's against the law for a ''Public'' entity to hire private security. It's my understanding that this has to do with accountability to the
As a side note there have been a couple dozen FOI request made to the school from both the Media and private individuals for a list of names of the School employees who where participating in the program.The School has so far been successful in not releasing the names but the opinion handed down from the A.G.states that as a publicly financed entente, if the School was to have gone forward with this program all records related to it would have to be released to the public. Some records have been released,one number that caught my eye was $60,000, the amount that it cost the district to train and arm the Employees.

As a guy who has some pretty Libertarian leanings,this case has me scratching my head and wondering where my loyalties should lie.On one hand I believe in our right to arm ourselves,I believe that the School Board in this case was doing their honest best to secure this School,it's Children and it's Employees.
On the other hand I fully support the peoples rights to know what it's public institutions are doing,from the policies that they implement to how public funds are being used.
This case has served as a lesson to me. As one of the guys who thought that just''Arm them all'' after Sandyhook was the answer,I've learned that it's never quite so cut and dried.
We don't even want to allow teachers to have a union or pay them a living wage. Not sure that we think they are too valued and trusted in this society.

1. Teachers are paid a living wage. New teachers are at the low end but quickly move up.

2. Public Unions steal from taxpayers.
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+1 on what Fin said. In Wi you can get a concealed carry permit by attending a hunter safety course. When I attended with my daughter handguns were not covered in the class and you didn't have to prove proficiency with anything. Teachers have way too much on their plates the way things are now.

In South Dakota you can get a CCP by going to the Sheriff and giving him $10.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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