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Sh*t our kids do

My oldest son was about 4 or 5 and peeing in the front yard. Facing the street. The neighbor drove by with the window down and waved and started laughing. My son switched hands, got a big smile on his face, and waved right back at him. Neighbor still laughs about it.
My son has been on a mission to trap ground squirrels. I showed up the other day and saw about 3,000’ of my parachute cord made into about 1,000 snares surrounding every known ground squirrel hole in the area. I told him he’s cutting it off the mower blades if he doesn’t get them all picked up. He follows in my footsteps as a trapper, he’s been highly unsuccessful this far, but there’s no sense of giving up yet.
New dad here so thanks for the warnings.
1st off congratulation!

2nd, you’ll try to be the best dad ever

3rd you’ll be saying “are you F****** kidding me??? about 30 times a day in a few years. WWE doesn’t hold a candle to my 7 and 10 year olds when they decide to have it out. I had kids young, I was hoping to raise them then have a 2nd life with my wife, I think I’ll be too tired, now I envy the Hollywood actors that have kids at 80 because they’ll be dead before their kids become a total menace to society.
1st off congratulation!

2nd, you’ll try to be the best dad ever

3rd you’ll be saying “are you F****** kidding me??? about 30 times a day in a few years. WWE doesn’t hold a candle to my 7 and 10 year olds when they decide to have it out. I had kids young, I was hoping to raise them then have a 2nd life with my wife, I think I’ll be too tired, now I envy the Hollywood actors that have kids at 80 because they’ll be dead before their kids become a total menace to society.
I'll be 45 when my youngest 6 hits 18 and at this rate will be completely played out!
I’m 35. My wife and I have been trying to have a kid for longer than this threads been up. Going the IUI route now. Failed on that today too. Seeing that old dudes like Al Pacino are cranking out kids still legit made me cranky last week. I spent most of my adult life avoiding having a kid like the plague. Now that we’re ready, and can’t, it’s pretty damn frustrating to not be able to thus far.
I’m 35. My wife and I have been trying to have a kid for longer than this threads been up. Going the IUI route now. Failed on that today too. Seeing that old dudes like Al Pacino are cranking out kids still legit made me cranky last week. I spent most of my adult life avoiding having a kid like the plague. Now that we’re ready, and can’t, it’s pretty damn frustrating to not be able to thus far.
I should send you some of our water. Made a joke of it years ago to a cousin and damned if she didn't get pregnant shortly after! :ROFLMAO:
I’m 35. My wife and I have been trying to have a kid for longer than this threads been up. Going the IUI route now. Failed on that today too. Seeing that old dudes like Al Pacino are cranking out kids still legit made me cranky last week. I spent most of my adult life avoiding having a kid like the plague. Now that we’re ready, and can’t, it’s pretty damn frustrating to not be able to thus far.
That's rough man, we struggled to get pregnant too, and it definitely starts to mess with your head and the stress of it piles up. I have no great advice on how to handle it, you just have to walk through it. Just know you're not the only one that is going through it, or has gone through it. Reach out if you'd like.
I’m 35. My wife and I have been trying to have a kid for longer than this threads been up. Going the IUI route now. Failed on that today too. Seeing that old dudes like Al Pacino are cranking out kids still legit made me cranky last week. I spent most of my adult life avoiding having a kid like the plague. Now that we’re ready, and can’t, it’s pretty damn frustrating to not be able to thus far.
True story- way back when these folks Joe and Anne had trouble conceiving. They adopted a baby girl, Barbara. within a short time thereafter, Anne was pregnant, had another baby girl. And my aunt Joann was born into the world!
There is a place for contemporary medicine- IVI, ICI, IUI and a close friend of my wife’s has her little boy today due to such intervention. It’s a je ne sais quoi as to all the right elements for screaming baby. It’s a whole combination of hormones, motility, timing, superstition, prayer, practitioners, doulas. However you two get a child in your lives, it sounds like the kid will have a terrific childhood and be very loved.
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