Sh*t our kids do

Every time I have to go in for a VA clinic/hospital (whatever) visit, my step-daughter, with the assistance of some of her friends bake cookies, muffins, make smoores, candy and go room to room passing them out, while I'm doing whatever.

(Survivor of the Tel-Aviv missile attacks)
Our almost 2 month old had his best night sleep yet, last night. Our 2-1/2 year old on the other hand was up at 1:00, 2:30, 3:30, and 4:30. He thought it was really fun and loved running around the house back and forth from his room to ours while all the lights were off. Had the urge to snort some Pike's Place grounds before I made a pot. Going to be feeling it later today.
Just think how satisfying it's going to be unloading the dishwasher and mowing the lawn at 6:30am on a Saturday morning when they are in highschool.
F52C4343-EAAD-41AD-B100-F06F182D45E3.jpegWife left early for a a conference this am and my 6 year old snuck into our bed. I woke up and started making breakfast when she came out of the room about 20 minutes later she said she had a bloody nose and must have rolled around a little bit. There was nothing on the pillows when I got up.

The oil stain is from castor oil the three year old spilt last night.

Those sheets came out of the dryer at 5pm last night.
View attachment 272005Wife left early for a a conference this am and my 6 year old snuck into our bed. I woke up and started making breakfast when she came out of the room about 20 minutes later she said she had a bloody nose and must have rolled around a little bit. There was nothing on the pillows when I got up.

The oil stain is from castor oil the three year old spilt last night.

Those sheets came out of the dryer at 5pm last night.
Pre treat with cold water and dawn in the bathtub.
And dragging them out of bed to shovel snow before school. Could I afford a snowblower, yes, however, they don’t build character like a shovel does.
My parents never got a skid steer to clean out the barn and corrals until us three boys were gone. We loaded the cow cake into the pickup with a scoop shovel and once again once us three boys were gone an overhead bin was purchased. It's funny how those things show up in the budget all of a sudden.
View attachment 272005Wife left early for a a conference this am and my 6 year old snuck into our bed. I woke up and started making breakfast when she came out of the room about 20 minutes later she said she had a bloody nose and must have rolled around a little bit. There was nothing on the pillows when I got up.

The oil stain is from castor oil the three year old spilt last night.

Those sheets came out of the dryer at 5pm last night.

Oh man, one of my girls did the same thing last week. I went to the fly fishing film tour and got home about 10. The kids were all in the bed with my wife so I took them out one by one without turning on the lights and then went to bed. Immediately I noticed my pillow felt damp so I turned on my flashlight...blood. all. over. my pillow and the sheets on my side. :mad:
actual brag. Immediately after practice the other day (soccer and baseball) I took the kids to a board meeting at a local irr dist. They wanted to discuss water rights. They came into the small CMU shed that they hold meetings in, and I placed them on a bench on the back and told them to be quiet. The meeting went really good, they had great questions, a very complicated WR portfolio and I sorta nerded out on it. When we wrapped up I looked at my watch it'd been 2hrs, it was not only after their bed times but they still hadn't even eating dinner, nothing since lunch at school. I didn't hear so much as a peep, no screens, or books, or anything entertaining involved, just quiet acceptance of a shitty situation (that was Dad's fault).... it's all (all being the trudging misery I've induced almost every weekend) finally paying off.
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actual brag. Immediately after practice the other day (soccer and baseball) I took the kids to a board meeting at a local irr dist. They wanted to discuss water rights. They came into the small CMU shed that they hold meetings in, and I placed them on a bench on the back and told them to be quiet. The meeting went really good, they had great questions, a very complicated WR portfolio and I sorta nerded out on it. When we wrapped up I looked at my watch it'd been 2hrs, it was not after their bed times and the still hadn't even eating dinner, nothing since lunch at school. I didn't hear so much as a peep, no screens, or books, or anything entertaining involved, just quiet acceptance of a shitty situation (that was Dad's fault).... it's all finally paying off.
Carma is real. You should be afraid of what is surely coming your way.
actual brag. Immediately after practice the other day (soccer and baseball) I took the kids to a board meeting at a local irr dist. They wanted to discuss water rights. They came into the small CMU shed that they hold meetings in, and I placed them on a bench on the back and told them to be quiet. The meeting went really good, they had great questions, a very complicated WR portfolio and I sorta nerded out on it. When we wrapped up I looked at my watch it'd been 2hrs, it was not only after their bed times but they still hadn't even eating dinner, nothing since lunch at school. I didn't hear so much as a peep, no screens, or books, or anything entertaining involved, just quiet acceptance of a shitty situation (that was Dad's fault).... it's all (all being the trudging misery I've induced almost every weekend) finally paying off.
This is almost beyond the capabilities of my imagination to picture. My kids are a fair bit younger than yours, but within 15 minutes of being at that meeting they would have been slithering under people’s chairs and chewing on their pant legs. I’m honestly blown away.
This is almost beyond the capabilities of my imagination to picture. My kids are a fair bit younger than yours, but within 15 minutes of being at that meeting they would have been slithering under people’s chairs and chewing on their pant legs. I’m honestly blown away.
Same. My feral heathens would have burned that place to the ground.

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