Sh*t our kids do

Well I'm gonna brag on my littlest one....

There was also a breadboard I didn't get a picture of that won a 1st place award. I guess I should be shopping for tools for her for Christmas now....When school starts in a week her ag class will be Welding....
Her latest laser cutting piece....

And some encouragement to those of you with little kids....Save up those stories. One day they are gonna be respectable young men and ladies and you can roast them good at just the right time. Believe it or not my teenager is starting to figure out what her dad told her about working hard and being a leader is paying off.

The boy she has been seeing was over so I made sure to post this picture quite conspicuously. That's my Dad when she was 2 I think...

Long time listener first time caller here, gave my daughter a bath last night. Was carrying her the 5 feet to the changing table to put on a diaper and she shit right in my hand.

Core memory for sure.

Wife looked me in the eye and deadpanned "She's just asserting her dominance".
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