SF118’is a horrible bill that will destroy drawing odds and put WY on the wrong path. Allowing the transfer of landowners tags will create a series of problems. The immediate results will be a reduction in draw tags for both resident and non.
The long term we will see a loss of all access we currently have. Passing 118 will destroy the Access YES program. It will destroy all Walk in access we have and will end the use of HMAs.
Privatization of wildlife for profit is always a bad thing g. But in WY it will have major repercussions even for the landowner/ranchers.
I encourage everyone to contact the Ag committee ASAP. As all the work we did to block it in the Travel and Rec committee is gone. They moved the bill to avoid the pressure.
The long term we will see a loss of all access we currently have. Passing 118 will destroy the Access YES program. It will destroy all Walk in access we have and will end the use of HMAs.
Privatization of wildlife for profit is always a bad thing g. But in WY it will have major repercussions even for the landowner/ranchers.
I encourage everyone to contact the Ag committee ASAP. As all the work we did to block it in the Travel and Rec committee is gone. They moved the bill to avoid the pressure.