Selling Public LandHR 621 and 622: Do We All Agree that Jason Chaffetz is a Coward?

If you haven't contacted your rep yet, do it! If you have send them an email and call them again.

I lived and worked in Utah for over 20 years. IMO most of the Utah voters are sheeple..because for the most part they will do whatever they are told and not question why? There are numerous alternatives to voting strictly party by lines. Utah is the only place I have seen people run on the platform that they will vote straight party lines every time and it has proven to be a successful tactic for that state. The Utah reps get a pass because they are part of the good old boy network and are predominate members of the church. I have lived in numerous other states and have never seen that. I am sure it exists but it is the norm in Utah. A lot of the crazy land stuff is coming from Utah and the corruption and cronyism in that state is what cause me to move.

Without the Obama boogie man I think you'll see Utah politics move more centrist. Having Huntsman in the Senate would be a great step forward.
I'm in the most red county in NM. Same thing here. I estimate conservatively 90% of the residents make their living one way or another either directly on or due to the large amount of public lands we have.
Yet once again they so into the "Win" for the R's they are giddy like kids. They really think THEY won.
Got a FB note from a rancher buddy saying give him a think the sky is falling!
Well I do know when I'm being hailed on and pissed on.
What do I say to him when he does not own the lands he leases for cattle and no pension,healthcare or SS?
Half his life is state hwy dpt. work and just retired.That is his nest egg besides the family place.

Some how laughing or I told you so does not help me. Or anyone.

You must know my entire extended family, you just described them perfectly... My opinion is that it's a masculinity thing. You can't vote for a fricking p@ssy democrat no matter what. I bet they can't even tell you who's on which side of an issue.

The good news is that some of their kids are taking to time to realize they don't know everything and are actually looking at the issues. I has got to help our common sense cause on the federal land issue.
Anybody been able to produce a list of which parcels are for sale under this plan? Someone told me it was based on some 1997 report that listed acreage by county. Jefferson County, Montana was not listed. But, the Butte RMP has lands listed as "disposable" that lie in Jefferson County.

So are the RMP Disposable Lists not what we should be looking at? If we can identify which parcels are for sale under this plan and can connect stories and experiences to those parcels it will make an opposing argument that much more powerful.
Chaffetz does have an instagram account that he seems to run himself. Pretty funny that he has some nice scenery and wildlife pictures that I'd bet were mostly taken on public land. The comments in the last couple days seem heavily weighted towards public land supporters. disposal report.pdf

This is the disposable acreage lists in the 1997 report. So if these are the lands that are to be sold under chaffetz Bill, I was incorrect to say the parcel where my daughter caught her first fish is on the chopping block. Though it is listed as disposable under Butte's RMP

Either way it's a shame that land you and others use and enjoy is on the disposal list of a government agency.

As far as what's in the bill for disposal, it needs to be opposed no matter what's for sale. It sets a dangerous president. If they push this through, we can expect more of the same.
Packing out antelope on Miles City Mt area BLM the crosshairs. For folks on here that don't get the uproar - I don't get you. Maybe start a forum for folks who don't value public lands or maybe for folks who only value public lands for their monetary value. Don't worry, if this forum starts up - I won't be on there arguing with you.......meatCBs.jpg
Article with links:

Public Land For Sale! Here Are Some of the 3.3 Million Acres Being Eyed for "Disposal"

By Ryan Krogh

Fishing in Harney, Oregon, a county that has some 44,000 acres of it deemed fit for "disposal" by the Department of Interior. Credit: Getty Images

Back in 1997, then Secretary of Interior Bruce Babbitt was required by Congress to "examine their holdings" — basically to rank public lands that the government could sell off to support an Everglades restoration project. The list, which is hosted here on Jason Chaffetz's (R-UT) Congressional Website, offers up a whopping 3.368 million acres in 10 states — specifically Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming. While the exact land for sale is not identified, the counties where the land is held (190 in total) is. Connecting the dots isn't too hard to do to see which areas, and communities, will be affected. And it's clear that some of this so-called "disposal land" is far from worthless — especially for hunters, anglers, hikers, and bikers.

Why does this matter now? With public land sales back on the docket (H.R. 621, introduced by Chaffetz), this 1997 document is a sort of wish list of lands for sale (you can find another version on BLM's site). But even in 1997 this document was far from airtight: "Please note many lands identified appear to have conflicts which may preclude them from being considered for disposal or exchange," wrote then Assistant Secretary Bonnie Cohen. "Conflicts include high disposal costs, critical natural or cultural resources and habitat, mineral claims and leases, and hazardous conditions.” Many of the lands are home to endangered species, like the desert tortoise and Mexican gray wolf. Twenty years later, many of the potential conflicts have become more problematic, thanks to new National Monuments, newly identified species, and, let's not forget, outdoorsmen, who have always made use of the land — our land.

Below are some examples of land that could be on the auction block if Chaffetz's bill is passed. Get your checkbook ready!

State: Wyoming

County: Sheridan

The Potential Land: 35,200 acres of BLM-managed land in the Powder River Basin, which is just east of the Bighorn Mountains, popular with hikers, campers, horseback riders, and hunters.

State: Wyoming

County: Park

The Potential Land: 27,300 acres surrounding the Shoshone River, a popular fly-fishing stream in northern Wyoming. Most of the BLM-managed land in Park County is downstream of the town of Cody, which sits between the Big Horn, Owl Creek, Bridger, and Absaroka mountain ranges. Tourism is the town’s primary industry.

State: Oregon

County: Harney

The Potential Land: 44,000 acres in a county that’s home to Steens Mountain, a 9,733-foot peak that’s popular with campers and hunters, and Malheur National Forest.

State: New Mexico

County: Catron

The Potential Land: 25,000 acres that contain “cultural resources,” meaning it’s probably home to pueblo ruins. The land is most likely a giant tract southwest of the town of Quemado, and some of the land abuts the Gila National Forest, home to the endangered Mexican gray wolf, the Gila trout, and some of the best elk hunting in the U.S.

State: Colorado

County: Montrose

The Potential Land: 2,105 acres that is home to endangered species and “historic/cultural resources.” The surrounding area contains the Gunnison Gorge, famous for its rafting and fly-fishing trips, and Uncompahgre National Forest, which is home to elk, mule deer, bighorn sheep, and mountain goat.

State: Nevada

County: Elko

The Potential Land: 208,900 acres that contains endangered species, historic resources, and is home to “wetlands/floodplain.” BLM-managed land makes up a giant percentage of land in Elko County, but exactly what land is up for consideration is unclear, or what the effects might be.

State: Arizona

County: Mohave

The Potential Land: 23,525 acres with mining claims and historic resources. A comment attached to the description notes that the land is “classified as habitat for the Desert Tortoise (a sensitive species).”

Total Acres That Could Be Up For Sale, By State:

Arizona: 453,950

Colorado: 93,741

Idaho: 110,022

Montana: 94,520

Nebraska: 6,615

Nevada: 898,460

New Mexico: 813,531

Oregon: 70,308

Utah: 132,931

Wyoming: 694,200
NVBighorn, thanks for posting that article. I just copied it over to the forums where a lot of people think public land transfer and divesting the Federal government of its land is a good idea.

Be sure to inform any organization you belong to that you want them to publicly stand against these bills including emailing their members. These groups have influence over a lot more people than my simple Facebook post, I have even emailed REI and the president of my Fly-fishing club!

Push more people to be vocal and active and being a millennial I can promise you'll get a lot further if you deliver facts and don’t point blame!

Remember, Hippies love the outdoors as much as we do. Don’t make it about hunting, make it about the loosing ACCESS to public lands.

Thanks for reading!
Land issue aside, I have to say that it's interesting how many on here make it sound like conservatism is so evil, while making it sound as if the other politicians have done us so many favors. I am really not trying to start a political argument here, But I have to say that on almost any other issue, I firmly believe in conservatism. That said, no politician will ever do us many favors regardless of affiliation. We have to make them work for us. I made calls to all of my representatives and sent them emails regarding the land transfer.
I have a hard time with folks who call themselves conservatives and do not know what the definition of Conserve is or conservation.
Any politician that wants to transfer MY 640 million acres of Federal lands to the states is evil...I don't give a chit about any of their other agenda items. I also don't give a chit if they're conservative, liberal, communist, tea party, green party, or something in between.

Those pushing the transfer are making it political, and if they're the "conservative" party, they better damn well expect backlash, because they're going to get it. I cut nobody slack on this one...
I agree, I am definitely not trying to defend any politician here, I am simply pointing out that no politician can be trusted with our lands.
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If conservatives don't wont to be labeled as evil...then clean up those within the conservative party that are pushing TPL. Get TPL off the Republican Party Platform, that would be a good start.

They've earned the criticism they are getting, and then some.
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