Selling Public LandHR 621 and 622: Do We All Agree that Jason Chaffetz is a Coward?

Not just bullied and intimidated, but there existed "a paid attempt to bully and intimidate"..........
Sounds like the tough patriotic tea partier may actually be kind of a snowflake.......

Almost got worked up there............

They couldn't possibly hate me because of my actions.

Chaffetz said he will continue to make himself available to voters but may now avoid providing a venue "for these radicals to further intimidate."

Jason Chaffetz, really is the biggest coward in DC and SLC.

It is pretty impressive that Jason Chaffetz, the biggest coward in DC and SLC, could be sitting in a closed door meeting with Trump, thinking he is important, and then, less than 36 hours be reminded by his constituents that he isn't doing his job.

And, instead of deciding to do his job, and listen to his constituents, he decides to whine and cry about his treatment. Claiming the people at his meeting were paid. And, from Colorado....

Jason crying.jpg

And become a national symbol for out of touch Congressmen.