
Screwing over the Non-resident (or not)?

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Pretty sure they could cut the allocation in half and double the price and sell them just as fast. There's a lot of people with a lot of money out there and others with lots of credit cards.

Yep. I don’t think we’re disagreeing here.

They could also just double the price without cutting them in half and make twice as much.
The longer this thread goes on the more I see 90/10 across the board.

You wield that like your scolding your dog. Shut up and be good or you don’t get this bone.

90/10 and worse is coming no matter how much NRs kiss ass.

The only thing stopping it is money. If they could find a way to take it all while NR paid and got nothing they would
A majority will be against transferable landowner tags.

How do you know? The majority of beneficiaries don’t even hunt. Why wouldn’t they want to see WY landowners do well and make money (not to mention the state gain financially from the sale of these tags)?

Transferable landowner tags are an absolute no-brainer from a financial perspective.
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If they don’t like it, they should move. Isn’t that the standard come back for HT when a NR voices a complaint
But I don’t want to move from a western state, as hunting is a priority in my life. I have made decisions and sacrifices my entire life to live out here in order to take advantage of the hunting opportunities it affords me.

If you want to hunt more, don’t complain just move. Maybe you and Buzz can be neighbors in WY, bury the hatchet, and hunt goats together as residents…Every Single Year!
If they don’t like it, they should move. Isn’t that the standard come back for HT when a NR voices a complaint
Its not that "they" dont like it and need to move. Its just based in the choices we all choose to make and where we live.

There are benefits and drawbacks to living in any place. Hunting, fishing, and backpacking opportunity for me mean a lot.
But I don’t want to move from a western state, as hunting is a priority in my life. I have made decisions and sacrifices my entire life to live out here in order to take advantage of the hunting opportunities it affords me.

If you want to hunt more, don’t complain just move. Maybe you and Buzz can be neighbors in WY, bury the hatchet, and hunt goats together as residents…Every Single Year!

Buddy, you’d be hard press to find someone that hunts as much as I do and in as many places as I do! If I hunt anymore my wife might divorce me and rightly so!
This isn’t about me hunting more this about us making a system that is going to marginalize a hunter in everyplace except his own state.
You’d going to love that when CO beneficiaries keep shutting down hunting opportunities there !
CPW has said that they raise more money with pref points, and continued "buy-in" to the system at commission meetings.

I'm saying tongue in check that pref points don't benefit NR, or really anyone. The "predictability" is an illusion due to creep (except for low point units 1-3).

None of this is a counter to your statement, I'm just clarifying my point. I think what you wrote is 100% accurate.

Did anyone, to your knowledge, point blank ask CPW about going NM, ID, or AK style straight draw?
@Oak is on the draw working group, he can better describe their deliberations. I recall random draw was considered in the draw group meetings I watched on YT. Much more on this topic here:
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How do you know? The majority of benificiaries don’t even hunt.
They also don't comment on hunting related regulations. If that was the case the outfitter draw would have went through. It is going to go through now I would support a 92 5 3 with outfitter get 5
Its not that "they" dont like it and need to move. Its just based in the choices we all choose to make and where we live.

There are benefits and drawbacks to living in any place. Hunting, fishing, and backpacking opportunity for me mean a lot.

There is no free lunch. Don’t be surprised when the rest of the country doesn’t fell like subsidizing your hunting and pubic lands. After all it made it to a party platform.
Don’t come running for support when you marginalized NR hunters to the point where they might want to see the deck reshuffled
But I don’t want to move from a western state, as hunting is a priority in my life. I have made decisions and sacrifices my entire life to live out here in order to take advantage of the hunting opportunities it affords me.

If you want to hunt more, don’t complain just move. Maybe you and Buzz can be neighbors in WY, bury the hatchet, and hunt goats together as residents…Every Single Year!
Bad idea, encouraging people to move to CO. I hear WY is MUCH nicer. And sweeter women in UT.
@Oak is on the draw working group, he can better describe their deliberations. I recall random draw was considered in the draw group meetings I watched on YT. Much more on this topic here:
I have successfully avoided this thread for 23 pages. Not going back to read now! ;) If someone has a specific question about the draw process working group, they can ask in that thread. BTW, a working group update memo is posted on the March Commission meeting webpage.
they will vote correctly when the time comes.

Or, they will be voted out.


But what does it mean to “vote correctly” in these trying times?

I get your opinion on this, but you’re not a landowner- you know as well as I do that all residents are not equal.

If I recall, WY was recently trying to back door some of these in already. It’s coming.
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But I don’t want to move from a western state, as hunting is a priority in my life. I have made decisions and sacrifices my entire life to live out here in order to take advantage of the hunting opportunities it affords me.

If you want to hunt more, don’t complain just move. Maybe you and Buzz can be neighbors in WY, bury the hatchet, and hunt goats together as residents…Every Single Year!

Do we really want more people moving to the west for the amenities?

I’d argue this is more detrimental to our herds than just about anything.
Buddy, you’d be hard press to find someone that hunts as much as I do and in as many places as I do! If I hunt anymore my wife might divorce me and rightly so!
This isn’t about me hunting more this about us making a system that is going to marginalize a hunter in everyplace except his own state.
You’d going to love that when CO beneficiaries keep shutting down hunting opportunities there !

But, here is what I know. If Residents of any state are going to be doing 95% of the advocating for wildlife, 95% of the advocating for land management issues in their state, 95% of the boots on the ground projects, 95% of the the work attending legislative session, 95% of the work attending commission, task force, working groups, meeting with biologists, etc. etc.....AND still providing over 50% of the funding, it only makes sense that should get 90% of the opportunity.

In my experience of doing this kind of thing for well over 30 years now, the best advocates are always local. They're the ones that show up, they should get the biggest reward. They care a whole lot more than a NR about the wildlife, land, and things they enjoy in their state. Just the way it is.

That's why I was wrong about Arizona, they do nearly all the work and every once in a while ask for some assistance from NR's. I shouldn't be pissed that they want more opportunity for their Residents.
Buddy, you’d be hard press to find someone that hunts as much as I do and in as many places as I do! If I hunt anymore my wife might divorce me and rightly so!
This isn’t about me hunting more this about us making a system that is going to marginalize a hunter in everyplace except his own state.
You’d going to love that when CO beneficiaries keep shutting down hunting opportunities there !
Well for once we kind of agree. The hunting in CO is going downhill quick because of the unfortunate political atmosphere. My wife and I have an exit strategy and two states are on the short list. One of them being WY.

I don’t rant, rave and whine about the situation, I change my situation. In this case I worked harder to buy my own hunting land and am moving to a state that is more friendly to hunters. Something to think about huh? 🤔

But what does it mean to “vote correctly” in these trying times?

I get your opinion on this, but you’re not a landowner- you know as well as I do that all residents are not equal.

If I recall, WY was recently trying to back door some of these in already. It’s coming.
We'll see won't we? Wishful thinking on your part that "it's coming". I know that would 100% be what you prefer for your own self interest. You're a big part of the reason why I want 90-10.

I'm pretty confident in the people that show up for issues like this.
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