Screwing over the Non-resident (or not)?

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I thought you said I lose...every...single...time?

You sound confused.

I am not confused at all. Greed knows no bounds.
You will fight till you have every single tag. Then you fight amongst yourself on who gets what.
You’re a perfect example of why it will happen all it will take is one to do it and then greedy pricks like you will jump on the bandwagon
Dang. All of your name calling and anger prove you likely need to make some changes in your life. Everyone else here seems to be having adult conversations, even when we don’t agree.
I left for 5 pages and imagine that, its still the exact same argument and fight on page 21 as it was since about page 3.

Have you learned anything new yet @Big Fin from 21 pages that you didn't already know from the hundreds of pages prior on this topic?
That will be a battle landowner tags are one thing transferable landowner tags are a no go

That’s your opinion, you’re certainly entitled to that as a resident.

But not all residents are created equal, as you very well know:)
Oregon 97-3 on antelope/bear and 95-5 on elk/deerz
Yes, though in many areas it's gone downhill quality-wise -- many antlerless tag hunts have disappeared, and branch bull tags are restricted in several units ( to fewer than 50 for rifle) so both Res and NRs throwing away money at applications year in year out. I'm one of them.
90/10 won’t satisfy the greed, after that it will 95/5 and so on……
I agree residents should get a significant benefit. They should also pay in accordance to that benefit.
Let them pay for the administration of the lands their animals inhabit as well

Think you need to re-watch this part of the video - anyone living in the west typically takes a paycut and has a relatively higher cost of living to live there.
Dang. All of you name calling and anger prove you likely need to make some changes in your life. Everyone else here seems to be having adult conversations, even when we don’t agree.

Maybe you should read back a little
The context of “ greedy prick” came from your compadre Buzz.
He had a good time calling all the AZ residents greedy pricks…. Context matters. I am just reminding him what a hypocrite he is.

I have a fantastic life, blessed beyond measure. That doesn’t mean I should except a bad deal and not call out a trend that will be part of the ruination of hunting in NA?
I respectfully disagree. Through 4 years of CPW Roundtable meetings I attended and current meetings to revamp big game draw, CPW constantly noted that all their hunter surveys found a large majority preferred some form of point system. It provides some predictability in draws, and offers eventual access to units that hunt better than OTC. If recommendations of the current draw revision working group are honored, expect to see some mix of preference points and hybrid draw for high demand units starting in 2025, and not because it benefits CPW.
CPW has said that they raise more money with pref points, and continued "buy-in" to the system at commission meetings.

I'm saying tongue in check that pref points don't benefit NR, or really anyone. The "predictability" is an illusion due to creep (except for low point units 1-3).

None of this is a counter to your statement, I'm just clarifying my point. I think what you wrote is 100% accurate.

Did anyone, to your knowledge, point blank ask CPW about going NM, ID, or AK style straight draw?

Think you need to re-watch this part of the video - anyone living in the west typically takes a paycut and has a relatively higher cost of living to live there.

If they don’t like it, they should move. Isn’t that the standard come back for HT when a NR voices a complaint
Maybe you should read back a little
The context of “ greedy prick” came from your compadre Buzz.
He had a good time calling all the AZ residents greedy pricks…. Context matters. I am just reminding him what a hypocrite he is.

I have a fantastic life, blessed beyond measure. That doesn’t mean I should except a bad deal and not call out a trend that will be part of the ruination of hunting in NA?
Ok. I am happy to hear things are going well for you and your family. I hope you have a blessed day and join the conversation in a more positive way. Take care.
You realize that the only reason that most western states offer any NR tags whatsoever is for the money, right?

It’s not like they’re doing it to be nice/fair (nor should they worry about that).
Pretty sure they could cut the allocation in half and double the price and sell them just as fast. There's a lot of people with a lot of money out there and others with lots of credit cards. I don't like it any more than the next guy. But thats the way it is. Competing with stupid people isn't always fun.
That’s your opinion, you’re certainly entitled to that as a resident.

But not all residents are created equal, as you very well know:)
A majority will be against transferable landowner tags. You can keep wishing but a outfitter draw is much more likely.
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