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Screwing over the Non-resident (or not)?

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Right because in Wyoming, your favorite state to complain about, we "only" allow NR's to get over 50% of pronghorn tags, apply for any leftovers for deer, elk and pronghorn, 13.5K elk tags, and quotas that exceed 20% in the general NR deer Regions.

If that's not enough NR access to our wildife, I would suggest looking elsewhere and find a better state to complain about...if only obviously.

No Blow hard Buzz. I don’t complain about current allocations. If take a minute an stop patting your back. You’d see I complain out WY moving in the wrong direction. Like your greedy mantra of “ if we can’t be them join them”
The idea that states like Wyoming ( and three others) that have ample populations of wildlife and ample tags available for all their residents should be moving towards restricting NR allocations even more… is just greed. Like you have shown, if the shoe fits steal it
Just have to figure out the huge budget issues that causes in some states, but yeah- nothing stopping states from doing that.
It’s not as much an issue in a good economy as it will be during a recession.

Most states aren’t charging residents enough for tags too. I can buy a Sportsman’s package for $124 and can fish or hunt all OTC tags in the state. IDFG should raise prices so this discounted package is $300.
No Blow hard Buzz. I don’t complain about current allocations. If take a minute an stop patting your back. You’d see I complain out WY moving in the wrong direction. Like your greedy mantra of “ if we can’t be them join them”
The idea that states like Wyoming ( and three others) that have ample populations of wildlife and ample tags available for all their residents should be moving towards restricting NR allocations even more… is just greed. Like you have shown, if the shoe fits steal it
Yes, actually you do, you've spent countless posts, high pitch whining.

Residents here want 90-10 for LQ elk, deer, and pronghorn. Frankly, I would rather see a 12 year old Resident hunting the better areas than a NR...every....single...time.
I guess I am clueless. 90/10. Every state, every species. Easy solution. There should be a significant benefit to being a resident.

90/10 won’t satisfy the greed, after that it will 95/5 and so on……
I agree residents should get a significant benefit. They should also pay in accordance to that benefit.
Let them pay for the administration of the lands their animals inhabit as well
Yes, actually you do, you've spent countless posts, high pitch whining.

Residents here want 90-10 for LQ elk, deer, and pronghorn. Frankly, I would rather see a 12 year old Resident hunting the better areas than a NR...every....single...time.

Good thing most of, well some ass kissers might, don’t give two shits what you want …every single time
90/10 won’t satisfy the greed, after that it will 95/5 and so on……
I agree residents should get a significant benefit. They should also pay in accordance to that benefit.
Let them pay for the administration of the lands their animals inhabit as well
Prove your whining...specifically what states have dropped their allocations from 90-10 to 95-5 in the last 20 years.
Good thing most of, well some ass kissers might, don’t give two shits what you want …every single time
Right, that's why 90-10 passed for moose, sheep, goat, bison, and eventually grizzlies.

You'll see 90-10 for the rest as well.
Not sure, perhaps you’re right.

Don’t forget to consider the wants of the landowners and outfitters… all residents are not created equal, after all.
If it were up to outfitters, the special fee for everything would be significantly more than it is now, even with the recent fee increases. They would also rather that 100% of the tags were at the special fee and completely get rid of the regular fee.

They've tried it several case you weren't aware.
Prove your whining...specifically what states have dropped their allocations from 90-10 to 95-5 in the last 20 years.

You’re a perfect example of why it will happen all it will take is one to do it and then greedy pricks like you will jump on the bandwagon
CPW staffers have said as much in their meetings. The whole point of the point system is to generate revenue not to benefit the consumer in any way.
I respectfully disagree. Through 4 years of CPW Roundtable meetings I attended and current meetings to revamp big game draw, CPW constantly noted that all their hunter surveys found a large majority preferred some form of point system. It provides some predictability in draws, and offers eventual access to units that hunt better than OTC. If recommendations of the current draw revision working group are honored, expect to see some mix of preference points and hybrid draw for high demand units starting in 2025, and not because it benefits CPW.
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