Caribou Gear Tarp

Scariest moment afield


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2003
Frigid Ohio
Just for fun. What has been something that happened to you in the field that nearly made you need to change your drawers? Could be just something unexpected, or a real threat. Let's see who will admit they almost lost it !
I walked out of the bar in Crown King one night headed to the out house and walked straight into a black bear. I don't know who was more scared me or the bear but we both went in diferent directions at a high rate of speed.
Two summers ago I headed out in the Atlantic in my 23ft boat. When I entered the inlet leading me out of the bay and into the ocean I felt the temperature drop dramaticly about 10 degrees, that should have been my warning. I got about 10 miles of shore and started fishing, funny thing there was no other boats out there. I usually see 5-10 boats my size, and larger, this morning there were none. Me, not being the brightest bulb in the pack, instead of thinking this out, I am reveling in the fact that I got the spot all to myself.
I am sitting there fishing wondering just being fat, dumb, and happy when I notice the ghost ship, ( I used to have the pic in the trophy room but it got lost when they changed over) it wasn't that far off, it was just shrouded in fog. Still fat, dumb and happy I sit and fish, not noticing the sea is becoming rougher, what was 2-3 foot swells has now become 4-5, and the fog is getting thicker. I decide its time to head in, and find that I cannot see the shore, no problem, compass, and GPS. I lock on the red track line that brought me out, and start chugging in. The sea is getting rougher so any kind of speed is out of the question, just beat me, and the boat up. I am running about 5knots the fog is really getting heavy, I can't see much past the bow of the boat. Keep her on the red line and just chug, I keep telling myself. Over the VHF, I hear a couple faint Maydays, and the Coast Guard answering them. Apparently they are lost in the fog. After an hour and a half of chugging the Seas are now about 6ft and the NanSea Ann seems like she is standing on the transom crawling up the side of the waves. I am about 1/2 mile from the inlet, and I hear a big boat coming fast, real fast, but I cannot see it. Then it appears 20ft off the transom balls to the wall, with another boat behind it going just as fast. I bout shit myself. The first one was SeaTow, he must have had his Radar on and knew where I was, the second one was a dumby that just bought the boat,didn't know how to use the GPS, and the Coast Guard sent SeaTow to rescue him. Once we got in the bay, the weather was beautiful, the water was calm. The dumby in the other boat stopped, I stopped to ask what the F that was all about, and thats when he told me about just buying the boat.
In 2004 I hunted a new area with some friends. We took horses in a few miles into the uintas. Opening morning I headed off on my own along a prominent north to south ridge near camp. The fog rolled in and I kept hiking. When the for lifted I was lost and spent the next 5 hours hiking farther away. I finally hiked a large peak and got radio contact with my camp and they brought me a horse to ride out. When the fog rolled in I had taken a side-ridge to the east thinking I was still on the main ridge and therefore my sense of direction was twisted 90 degrees the rest of the day. I was pretty worried for a while. I could have made it out alone, but it would have been days and my wife would have killed me anyway.

The next week I bought a GPS unit and a nice compass.

1st Story: I got stationed at Camp Lejeune right after Desert Storm. The place is crawling with deer!

My hunting buddy (my old CO) and I went into an area well before dawn and split up to meet later. I picked a pine along a shallow drainage and started screwing in steps to hang my stand. Got about 15' up and there were some big limbs, so I hung the stand at that point. All set.

Sat there for maybe 20 min waiting for dawn. All comfy and calm. Chirp chirp, cricket cricket, buzz buz all is good.

Just as the sun cracked the horizon all HELL broke loose right on top of my head ! Whomp Whomp Whomp !! Fuwap Fuwap ! I felt the rush of air right on the top of my head and down the back of my neck!!!! Thank God I had the safety harness tight, cuz I nearly jumped right off the stand trying to duck whatever the hell was attacking me !!!

Turns out I had climbed right up on a turkey roosting in the tree! Lord only knows why it let me get within a couple of feet and sit there so long before it flew off the roost.

Scared the be-geezes out of me !
D@mn Dink ! That could have had some serious repro. You would have thunk that an old timer would known to go afield better prepared than that ! Don't know how you made it out alive !!!!!