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RFKJr on Meateater

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He knows the covid shots and most vaccines are a money laundering scam that harm some people permanently!!!! He knows the CIA killed his dad and uncle! I like that but he is an east coast liberal who supports gun control and abortion perversion and every other Marxist idea that has failed everywhere throughout history and led to disaster.

Anybody who has the guts to speak out against the CIA /covid/ pharmaceutical/ vaccine demons gets my respect though
My main takeaways from Steve’s JFKjr podcast and then CNN’s debate was collectively that
-Biden has completely lost his mind to old age, should be in a nursing home and is therefore just as much a threat to our country as Trump. I feel duped and embarrassed by the powers that be!
-Trump is healthy, very angry and he still comes across like the self serving vindictive lier that I’ve always thought him to be.
-JFKjr is very intelligent and well spoken. He has 5x’s the life-experience of any living US politician. Unlike a politician he’s spent a career putting his money where his mouth is by protecting the outdoor places that we love. He’s also the first presidential candidate (since Theodore Roosevelt) to genuinely be a passionate outdoorsman. Interestingly, Theodore Roosevelt and his bull moose party were also third party outsiders that broke monopolies and corporate governance. Roosevelt and the bull moose party were also derided by their detractors for being too leftist, liberal. But, Roosevelt and his Bull Moose Party won and where would us sportsmen be today if he hadn’t? We’d be without a National Forest to recreate on for one…
I don't think he actually supports gun control, at least not like most of the ruling class of Dems do.
Like for example, almost all the kids have been on SSRIs, which have a Black Box warning that use in adolescents may cause problems. And the last few have been on cross-sex hormones.

No idea if these things are causal or not, but again, the head in sand approach is not working.
I like the settings feature where you can speed up the pace 1.25, 1.5x I can listen to a lot of these interviews faster. If something other than fluff comes up then slow it down and listen.
That is nice to be able to do.
RFK Jr will get more votes if he is the Democrat nominee. Leap frogging Kamala will be his biggest hurdle.

" "Of course I would talk to them. It would put me on the ballot with nobody trying to get me off," Kennedy responded, adding that he believes the Democratic National Committee would otherwise try to get him removed from the ballot in states across the country."
RFK Jr will get more votes if he is the Democrat nominee. Leap frogging Kamala will be his biggest hurdle.

" "Of course I would talk to them. It would put me on the ballot with nobody trying to get me off," Kennedy responded, adding that he believes the Democratic National Committee would otherwise try to get him removed from the ballot in states across the country."

I'd vote for him on the Dem ticket.. Fat chance i'm voting for anyone else on it.
I could see rfkjr getting 15% of the votes. It would be exciting to see him draw more than that
Want to put a bet on this?

He is currently polling at 8.5% and hasn't been above 15% since October of 2023 (Source: The Hill)

I doubt he climbs any higher and will probably sink in the polls as the election gets closer
really? The rest of us have been watching him die in slow motion from dementia for a few years now.
Yes definitely duped. That’s not a strong enough word. Based on the news that was apparently misleading me, Biden was just a bit slower and older than Trump. After watching him and listening to him for two uninterrupted hours he seems very close to vegetable status. Within the first 10 minutes of Meateaters podcast, Kennedy pointed out that one of the biggest hurdles this country needs to overcome/address is how computer algorithms of news sources cause ‘toxic polarization’ in our country by feeding neighbors completely different biases based on their clicks/searches to the point that neighbors often have completely different world views and concerns-when they should not
really? The rest of us have been watching him die in slow motion from dementia for a few years now.
Also duped that the Democratic Party would put so much effort into polishing a turd rather putting that same effort into replacing him with someone that has a functioning mind… but Biden might be the perfect candidate for the powers that be…he signs what he’s told to sign then forgets about it by the next day.
Got me. It was deep into the podcast. 1:30?

He wants to connect all the power grids together as one cohesive unit, eliminate power subsidies and let capitalism decide what power source type is proper for each location.
And that’s extremely supported everywhere by everyone. Bipartisan vote 100% yea.
He'll never get the nod from the Dems; wants to break up the Corporation/Government/Federal Agency complex, more important now since Chevron. Since that is the lifeblood of mainstream politicians, no way is a major political party going that direction.

Look at DeSantis; he ran on, among other things, against CDC and FDA collusion with Big Pharm and MSM/Gov censorship, and Fox and most other conservative media ignored him. That's in large part how we wound up with DJT (lawfare, of course, played a role).
He'll never get the nod from the Dems; wants to break up the Corporation/Government/Federal Agency complex, more important now since Chevron. Since that is the lifeblood of mainstream politicians, no way is a major political party going that direction.

Look at DeSantis; he ran on, among other things, against CDC and FDA collusion with Big Pharm and MSM/Gov censorship, and Fox and most other conservative media ignored him. That's in large part how we wound up with DJT (lawfare, of course, played a role).
Jr's already on the ballot in a number of states, and Joe will not be the nominee. Dems just want to win. Going to be an interesting July.
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