Caribou Gear

Resident vs. Non-Resident Hunting Costs

Doesn't all of this sort of prove the theory of supply and demand. Thoses states with desireable species can charge more for their tags because there is a pool of willing payers?

Hey Del,

Can you loosen up the Edit time limit, just for me? Then when I get it all formatted, and a bit of analysis, I will put it in the first post on the thread.

I think it will be fine for just me to have the special privleges....
Well said Nemont. Hey, I drove by your place last weekend, man was I ever glad to get back to the woods and mountains of home after that trip.
Ten Bears,

Well if you were in a hurry to get back to the woods and mountains you just can't appreciate a different kind of beauty.

I hope everybody feels just like you do. The mountains are nice but the praries have a lot more variety. Heat, cold, mosqitoes, west nile virus, low wages it is a virtual paradise. Then September rolls around and remember why I live here.

Hunting$12.50 No distinction for deer, hogs, etc.

Sportsmans license $67.50 includes all permits and freshwater fishing.
Hunters/fishermen 65 years of age are exempt from having to have a license.

Annual hunting $151.50
10-day hunting $46.50
Georgia residents 65years of age who hold a Georgia Honorary Hunting and Fishing Certificate are also exempt from holding a license. Reciprical agreement between the two states.

Having given all this information, Why the h--- would any out of stater want to come to Florida to hunt if he had another option???
PA Resident:

Adult Hunting (includes 1 buck w/firearm): $20
Bear Tag: $16
Elk Appl Fee: $10
Elk Tag: (if you draw) $25
Doe Tag: $6

Non Res:

Adult Hunting: (includes 1 buck w/firearm) $101
Bear Tag: $36
Elk Appl Fee: $10
Elk Tag: (if you draw) $250
Doe Tag: $26

If you want to archery hunt, Res Lic is $16, Non Res is $26. If you want to hunt w/muzzleloader, Res Lic is $11, Non Res is $21.
August 9 Update

Resident Hunting = $11.50
Resident Deer Tag = $18
Resident Elk Tag = $28.50
Controlled Hunt App = $6.50 (only if not going OTC)

Non-Resident Hunting = $128.50
Non-Resident Deer Tag = $235.00
Non-Resident Elk Tag = $338.50
Controlled Hunt App = $6.50 (only if not going OTC)


Resident Hunting = $25.50
Resident Deer Tag = $22.50
Resident Elk Tag = $76.50
Controlled Hunt App = $ (only if not going OTC)

Non-Resident Hunting = $113.50
Non-Resident Deer Tag = $113.50.
Non-Resident Elk Tag = $371.50
Controlled Hunt App = $------- (only if not going OTC)


Resident Hunting = $19.00
Resident Deer Tag = $24.00
Resident Elk Tag = $????

Non-Resident Hunting License $ 125.00
Non Resident Deer Tag = $24.00
Resident Elk Tag = $????



Resident deer: $20.25
Resident elk: $30.25
App fee for limited licenses: $3.00

Non-resident deer: $295.25
Non-resident cow elk: $250.25
Non-resident bull elk: $490.25
App fee for limited licenses: $3.00



Resident Hunting License $6.00
Resident Deer $13
Resident Elk-$16

Hunting Conservation License-$6.00
Non-Resident Elk-$590 gen/
Non-Resident Deer-$340 gen/
Non-Resident Elk $877 outfitter subsidized
Non-Resident Deer $777 outfitter subsidized



Resident Hunting $24

Non Resident Hunting $130
No tags required…..


Resident License $15
Resident Deer tag $25
Resident Elk tag $10 if drawn

Non-resident License$115
Non-resident Deer tag $25
Non-resident Elk tag $10 if drawn


Resident Deer: $39.42
Resident Elk: $39.42

Non-Resident Deer: $394.20
Non-Resident Elk: $394.20


Special Permit application:
(per species)

Resident: $5.48
Non-resident $54.75



Resident License $14
Resident Deer Tag $_______

Non Resident License $67.00
Non Resident Deer Tag $_______



Resident Hunting $27.50
Deer lottery special hunts $5.00
Doe stamp $5.00

Non-resident hunting $99.50
plus all of the above wanted stamps


New Mexico

Resident deer over the counter $26
Elk Resident antlerless $46
Elk Resident Bull or either sex S $69

Non resident deer OTC $190
Elk Non-Resident antlerless $291
Elk Non-Resident Bull or ES $481



Resident Hunting $25
Resident Deer: Free
Resident Elk: Free
Resident Moose: Free

Non-Resident Hunting: $85
Non-Resident Deer: $150
Non-Resident Elk: $300
Non-Resident Moose: $400



Resident Deer $30
Resident Elk $120

Non-Resident Deer $240
Non-Resident Elk $1200

DEER Resident $30
DEER Nonresident $260

ELK Resident $42
ELK Nonresident $480


Resident Hunting License $32.80
Resident Deer Tag $20.75
Resident Elk Tag, $298.75

Non-Resident Hunting License $113.95
Non-Resident Deer Tag $191.65
Non-Resident Elk Tag $None Available?



Resident Hunting License $12.50
Resident Deer Tag Free

Non-Resident Hunting License $151.50
Non-Resident Deer Tag Free



Resident Hunting License: $20
Resident Buck Tag (in license)
Resident Elk Tag $25
Resident Doe Tag $6

Non Resident:
Non-Resident Hunting: (includes 1 buck w/firearm) $101
Non-Resident Deer Tag (in license)
Non-Resident Elk Tag: $250
Non-Resident Doe Tag: $26


States still missing???

Out West, Oregon and Utah.

Any other Elk/Deer states worth mentioning? What about Canada??? Where’s Texas?

What about them mid-west states???
Well, here's Oregons...

Hunting Licenses
Resident / Nonresident
$22.50 $76.50
Tags and Permits
Resident / Nonresident
Antelope Tag $36.50 $277.50
Bear Tag $11.50 $151.50
Bighorn Sheep Tag $101.00 $1,083.50
Cougar Tag $11.50 $151.50
Deer Tag $19.50 $264.50
Elk Tag $34.50 $361.50
Rocky Mountain Goat Tag $101.50 $1,083.50
Turkey Tag $18.00 $64.00
Mt Deer "B" licence for extra over the counter White tail antlerless
Resident $8 Non Resident $75

This MT FWP is proposing raising all tag costs.

August 18, 2004

Plan would boost game license fees
Gazette Outdoor Editor

Montana resident hunters and fishermen could be seeing license increases that average 33 percent over current rates under a proposal released Tuesday by Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks.

That proposal, when it's fine-tuned, will go to the 2005 Montana Legislature. If it's passed, the license increases would go into effect March 1, 2006.

Here are some of the proposed increases:

Resident adult fishing license: $13 now to $20.
Resident adult elk: $16 to $25.
Resident adult deer: $13 to $20.
Resident sportsman (conservation, fishing, elk, deer and bird): $56.25 to $75.
Resident youth fishing: $6.50 to $10.
Resident youth, senior, disabled deer: $6.50 to $8.

"It's the first general license increases for residents since the 1991 Legislature considered them. Those fees went in place in 1994," said Ron Aasheim, information chief for FWP in Helena.

"The dilemma we're facing is that we either cut programs or we need additional revenue. That's the bottom line. This proposal anticipates 4 percent growth, which is about what we've been running for the past four years and inflation," he said.

Nonresident fee increases were approved by the 2001 Legislature and helped delay a fee increase for residents. But FWP estimates that by 2009, there will be a $3 million shortfall in funding the existing programs. By 2011, the shortfall would be $14.5 million.

Aasheim said FWP is only trying to cover existing programs and the effect of population increases and inflation.

"What I don't want to do is give the impression that that this is going to involve a lot of agency growth. It isn't," he said. "This will maintain the status quo, with inflation."

Aasheim said department revenue from licenses amounts to $40 million. Of that total, $12 million is from resident licenses. The new resident fees would add $4 million.

Aasheim said that while 33 percent is the average increase, it's not 33 percent for each of the licenses. There was an effort to hold down license costs for youths, seniors and those who buy "package" sportsmen's licenses. And some adult resident licenses increased by more than 33 percent.

"We put in some discounts for package licenses and some pretty significant discounts for youths," he said. "We don't want the cost to be prohibitive for families to go out together and if you have several young hunters in the family, we want to make it affordable for those families to buy licenses.

"For example, one of the best deals is the youth sportsman license, where a youth can hunt everything and fish for $30 until the age of 17," he said. "That's a $45 savings off an adult sportsman's license. Kids who are 12 to 14 can hunt elk for $10 and hunt deer for $8.

"We're trying to keep families hunting together and prevent financial barriers to kids, parents and grandparents," Aasheim said. "It's a family sport. It's part of our tradition. That's a conscious decision. The (FWP) commission was very insistent on that."

There's also a break for adults buying sportsman's licenses. The sportsman's license - which includes conservation, fishing, elk, deer, upland bird - goes up from $56.26 to $75, and the sportsman's license with a bear license goes from $66.25 to $95. Both are $18 less than if a person bought the licenses separately.

Jeff Hagener, FWP director, said the department hasn't identified which programs would be reduced if a fee increase failed. He said the cuts could be in law enforcement, fish and wildlife surveys, hunting and fishing access programs, hatchery fish stocking, FWP lands maintenance or information and education activities.

If the increases pass, he said the department would allow FWP to continue access programs, enhancing fish and wildlife habitat on public and private lands, increased walleye stocking to 50 million fish a year, continuing to stock 5 to 7 million trout and salmon each year, developing more community fishing ponds, increasing private landowner assistance with wildlife conflicts and increasing law enforcement and fish and wildlife education in schools.

"State law does not allow FWP to spend more than it generates," Hagener said. "State taxes do not support FWP. Montana's fish and wildlife management programs are supported primarily by hunting and fishing license fees, so right now, license fees or program cuts are the obvious places to look to reverse the trend (of shortfalls)."

Public meetings will be scheduled in the fall for people to comment on the proposal. More information is available at

"We want to hear what the rank-and-file sportsman has to say about it," Aasheim said. "This is only a proposal. We're saying if we want to be solvent with existing programs and growth amounting to 4 percent including inflation through 2011, this is what we need. We want to hear what the public has to say and what the public thinks."
The amounts shown in that chart are incorrect for Idaho. It costs a resident:
$28.50 to hunt elk
$18.00 to hunt deer
$28.50 to hunt antelope
+$11.50 for the hunting license you need to purchase any tag in the first place.
Sorry Gunner, I see lots of replies. Still can't see the point??? I'm a newbie, so please bear with me. Is the point of this thread, the difference between resident/non-resident fees? Where ya goin with this?

This topic is right up your ally gunner, and you can't even answer it?
What gives, cat got your tounge?
I see you kinda stopped posting, getting tired of not doing what you accuse and constantly hammer on others for?
Double standards just don't work no matter where you live... Well unless of course your some where Aristocracy thrives...
But your not... ;)
Hey I like the IDEA of a comparison of Res and Non Res Prices but I'd also like to se Draw (lottery) or non draw comparisons for res and no res tags. In Az every big game tag EXCEPT archery deer is a draw res or not. what about your state???
you didnt add the "HD or Q" tag price for NM, its about 800$ for elk

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