Resident Fees for Western States

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Always a big hulabaloo when states talk about raising fees. My home state of MT is the lowest of all resident fees. We do not have a required license purchase, only an $8 Conservation license.

Yet, even though we have the longest seasons, with no "pick your weapon" requirements, any whisper of a resident fee increase brings the complainers out of the woodwork.


Thanks for the comparison but I don't see the complainers coming out of the wood work as you discribe, most of the guys I talk to realize they are getting a bargin and are receptive to an increase, The next few months or so we will see what is proposed but I think most Montana sportsmen do realize it our time to step up to the plate.
Howler - I am glad to hear that. Our local club sent out a survey to members. Lots of complaints from guys I thought would support a modest fee increase. And, the rationalizations used by some is amazing.

If other groups are not hearing that, maybe there is hope. Good news to hear.
You can't argue with those numbers. MT fees are a joke and those who deny it are out of touch and maybe a little greedy. :hump:
Very interesting to see how different states value the opportunity to hunt different species. And the statistician in me wonders what's going on in California, Nevada, and South Dakota to skew the average elk price tag so badly.
What is UGB?

Deer/elk tags are free in Alaska, as is everything else except griz in certain areas and musk ox.

A hunting license is required for all hunting @ $25/year.

Its a joke IMO to give permits away to residents. The F&G has so little money, some parts of the state haven't had game surveys done in decades. Not enough money for reserch or managment. Luckily we get a ton of federal funding.
Every year I get to sit down with the accountant and get an earfull of how I need to raise my prices each year to keep up with inflation and the increases for my basic supplies (fuel, wages, equipment ect..)

If the advice I'm being given is to help me stay afloat and create a business that will be around in the future then I've got to assume the same ideals and principles should apply to the business of managing wildlife.

If Montana hasn't had a fee increase in years then they are losing money. Period. They have with just their equipment the same increases with fuel, wages and equipment purchases that I do. This isn't even thinking about funding for Block Management and all the other projects.

For someone to complain is just greed and ignorance. There isn't a single thing we pay for to survive that hasn't increased in the last year or two. It's just the facts of life and the only way for a business to survive.
I haven't raised my rates in 3 years! Nobody is knocking down my door to give me work. Still I feel we have it really good here. I'd pay more, even if it means no supper tonight.:W:
I haven't raised my rates in 3 years! Nobody is knocking down my door to give me work. Still I feel we have it really good here. I'd pay more, even if it means no supper tonight.:W:

I hear ya SS. I haven't always taken the advice given. I'm afraid I'll lose the business if I do on some of them. But even I realize that by not raising my rates I am losing money each year.:(
Just for fun I looked up MN fees.

Elk - MN Res - $250.00 once in a lifetime - 1 - 2 hunters per license
Moose - MN - Res $310 once in a lifetime - 2-4 hunters per license
Deer - MN Res - $26 (might be $30 this yr) - NR - $140 bow, $141, gun
MN Bear - MN Res - $38, NR - $200
UGH - MN Res - $19.00 plus $7.50 pheasant stamp - NR - $84.50 plus $7.50 pheasant stamp
Me personally, I don't mind modest increase in resident fees, but I believe South Dakota has to inexpensive of deer license fee for NR. I believe it should be increased a bit more at least for a deer license portion for a NR
I would have no problem paying double what we do now, but I am sure you are right that a proposal like that would not go over well with a majority of Montana hunters. I recall the last time they had a minimal raise in resident fees there was a huge outcry and I would expect the same this time as well.
I'll tell you on CA elk tags, there are more Moose tags in Wyoming than Elk tags in CA.
Not sure on SD. So those tag prices are a result of limited supply and skew the average unfairly. I think a weighted average looking at total tags issued x tag price is a better way to truly compare states.
Thanks and a big no thanks for posting that! ;) Reason for the 'no thanks' is that it depresses me. I don't make a bad living and would make the same I do in any of those states as I make here, yet IN is where I'm at. :( Sometimes being a responsible husband doesn't seem like its as cracked up to be as it should...
$20 for an elk tag...$16 for deer!? That is ridiculously cheap! I need to move out there..
I wouldn't mind an increase. A couple $ increase could add a good amount of money to be put to good use and wouldn't make a difference to my wallet. This difference for your resident tags is even more negligible if you hunt out of state as well and have to pay the much higher nonresident fees there. A couple extra bucks shouldn't be worth complaining about.
I would support a price hike...I'd probably grumble about a quick jump to doubling them but I could swallow a gradual increase.

Plain and simple...I can't afford not to hunt!