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Republican or democrat?

In answer to the question, the Duck Dynasty folks are obviously Republican. They have a multi-million dollar, family owned business, and are hunters and gun owners who reside in Louisianna! Everyone knows that they are true Southern Rednecks, and that automatically means Republican.

Lincoln was also Republican. Grant was also Republican.

Now on the other hand George Wallace was Democrat.

Southerners switched to Republican for the same reason Mormons switched.

Democratic support for civil rights. Democratic support for abortion. Democratic support for the ERA Amendment. This support alienated people of traditional values and faith.

Reagan closed the deal and now simple minded folk think the Republican Party always represented their values.
Beautiful, smart, and accomplished...


HarrisFaulkner has received six Emmy Awards including the 2004 Emmy for Best Newscaster and Best News Special. In 1998 she received the Amelia Earhart Pioneering Lifetime Achievement Award for her humanitarian efforts.

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Kim Kardashian in ten years.

I ain't skeered for a couple of reasons. 1. If I had the 'swag' that Kanye has, it would be a FUN 10 years. 2. By then a government grant from the current administration would have funded a 'Doc Brown' and the flux-capacitor would have been invented allowing time travel, assuming I can get my Delorian up to 88mph.
People tend to forget that the GOP was also the party that supported and passed the first civil rights laws while a Democrat (JFK) was in office. They also forget what LBJ said about his civil rights bills and how it would make the n words vote Dem.

Why do people from areas where there are so few black people fail to understand that in other parts of the country, it doesn't always imply a racist comment to stipulate the difference between black and white? After all, blacks refer to us as whitey, or "the man", and many other names that are much more racist than any terms I've ever used on this site. Hell, I even refer to my step-daughter's husband and kids as my black step-son in law and step-great grands, and she and he aren't as insulted as some of you insinuate that you are. I have all ideas, that some of you may just "protesteth too much". Besides, if y'all like those plastic faces and bodies, hell go for it! I happen to prefer a female that's real, and doesn't sell herself out to any athlete for the money and exposure.
Let's all play - IS IT RACIST?

Every time he posts just respond with a simple yes or no.
Every thread every post, forever.
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Elkmagnet, I guess people's hatred and disdain for thoughts and ideas that don't align with their personal opinions have that option. I suppose you are perfect and have no prejudices or dislikes of anyone, other than Southerners who actually live and work in areas where we are outnumbered 9-1 and witness the truths of black racism against white folks on a daily basis. People like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Obama and Holder are much more racist than what you perceive me to be. Would you care to have some of my black friends, past employees, and associates fill you in on just how much of a racist I am? Or perhaps the two old black women who I provide venison to, because their own families won't help them out! I will say that if the fact that I despise illegals, Muslim terrorists, and low life white trash welfare recipients is racist, then I absolutely am a racist with a capital R! Just as much as most blacks of my generation are opposed to inter-racial marriage and dating, I too am opposed to it........mainly because of how the kids are treated by not being accepted by either race. Which is exactly the same reason I oppose gay marriage and gay's raising children.
Just as much as most blacks of my generation are opposed to inter-racial marriage and dating, I too am opposed to it........mainly because of how the kids are treated by not being accepted by either race. Which is exactly the same reason I oppose gay marriage and gay's raising children.

And right there is why the Republican party is in the shape it is today. Real Conservatives want less government intervention into people's lives including their bedrooms. Social issues will never carry the day for Republicans because they are almost always on the wrong side of them.

Elkmagnet, I guess people's hatred and disdain for thoughts and ideas that don't align with their personal opinions have that option. I suppose you are perfect and have no prejudices or dislikes of anyone, other than Southerners who actually live and work in areas where we are outnumbered 9-1 and witness the truths of black racism against white folks on a daily basis. People like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Obama and Holder are much more racist than what you perceive me to be. Would you care to have some of my black friends, past employees, and associates fill you in on just how much of a racist I am? Or perhaps the two old black women who I provide venison to, because their own families won't help them out! I will say that if the fact that I despise illegals, Muslim terrorists, and low life white trash welfare recipients is racist, then I absolutely am a racist with a capital R! Just as much as most blacks of my generation are opposed to inter-racial marriage and dating, I too am opposed to it........mainly because of how the kids are treated by not being accepted by either race. Which is exactly the same reason I oppose gay marriage and gay's raising children.
I'm not sure why you named me:confused:
Im going to give him the benefit of the doubt. Using the small body of work I have to go with-

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