Republican or democrat?

Let's all play - IS IT RACIST?

Every time he posts just respond with a simple yes or no.
Every thread every post, forever.
...and that, gentlemen, is how a perfectly good natured wimmens w/pictures thread is reduced to argumentum ad absurdum.

...well that and a pic of Rosie.:rolleyes::eek:
Rhomas - You wonder why people are left with the impression that you have some issues with race, I provide the example below.

.......they don't have enough brain cells between all of them to know how to vote!!!!! They probably go to the polls with their black basketball baby daddies, so they can be told the difference between a D and an R on the ballot!!!!!!!

It wasn't good enough to say "basketball daddies." You are making some negative comment about these women and it seems, whether correct or incorrect, that you saw more negative effect in adding the word "black" to the comment as you refer to their relationship with black men.

Who gives a crap if they have a relationship with black men, white men, purple men, red women, or whatever? Makes no difference to me and most who post here. Seems it makes a difference to you.

When I read your posts that make these kind of references, I am left with the impression that you do have some race issues that you feel strongly about. Free country. You are entitled to have those feelings.

I own this forum, and if I find that you want to voice those tendencies here, and continue to do so in a way that most would take as being racial, then you will get your chance to post those comments elsewhere. It is left to my interpretation as to whether or not your comment might have racial connotations.

I will tell you that the quote you mentioned above comes across to me as being racist. You can disagree all you want. I have no use for it here, the same as I had no use for the porn when I got rid of that.

You can cite all you want of supposed black on white racism. Exemplifying white on black racism does nothing to improve the situation. Your beliefs, whether you want to call them conservative, or whatever, come across as bigotted, whether you intend them to come across that way, or not.

You are more than welcome to post here; expressing opinions that you may hold; expressing opinions you feel strongly about; expressing opinions that might be in the minority. Just understand that if you continue to make posts that come across as being derogatory to any race, it will not be tolerated.

Carry on ........
I will tell you that the quote you mentioned above comes across to me as being racist. You can disagree all you want. I have no use for it here, the same as I had no use for the porn when I got rid of that..

If we get rid of the racist commentary, can we have the porn back again? :D

Just trying to be helpful, as usual.
You clearly have a trophy wife if she will also clean your drawers.
Well, sorta, kinda... I got her through a mail order (for those that have been here a LONG time)! ;) But she still makes me cook, warsh (yes I meant that) dishes, and do laundry. So maybe I'm really the "trophy".
To Big Fin- I hope the pics I posted are considered porn. At least for the last one, I had too look for a long time to find one that I didn't consider porn! :D
I try and take a look at the "big picture". It is so easy to get caught up in the "fluff" today and get distracted and loose sight of the 'big picture". In fact, politicians and animal rights extremists use this tactic of distraction on purpose.... I could use example after but that would take this topic of course.
When I look at the "big picture" I use the Constitution and our original laws as a baseline. Liberals scream that the Constitution is old and outdated, but only when it suits their political purpose. It is the Constitution that gave America it's rise to greatness and gave us individuals our freedoms, our lifestyle and our wildlife management that is the envy of the world.
Now, keeping the above comments in mind:
Which political party has caved in to the radicals in our country? (be they animals rights extremists, environemntal extremists, or anti-gun rights extremists)
Which political party supports the taking away of individual rights? Even telling you what to eat, how much to eat, what to drive, and gives taxpayer money to businesses they support?
Which politcal party has gone over board with extreme environmental laws that have made more Americans unemployed and driven more American businesses out of business?
Which politcal party wants to take away your guns?
Which poilitcal party wants to remove scientific, fact driven wildlife management and replace it with radical, emotional based, animal rights logic? Forcing their lifestyles on all of us and removing the freedom of choice and the cultural diversity that has made America great.
Just my opinion and take on where America is headed but give it some thought,,, keeping the "big picture" in mind :)
Big Fin, it's your board, and as you state, you have the right to make the calls. I respect that, and will do my utmost to stay off of any topic that comes close to racial issues. Maybe, you could also demand some of that same point of view for those on here who constantly denigrate and put down Eastern and Southern posters? After all, their outright hatred goes far beyond any comments I've ever made about any race or ethnicity. It would only be fair, to eliminate any and all perceived prejudices, if you're going to target what you consider to be bigoted.

Thanks for your consideration!
I'm not sure the anti-east and anti-Texan rhetoric have reached the level of this gem.

Actually, our local Klan hasn't been active for over 40 years. Maybe I should try to reactivate the movement, only problem is my sheets are all RealTree and Mossy Oak, not a damn white sheet in the house!!!!!!!!!
BTW, I actually do hate all Muslims, spics, slopes, and foreigners, but have close friendships with a lot of black folks who agree with me about those athletes. I even know some black guys who fly the Stars and Bars, and they also have some of the best deer hounds in the damn state.